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What to do with extra Commissar minis?

Danny Cyanide

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Well, you can always give one a powerfist. I exchanged the pistol arm with one from the scion sprue (and replaced the sword with a pistol from the same sprue), which gives a bit of variety, pose-wise... you can also do head-swaps, or even a genderswap. Works pretty well with the plastic commissar, you just need a decent head, maybe slim down hands and feet a bit.

A completely different direction would be to build one as a command/commissar tank. just build the top half and stick it into a cupola.

Beyond that... things start getting more difficult. Maybe an Inquisitor or rogue trader? Or just sell the surplus on Ebay.

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I swapped sword and head to make a praetorian company commander. I still have 2 more I need to sort out...


Did they really need to put the commissar in both the AM and MT start collecting sets? Wouldn’t a command squad have made more sense for the AM set? They’re around the same price. (Grumble, grumble, grumble). I know, I know, it’s a marketing thing to push specific models and make you WANT to buy the individual boxes rather than the bargain sets. But still, It’s irksome.


<< rant terminated >>

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