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The finished Possessed is absolutely brilliant! How about painting some gloss varnish on his mouth area and maybe the other exposed fleshy parts? I think that could make him look even more disturbing.


In any case, keep up the fantastic work! :)

Thanks so much everyone.

ElDuderino, holy hell seems a pretty fitting exclamation when we're talking about demonic possession, so I'll take that as the highest of compliments! :D

KrautScientist, you could be on to something there, I'll have to experiment with that, thanks for the idea.

So I've not had a lot of time recently to hide away in the man cave, but I have made some progress on the terminator, and he has a friend now too!


The left torso has sat in my bits box for years - an attempt to make a cataphractii from chaos terminator bits, I never finished it at the time but thought it would come in handy at some point! Oddly enough it didn't sit quite right with my new cataphractii chaos legs, so out came another dark vengeance terminator and chosen model, and this is where things stand now.

I can't decide what to do with the left guy's legs - I can shave then down and go full cataphractii like his brother, but I'm oddly fond of him as he is now, so I may just trim off the remaining DA details and add some chaos detailing.

You can just about make out some candles I've sculpted on his back - the plan was that each terminator would have candles all over their back, making them literal altars of war. But they're such a pain to sculpt, so I may abandon that idea!

Looking good!


Before I read your concluding paragraphs I was wondering about the legs of the terminator on the left. They seem a bit thin compared to his buddy. I think either sculpting them into cataphractii or bulking them up with chaotic trim would both work.


As for the candles, how do you sculpt them? I've seen tutorials out there that involve cutting a short segment of plastic rod, using hot glue for the melting wax, and then sculpting a little green stuff flame. Seems like it wouldn't take that much time, of course at this scale it always does. :P

Oh man, I love what you've done with the torso pieces for those Terminators! The spiky crests are shaved down Blood Warrior shields/spiky fists, aren't they? Genius! :)


I think I'd keep the modern legs on the left guy, as he just works out really well that way. Some bulking out and/or detailing might be in order -- I doubt you can make them as big as the legs on the right guy, though, as those also seem to be significantly taller?! Anyway, I think the guy looks pretty great as is!

Thanks for the comments everyone!

So two mentions of the legs being a wee bit small, so they definitely need some attention, I'll take a look tonight and see what I can come up with.


Juggernaut, my method for making candles is super straight forward, probably quicker than anything involving hot glue and plastic rod. It's just a very fiddly scale to work at, so these sorts of details feel like they take an unjustifiable amount of time!

If you're interested, I just roughly shape a blob of putty, creating a few striations running down the sides and add an indentation to the top, then once dry I add a tiny blob of putty on top and tease it into a rough point. Once painted they look pretty convincing, you can see some on my dark apostle on page 1.


KrautScientist, you have an incredible eye for bits! I'm amazed you figured out where the crests come from. I bought the chaos half of the AoS starter set on a whim a while ago, so I'm constantly trying to find ways of using parts from those models.

The first terminator hasn't had the legs extended at all, but reposing them has added some height.

So I was planning on adding some bulk to terminator number 2's legs today, but instead I got a little distracted...


The dark vengeance terminator captain has a new torso front made from a helbrute shin guard and a helbrute head trimmed to fit. I'm toying with the idea of using the chosen axe, the pauldron is pretty much the same size as a standard terminator's so the arm shouldn't look too out of place with a little work.

Obviously super WIP, everything is held together with blu tac at this point. Most of the details on the legs can stay , as word bearers and dark angels have a surprising amount in common thematically - I'm even considering keeping the angel on the shin - any thoughts?

The terminators are just amazing. Your very unorthodox use of parts blows my mind a bit! The one based off the DA terminator sergeant in particular is very menacing. I’m not sure about the angel iconography. It screams DA to me, but that could also be because DA are my main army.

That Helbrute shin guard torso is genius, definitely going to try that out some day. As for the angel on the shin, maybe if you changed the wings? Also the sword into a crozius? I'm sure  you'd do something amazing with your sculpting skills.

Looking good, certainly an inspired idea using the Helbrute component, as Vairocanum says, I think with a little modification the angel would suit. Perhaps some corruption/daemonic influence e.g. horns or a different head entirely?

Thanks for the comments everyone. It's been a little while since my last update, but I've not been idle!

Greenz, unorthodox use of parts come from being a cheapskate! When you're trying to make something from what you have rather than buying new parts or kits, you need to get a little creative.

Vairocanum, I'll definitely regret using that helbrute shin plate one day, there's no spare in the kit so I'll have to think of something when I build the helbrute!

And thank you all for the thoughts on the angel, after a lot of deliberation I decided just to scrap it. The leg needed a bit of bulk added anyway, so I've gone a different direction with it.

Here's how the champion stands now - the arms aren't glued in place yet so the positioning is a little funky here, but you should get an idea of where he's heading.


Next guy is coming along well too, I've kept his legs fairly simple just adding some trim around the shins. Arms are just blu tacked on, I'm not set on using the assault cannon but I do like the idea of him looking super casual while holding a massive gun.


Next we have the dark vengeance chosen conversion, toying with the idea of giving him his original lightning claws - they fit surprisingly well!


Now we have two new guys. Another dark vengeance chosen conversion. I'm pretty happy with how this guy is going, but since taking the photo I've realised he probably needs a touch more height in the waist.


And finally is a model using a chaos terminator lord as a base. I've added a helbrute head and cataphractii style gorget. I scraped down the goofy demon face from the leg, but I'm really tempted to dig out a different set of legs entirely - while these have a nice bulk to them, the pose is super awkward and I'm not sure I can be bothered to cut them up and repose them... He'll have the cataphractii style leather straps sculpted over his upper arms, or perhaps I'll go for something more parchment like - he is a word bearer after all!


Still a long way to go on these but any thoughts would be appreciated, you guys have really helped keep the motivation up to keep me focused!

Those terminators look like they mean business! I do agree with your thoughts, the first DV guy needs a 1-1.5mm shim at the waist, and the legs on the last guy do feel a bit awkward. The champions looking great, I just feel he needs a bit more bulk around the waist. Other than that those 3 look terrific, and the other 2 are amazing as well! The lightning claws are perfect, and that rib cage chest piece is genius!

Thank you all for the comments, very much appreciated :)

Gederas and hushrong, glad you guys like the posessed. Watch this space as I'll definitely be making more once the terminators are done!

Greenz, thank you for the thoughts, nice to know I'm thinking along the right lines.

Just a quick update for now, I've addressed the slim waist on the champion, adding a belt and cabling has filled in that gap nicely.

I've found a suitable replacement for the terminator lord legs, and started work on his leather straps on his shoulders and a parchment loincloth. I've kept the latter pretty flat for now, as I'll most likely add some skulls or a hanging chaos star on top. The huge yellow blob in his armpit is just blu-tack to support the leather straps as the putty dries. (And since when was blu-tack yellow anyway??)


Thank you all for the comments, very much appreciated :)

Gederas and hushrong, glad you guys like the posessed. Watch this space as I'll definitely be making more once the terminators are done!

I will be, trust me :lol:. I'll also be shamelessly stealing your ideas with them for my Possessed (and Marius Perdo's Possessed as well), because the Possessed kit just looks bad, but how you used the Primaris Marines is genius.

Just a quick update for now, I've addressed the slim waist on the champion, adding a belt and cabling has filled in that gap nicely.

I've found a suitable replacement for the terminator lord legs, and started work on his leather straps on his shoulders and a parchment loincloth. I've kept the latter pretty flat for now, as I'll most likely add some skulls or a hanging chaos star on top. The huge yellow blob in his armpit is just blu-tack to support the leather straps as the putty dries. (And since when was blu-tack yellow anyway??)


Also, the updated fix to the terminators.... Yes, that's perfect.

Every update from you is just packed full of amazing content. I'm sure you'll end up sculpting a perfect replacement for that helbrute shin plate or make some crazy "possessed-like" helbrute instead! Loving all the terminators, they all look so unique and much better than the standard terminators that look a bit too rank and file. Can't wait to see more!

I'm awed by your termies, so much character in the conversions. Who would've thought that the chosen torsos and heads would work so well on terminators. And I'm not usually a fan on alternative heads on termies but these work so well!

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