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It's been a little while, sorry! Every time I intend to take photos of my progress I get distracted and just end up doing more painting... On the plus side, this means the terminators are pretty much finished now! On the down side it is now 10pm and I seem completely incapable of getting decent photos without daylight :sad.: consider this a teaser, I'll try to get decent individual shots tomorrow to upload.


Looking at the photo, I realise I've completely over done the mud/dust on their boots, so I'll fix that before the final photos.

Now for replies;

Kor Dalron, I get what you're saying and I think it just comes down to personal preference at the end of the day. My concern would be that making these guys too individual would make it hard for the actual characters to stand out! I'm already concerned this terminator champion gives my dark apostle a run for his money!

KrautScientist, thanks as always. You're right the plague marines could absolutely do with a few more highlights in places, I'll admit that I rushed them a little so I could get back to the Word Bearers! Regarding the gloss, I had actually tried that but wasn't keen on the look - I felt it made them look a little toy-like so went back to matt. 100% a personal preference kinda thing I guess.

Pearson, glad you approve, I try to make the head the focal point of every model and the glowing eyes are a great way to do that.

Shovellovin, thank you! That's an interesting interpretation, glad you like it!

Vairocanum, thanks! The boltguns (and rusted metal in general) was good fun to paint, glad you like them :smile.: it was just a case of messing around with typhus corrosion and stippling on different browns/oranges, followed up with a really light drybrush of silver.

Skeggold, thanks buddy!

Markus, thanks for commenting :smile.:

hushrong, thanks that's pretty much what I was going for! Deathguard should be brutal with no concern for aesthetics or grace, sounds like I got that across!

Mate, those Terminators are absolutely incredible! What a fantastic squad! Even the second guy from the left, whom I wasn't too fond of before, just looks so cool now. Brilliant work!


Just one small suggestion, and then I'll shut up: I think the guy with the ribcage breastplate would look even better with the ribs picked out in actual bone colour -- don't worry, there'll still be enough red on him ;)


But seriously, I am green with envy! :)

Now this is why I should have posted WIP photos! That's quite a big change you've suggested and I was just about happy to call them finished.... It had never even crossed my mind to paint the rib cage as bone for some reason, it could look really good or it may spoil everything... I'll sleep on it!

Terminators look even better with paint on, the highlighting on the champion's axe blade creates a particularly nice effect. I would, however, second Kraut's sugggestion regarding picking out the ribcage in bone.

Wow these turned out to be epic!! they look amazing painted and they are all totally individual and have tonnes of character. 


I would 3rd Krauts suggestion to paint the ribs on the right hand termi, that would make him stand out nicely :) 

Thanks for the comments guys, looks like Kraut's idea of repainting the ribs is pretty popular so it may happen... maybe better photos will change your minds though? (Not that I'm against repainting them, it was just never the original plan so it'll take a little thought)

I've put rear views in spoiler tags, as terminator booty isn't the most exciting thing in the world and there's enough images in this post already!



and with a few Deathguard friends;


who wore it better? :wink:









I'm on the fence about the two axe wielders; I've kept the back spikes on both axes as metallic, deciding to focus the energy effect on the business end. Should I paint the back ends to match?

and a size comparison shot. I've used the assault cannon guy as he's probably the average height for the squad, but they do vary significantly (Fluff describes space marines as varying a lot in height, but the models rarely reflect this for some reason!)


now for replies!

KrautScientist, you're so close to convincing me! My little brain just needs some time to process this... that plague marine looks fantastic by the way, proof of why you need to get back to chaos!

Pearson, thanks mate! I came up with that technique for power weapons a few years ago, as I always made a mess of the usual lightning effects people use! This technique is basically just edge highlighting, so super easy to pull off with a little patience. the contrast from pure black all the way to white really makes it stand out in my opinion :smile.:

Sagentus, thanks a lot :smile.: as said above I'm still slightly on the fence about Kraut's suggestion, but you guys are starting to convince me...

hushrong, thank you!

I can only echo my earlier praise: The Terminators are looking fantastic! I am so glad you went back to twin lightning claws on the one guy, as he may be my favourite model in the squad! The ugly guy with the nose job gives off such a Kor Phaeron vibe, which is great. I also really love the tweaked reactor sections, and how the armour really looks like it has been repaired and upgraded with scavenged parts so many times that it has almost become a completely new mark -- that's what 40k Chaos Terminators should look like!


As for the bone colour on the ribcage, I think you should really do it. I wouldn't recommend it if I wasn't 100% sure.

Cant get enough of these models. Just amazing work on each of them. Im really liking the backs of the them (which i didnt see earlier). What parts did you use for the vent/back pack? Are they cut down backpacks?


The legs you sculpted look perfect for them. Top work all round. Whats next?

Edited by Sagentus

So I succumbed to peer pressure...


What do you guys think?

KrautScientist, thanks as always. I'm quite fond of the ugly bald guy but hadn't made the Kor Phaeron connection, so interesting to hear that.

The scavenged and upgraded look you mention definitely suits chaos and makes the models much more fun to build and paint, so there'll be plenty more in the future.

Sagentus, thank you! The back vents on the pointing guy and the champion are cut down MK3 backpacks, the bald guy uses an old khorne beserker backpack and the other two are cut down Tartaros backs.

Glad you like the legs, I could have saved myself a lot of work by buying some cataphractii sets and working from there, but I enjoy sculpting and it saved some cash to use what I had!

Up next will probably be a CSM squad (I showed some kitbashed marines I'd started on earlier in this thread), and then back to the posessed! I feel like jumping into another big project right after finishing the terminators may be a bit much, so the posessed will wait for now...

Edited by frankendoodle65
So much awesomeness with those terminators. You’ve done such an amazing job of making each of them an individual, you can really feel the history they must carry. Good choice repainting that rib cage. The lightning claw terminator is by far my favourite of the bunch, there are just so many elements involved with him!

Really like the repainted rib cage, but then I was pretty biased to begin with, so yeah... ;)


It really does add that extra bit of oomph to the torso, though, if you ask me. Plus it could also make for a cool additional narrative wrinkle: Maybe he had the ribs of a particularly loyal follower/his favourite daemon/his former Dark Apostle worked into his breastplate as a way of worship?


I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next!

Really like the repainted rib cage, but then I was pretty biased to begin with, so yeah... :wink:


It really does add that extra bit of oomph to the torso, though, if you ask me. Plus it could also make for a cool additional narrative wrinkle: Maybe he had the ribs of a particularly loyal follower/his favourite daemon/his former Dark Apostle worked into his breastplate as a way of worship?


I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next!

I'm with Kraut here. The repainted ribs look AWESOME, much better than just the straight red.

Really like the repainted rib cage, but then I was pretty biased to begin with, so yeah... ;)


It really does add that extra bit of oomph to the torso, though, if you ask me. Plus it could also make for a cool additional narrative wrinkle: Maybe he had the ribs of a particularly loyal follower/his favourite daemon/his former Dark Apostle worked into his breastplate as a way of worship?


I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next!

Aren't space marine ribs fused by the black carapace?


Really like the repainted rib cage, but then I was pretty biased to begin with, so yeah... :wink:


It really does add that extra bit of oomph to the torso, though, if you ask me. Plus it could also make for a cool additional narrative wrinkle: Maybe he had the ribs of a particularly loyal follower/his favourite daemon/his former Dark Apostle worked into his breastplate as a way of worship?


I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next!

Aren't space marine ribs fused by the black carapace?


The Ossmodula, not the Black Carapace. But the description makes it clear their ribs are one solid structure of bone. Nothing is said of if there's still indents for the ribs.

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