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Servitors as a Plasma Platform


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I toyed around with the idea when the indexes came out of putting plasma cannons on servitors near a Techmarine. Don't have the index to see if the techmarine/servitor warscroll is different in the codex at all. A servitor costs 2 points for the body compared to 13 for a space marine so it seemed like a good use of points. Looking into it again a bit more deeply and curious for people's comments on my analysis below. 


The assumption with both below is that Azrael and a Dark Shroud would be next to them. 


10 man 4x Plasma Cannon Devastator Squad (214 points)


- 10 wounds total

- 3+ save from tactical marine, 2+ with darkshroud, 4+ invul with azrael

- 3+ WS/BS from tactical marine



- 6 ablative wounds

- Can +1 the plasma cannon damage for the whole unit



- More points

- Not good at close combat

- 10 wounds total


Two 4 man servitor Squad with 2x Plasma cannon each + Techmarine
(148 points + 62 points = 210 points total)


- Techmarine 2+ save, 4+ invul with Azrael

- Techmarine 3+ ws, 2+ bs

- Servitors 4+ save, 3+ with darkshroud, 4+ invul with azrael

- Servitors 4+ WS/BS near techmarine



- 12 wounds total

- Techmarine can repair vehicles

- Fewer points for 4 plasma cannons

- 5 servo arms and a power axe for close combat 



- 2 units for plasma stratagem use instead of one. 

- lower BS/WS

- bit lower save from servitors, higher from techmarine, but evens out with Azrael's invul






Servitors are weaker and will miss more, but allow you to have better close combat effectiveness if your enemies get close. With Azrael rerolling all misses, the lower BS/WS will play less of a part, Azrael mitigates the lower save as well. With dreadnoughts or predators the techmarine will be able to help heal damage. Could be a great addition to a couple imperial knights or a couple land raiders also. 


Has anyone thought about this idea much previously? Any thoughts if this might be worth building the models for? 


Also want to look at the same comparison for Heavy Bolters. 

Edited by Skorp
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Detail but the dark shroud grants -1 to hit, not +1 to save. The armor difference is therefore further diminshed.


That said, I haven't been able to spot servitors in the codex. Some tournaments don't allow index use if you have a codex (not that I find servitors competitive by any means).

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True that the techmarine and 3 units of servitors (or two units and something different) would make up a vanguard detachment. That's 1 CP extra, but I still doubt it's worth it. They cost the same (bar 4 points for two units), are inferior in firepower, might have more wounds because of the techmarine (but not something a lascannon can't fix), but your cannons die faster with servitors. They might be better equipped for CC, but in truth I'd rather have one plasmacannon hit on a 2 and have 6 bolters to mow down some infantry before it gets to close combat. With 0 AP low S (4 or less) shooting, the marines are just way better in the long run.


It could be something else to try, no doubt, but they're not gonna outperform devastators or even match them.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, just trying to find other options that could work. I feel like the index servitors gave bonuses to the techmarine's repair roll. Maybe that was in 7th edition and I'm confused. I also thought you could take 4 plasma cannons instead of only 2 originally. Without that I really have to agree unfortunately. 


Love the fact that one elite unit would finish a vanguard detachment. Thanks for pointing that out.

Edited by Skorp
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For the fun of it, 3 units of 4 servitors is actually what would make the most sense I think. That's 6 plasmacannons instead of 4, stick them and the techmarine in a vanguard, and you have that extra CP. 3 units instead of 2 are more points than the devs when including the techmarine, but they also make more use of the bubbles from Azrael, Techmarine and a Lieutenant. It's also an extra target which means spreading out firepower more.


They still are a poorer option as established, but said vanguard is the best way to run them, I think. It's a lot of models however you probably won't use unless you run this often.


I have a painted techmarine and his 4 servitors (servitors are just primed black), and the techmarine has only been used once.

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