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Transports - let us try again


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I don't get it.


Tallarn stratagem: 'set the unit wholly within 7" from any table edge".


I have just quickly measured my only Baneblade (1st version GW plastic kit): it's 6" wide. If I include the sponsons, it's about 7", although I am happy to argue that it's just 7,00000001" so it won't fit.


I don't see how a sponsonless Baneblade does not fit in the measures given by the stratagem however, nor how does the above rule interact with the stratagem. What's the deal here.

Edited by Feral_80
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Do you mean that the new kit is *1 whole inch wider* than the old? That seems absurdly huge scale-wise, but perhaps somebody with a new Baneblade can clarify.

There seem to be some mythology circulating about this rule, although I am not yet sure on which side of the story it is to be found. It would be good to know, just to solve this part of the matter at least.

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Silly question, but does is state anywhere that a Baneblade with two sponsons has to have them mounted on opposing sides of the model?

If you're fine with getting smacked by everyone at your store/club/tournament there is your solution :teehee:

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I have absolutely no interest in abusing rules, especially if that requires idiotic modeling. I simpy wish to understand what's the mystery with this outflanking baneblade thing, because (even before GW clarifies and possibly bans it) there seem to be really too much confusion and myth about it.
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