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30K First Legion to First Legion traitors in 40K


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As a small side project I have been thinking about attempting to fit my 30K First legion into a 40K Traitor Legion format for 40K. 

I have the IA Forces of Chaos book to work with and the Chaos Space Marine codex. 


Has anyone here done this already? 


Any recommendations?

Any words of warning? 


Thanks in advance. 

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I guess to clarify, is this army a group of Dark Angels that were "loyal" to the Emperor/Lion during 30k and eventually turned renegade? Were they "traitors" in 30k, siding with Luther and then just survived into the 40k setting? Are they "new" renegades of Dark Angels who weren't around during the Heresy and have turned renegade at some point recently?


Do you want them to be chaotic in any way, or just renegade?

Edited by Juggernut
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Hmm. I'd go with renegade "legion tactics" though you could do any that tickles your fancy. I wouldn't run all Fallen though, there doesn't seem to be a lot of merit for that.

I'll have to give that a read.



I guess to clarify, is this army a group of Dark Angels that were "loyal" to the Emperor/Lion during 30k and eventually turned renegade? Were they "traitors" in 30k, siding with Luther and then just survived into the 40k setting? Are they "new" renegades of Dark Angels who weren't around during the Heresy and have turned renegade at some point recently?


Do you want them to be chaotic in any way, or just renegade?

I hadn't thought much about that I'm mostly looking for a good way to field my 30K models as a 40K army. 

I guess they'd be renegades, followers of Luthor or Astilan. The specifics aren't overly crucial just now.

I have no plans to use any cult units or marks.  

Unless I like how it all plays and buy new models but I'm trying to buy as little as possible.  And right now the most chaotic thing I am interested is a sorcerer on a disk, if that's still a thing. 

I had though to field them as Dark Angels but I really want to field at least one squad of 20. 

You could say I'm uncommitted still.

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I asked mainly to determine if you'd be better served by the loyalist codex or CSM, since as far as the FW units go, they share many in common.


Sorcerer on Disk is still a thing, but requires a mark of Tzeentch. 


Words of warning would be that (some) cult and daemon units are very strong options, and your bog-standard marines are not very good in comparison, especially to loyalist rules like Chapter Tactics and such.


If you specifically want to use 20-man units of marines above all else, then I guess CSM is the only option.

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