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Sword brethren in 8th edition?


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Hello, new to black templar here, almost have enough point to start a first game. 


But I am looking at the codex (the space marine one) and I do not see any information about fielding a squad of sword brethren. Is there a entry in the codex that represent then in normal space marines that we could use to field them?


And I know that when you paint them, they have specific marking with the black shoulder guard with red marking, but do you use that marking alos usually when you include one sword brother in a crusader squad?



Thank you in advance for the help, and I can't wait to try a game with them. (sick of GK and bored of tyranids)  :)




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First of all welcome to the Eternal Crusade Brother.


As they don't have their own entry anymore most people use them as either vanguard veterans without jump packs or you can use them as company veterans in the 8th edition codex I personally use them as both from time to time.


yes I always use the red markings for my sword brothers in crusader squads and any unit that can take a Sargent also gets the red shoulder markings. 


just so you see what I mean I'll post an image if you want to see more just look at mine or any other members crusade pages i'm sure you'll get a lot of inspiration  :happy.:


sword brethren of two of my crusader squads


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Thanks for the input guys! I will paint my sergeant with red marking. Actually, I bought a paint brush not long ago and I start painting what I got. That would be the first army I will play with all model at least with base coat. I gave up on the 200 tyranids still not painted. But this army, I will paint as I build it.

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Welcome the the Eternal Crusade. Please proceed down the hall for your purification paddlin'


Sword Brethren are simply the Templar's 1st/Veteran company. Any Marine that would fall in that category -Terminators, Sternguard, Vanguard, etc- is a Sword Brother, basically. Templar organization is fluid enough that you can play with the fluff a lot more than a Codex chapter.


As for squad leaders, way back when I didn't, but now I do paint them SB heraldry.

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I'm a simple kinda guy, for recesses and tabard/cloak "hidden side" I use Wazdakka Red (previously Red Gore, sadly Wazdakka requires more layers), and for shoulder pad trims and other brighter things I use Evil Sunz Scarlet. I also use those two for the reds of my other armies such as Crimson Fists, Sororitas, Vostroyans, Skitarii etc.

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ok could somebody post a pic with evil sunz please? I have just pass an order online last week and it might be some times before I can get my hands on Khorne red. So if I like it with evil sunz, I might be able to continue painting this week.

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Company Veterans are my personal favorite, come with PowSword and StormBolter, they provide appreciable level of firepower. And then protect your characters, in tide lists a lot of your burst damage will come from your Characters.


Vangaurd are one of the most efficient and reliable Push Style Units. I prefer my Crusaders, whom naked have similar output to Vangaurd and have ObSec.


Sterngaurd, are Solid I don’t like them myself. But that is more because I like Intercessors more. Stern with Strategem in Pod can laid down the damage on just about anything. They also due to 2 base attacks can join in the fray. If I were to use Veterans extensively and not just as a character shields. I’d use two Stern Squads.


Ultimately it’s your personal preference and what your army needs, a Good Alpha, Character Protection or the Killing Blow

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Hmm, that's a thought. After so long of them being bad picks, it'd be nice to actually field some storm bolter models (other than terminators and vehicles) for a change. Outside of sergeants and some HQs I guess company vets are pretty much the only reasonable choice for those, as for sternguard it still doesn't make sense since they'd lose their better ammo. Hmmmm. It'd also definitely make for a cheaper squad giving crusader sergeants storm bolters instead of combi-weapons. I suppose in cases like this it's good that I magnetize all my marines, so I can try out these kind of things with relative ease - or could if I'd actually get games in on an occasion, hah! Although I'm not 100% sure how many power armor storm bolters I even have. But at least 5, maybe 6.

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Yeah, Storm Bolters and basically like PowSwords on one attack models where they are perfectly Points filter. (Through with the caveat unlike PowSwords Example your increasing your damage output at range by 100% or double, for 16% percent of Model value).


Crusader Squads I’d still normally give them Combi (espacially in tide) where we are advancing basically every single turn. But for Company Veterans, Storm Bolters are excellent for a variety of reasons. The loads of dice feels nice and for about 33% more than a regular 5 man Squad, your increasing your output by 100%. And able to charge to assist.


It really depends through, Stern can handle MEQ and Light Armor, CompanyVets big thing is they can protect our characters

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In regards to the "red" issue, I think it really depends on how you want the end result to look. In my opinion, Khorne red, as a base coat, is a "dirty" dark red. If you go that route, wazdakka red really accents it well. Mephiston red, on the other hand, strikes me as a "cleaner", or more regal red as a base coat, accented well with Evil Sunz Scarlet.

The latter is my overall choice, as it "pops" well on the Sword Brethren.


My technique, base coat Mephiston red, wash with Nuln Oil (to add shade in shadowed areas), then go over with Evil Sunz Scarlet, leaving a small darker line in recessed and shaded areas, so don't cover it all. If you use the Khorne Red, just swap out with Wazdakka Red, but still wash with Nuln Oil beforehand.


On larger surfaces, you can even do an edge highlight of Wild Rider Red, but keep it tight and small.


Welcome to the Crusade! I look forward to seeing what you pull off in the future, regardless of the way you decide to go.

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Welcome to the Crusade brother!


Here is a pic of some of mine with the equivalent of evil sunz

Hidden Content


Like Firepower said, any unit or model labeled "veteran" or that would be considered a veteran in the fluff is basically a sword brethren.  For my crusader squads sometimes I field them as actual SB but other times just as an Initiate depending on what model I'm using. BT squad structure is very fluid and squads don't always have an assigned "leader" 

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So we are showing our Bretheren?


In 7th i used Honour guard as ones. Unfortunately now you cannot take 10 of them and they lack 5 attacks on charge.




So now i'm playing plasma-bretheren now. In droppod with marshall. They are okay - can kill something big first turn.




And hammer guys for charging things with Helbrecht.



Edited by Margulix
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Nice. Thanks guys for all your inputs. I like that color Acebaur. I think that I will do a test on a spare model I have that I keep to test paint and see if it comes out good. Then I'll decide, but judging from that picture, it looks like it will be good.


As for the squad, thanx for the info. I will look at the list of entries that you guys mentioned and see which one will better fit the rest of my list.


Thanks you very much for the help.

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