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  • 3 years later...

So it's been a while...

some of you may remember my Abaddon conversion from a few pages back, well he's had a few upgrades. New arms and head, and he had a few tweaks around the waist to improve his proportions.


Much better now, though that leaves me with a small matter of what to do with the new Abaddon's torso... we'll come back to that!

Next up is a posessed - this guy had a difficult birth as documented in this thread, but he finally came together (though after taking the photo i realised I never finished his base! That's a bit of a recurring theme...)



And his Brother, who's had a new head since you last saw him


and a slightly blurry group shot


Now for more terminators!


Guy on the left is a pretty simple kitbash from the new kit with a helbrute head. Guy on the right is way more complicated than he looks - he started life as a Deathguard terminator (I want to say from Lord Felthius' tainted cohort), with a lot of deathguardey goodness scraped away. You may recognise the arms from when i was being indecisive with one of my previous terminators earlier in this thread.




I've also painted a few chaps from the Blackstone fortress set - I came up with a colour scheme that ties in nicely with my wordbearers





I really enjoyed these guys, though I'm not sure i fancy painting up all the identical doubles! No doubt a bit of kitbashing will be in order to mix things up a bit...

Now you may remember I alluded to having most of Abaddon knocking around, well My Dark Apostle/Lord from Page one of this thread was feeling a little underarmoured with all his terminator friends knocking around now!





Really pleased with how this guy is going so far, the new Abaddon model is an absolute beast and makes such a great base for converting. He's still looking a little rough, got some smoothing out to do but I'll get there.

A comparison shot, I've tried to recreate the key elements of the original conversion to tie the two together as the same character in a different suit of armour, and added a few new touches to keep things fresh - he's certainly collected enough skulls to make any Worldeater proud!


And now for something completely different...

I was hugely excited when the new Sisters models were released, but managed to resist temptation for a while... the christmas battleforce box was enough to tip me over the edge though, so here's my paint test sister!


Pretty pleased with her, I'm looking forward to getting stuck in with these girls and the tanks are incredible, not to mention a nice selection of bits that wouldn't look out of place on my Wordbearers...

Hopefully I'll keep this thread updated a little more regularly now, apologies for the 3.5 year drought!

Thanks for the comments guys!

Just a quick update for tonight, I've spent the last week or so making up a few more sisters and the Exorcist tank, not really anything interesting to show yet on those girls though.

In more interesting news, I've been tinkering with another new Wordbearer terminator - I can't seem to stop making these guys!


Man I really like that Abbadon conversion. Feels oldschool and yet modern. The new one is cool but he's also kinda too big you know. Changes the way you look at the duel between him and Loken in the heresy in a bad way this one is huge and imposing but not over the top crazy.

Thanks for the comments guys!

Just a quick update for tonight, I've spent the last week or so making up a few more sisters and the Exorcist tank, not really anything interesting to show yet on those girls though.

In more interesting news, I've been tinkering with another new Wordbearer terminator - I can't seem to stop making these guys!


He looks great!

May I ask where the head is from? I cannot place from which plastic kit it comes from.


Thanks for the comments guys! 


Just a quick update for tonight, I've spent the last week or so making up a few more sisters and the Exorcist tank, not really anything interesting to show yet on those girls though.


In more interesting news, I've been tinkering with another new Wordbearer terminator - I can't seem to stop making these guys!



He looks great!

May I ask where the head is from? I cannot place from which plastic kit it comes from.


I think its from the Obliterators or the Helbrute 

Thanks for the comments everyone!

@Shovellovin; thanks, I've never been a fan of terminator heads so I try to find alternatives where ever I can!

@OttoVonAwesome; Thanks, the old school vibe is in part because this conversion was started about five years ago, long before the modern Abaddon was released, he was made from Obliterator parts and a ton of greenstuff - I was quite lucky the new Abaddon arms and head were such a good fit. And let's not get started on scale creep in modern GW minis!

@Pearson; Thanks! It's a real challenge finding the right balance with chaos minis, nice to know I'm hitting the mark here!

@Valkia the Bloody; Thanks, the head comes from the new havoc kit, a real treasure trove of goodies if you're prepared to do a bit of creative cutting!

@Doghouse; thanks a lot, when the new Abaddon kit was released I had pretty mixed feelings about it- on the one hand he's huge and imposing, but also a little OTT leaning towards goofy so my goal was to combine the better elements of it with my older conversion, glad you like it!

Also, I've got to say I've been inspired by your conversions for years, the doghouse pattern truescale marines were a big part of why I got into sculpting and converting back in the day.

Another quick update tonight, been putting together a couple more terminators with havoc parts bashed in.

First up, every squad of terminators needs a massive gun right?


And huge guns need ammo, luckily GW thought of this when they designed the havocs.


He still needs a lot of work to smooth the transition between the terminator torso and the havoc backpack, and the head needs a bit more trimmed off the back to get it sitting nicely in the socket.

Next up is a more involved conversion, torso front and back from havocs, with part of a terminator torso spliced in. A spare Abaddon head front needed splicing onto a random space marine bare head (Honestly, why couldn't GW just give us complete spare heads for Abby?). He's super rough at the moment, and I'm pretty sure the legs were a dodgy recast (They came as part of an ebay job lot years ago and have gradually turned yellow over time, not to mention many bubbles and awful mould lines...)



The tartaros legs I used for this guy are pretty static, just standing around so I wanted to lean into that - he's surveying the battlefield for the next worthy opponent. I'm liking the pipes on his face, chest and back so I might build on that, maybe he's on some sort of combat drugs or even life support? I'll see where the model takes me!

Any feedback and ideas appreciated, these guys are still pretty rough so I'm all ears if anyone has any suggestions

  • 1 year later...

Oh man, I hope you'll continue this army at some point -- just checking up on the - relatively few - updates I missed during my hiatus has given me such an appetite for this thread once more! :-)

Thanks KrautScientist, I wasn't expecting to see this thread pop up again.


I lost steam on my 40k chaos a few years back, those last couple of posts last year were my attempt to get back in the flow but it was pretty short lived... 

I've been posting in my 30k sons of Horus thread more recently, I'm enjoying them far more at the moment. I'm really enjoying the more subtle corruption, 40k chaos can feel like a bit of a slog to paint sometimes with all the elaborate trim and fiddly details.


Sooner or later I'll have to come back to these guys though, there's quite a few unfinished models sat on my desk taunting me so I'll post here when I finally finish them off!


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