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++Blood & Zeal 2018 - Troops Strategem++


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gallery_62972_10568_624.jpg Troops Stratagem

Welcome to the Black Templars Troops stratagem! You have one week to vow, build, and complete more points that the Black Templars.

A vow is made by posting in this thread with a starting photo and using the following template:


I [insert name here] rise to the Troops challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build [insert units here] for a combined total of [insert PL here] on or before 2359 UTC March 5th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...

To complete a vow, state it as being complete and post a photo showing the completed build and undercoat applied.

For the full set of rules, please check your Faction's event thread.

Black Templars - Current points total

  • 0 points

Black Templars - Roll of Honour

The following list details all the participants and the points acquired:

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Quick question, If I use the Black Templar Upgrade kit to convert my tacticals to crusaders does that qualify for bonus/conversion points? 


The reason I ask is the Blood Angels are able to buy right out the box Blood Angel Tactical Marines but we have to spend an extra £20 to make Crusaders, so it would balance things out a bit as we have to spend more money to get our guys. 

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If you have to do any kind of cutting or sanding to make those bitz fit with he tactical marines(which I know you do for the torsos) then yes that counts. 


Excellent! That should balance things out :)


I Mordian Glory rise to the Troops challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 2 Crusader Squads (each with 5 initiates a sword brother and a neophyte) for a combined total of 24 on or before 2359 UTC March 5th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION


Pics to come

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I Marshal Wolfhart rise to the Troops challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one Crusader squad with Sword Brother and five Initiates for a combined total of 9 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 5th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...


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I, Halandaar, vow the following units:

  • 1 Crusader Squad (Sword Brother, 5 Initiates, 4 Neophytes) - 12 PL
  • 1 Crusader Squad (Sword Brother, 5 Initiates, 1 Neophyte) - 12 PL

For a total of 24PL, plus whatever is allowable for conversions. Success will bring ZEAL, failure is for Xenos etc etc...



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I as Marshall Schlitzaf of Dalthus Crusade, lest I be found wanting, will vow to reinforce our great chapter, the Black Templars before 2399 UTC March 5th, 2018, by 22 Power with

1 10 Man Crusader Squads of (6-4)**

1 7 Man Intercessor Squad*.


With these pictured sprews and Grey Knight Terminator Legs. I shall not fail

*Its gonna be to actually 4 Man Intercessor Squad with AutoRifles & Sgt w/ PowSword&Pistol and two BoltRifle Intercessors. But a two man Intercessor Squad isn’t legal.

**Also the Crusader Squad is 6-4 because that is my normal Rhino Firefight Squad.

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Greeting Brothers,


I have decided to really unleash my ZEAL and increase my Vow! Instead of doing 2x 7 man crusader squads I will do 5! my reaffirmed vow is below:


I Mordian Glory rise to the Troops challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 5 Crusader Squads (each with 5 initiates a sword brother and a neophyte) for a combined total of 60 power level on or before 2359 UTC March 5th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION




I have 2x 10 man squads of Mk 4 marines, an old 10 man tactical squad and a scout squad. I also have the bits from 3x tactical squads, command squad  and2x templar upgrade kits (I have another upgrade kit on the way from GW).


So far I have built 2 of the squads. Each Initiate + Sword Brother has multiple parts from the upgrade kit used on them and the neophytes have had a head swap with Tempestus Scions. Acebaur, can you let me know if the level of bits used qualifies for juicy bonus points. If not I have plenty more bits I can cut and add to each guy :smile.:

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-=Vow Complete=-


Some pre-undercoat shots so it's a bit easier to see what's been done;

Crusader Squad 1


Crusader Squad 2


Neophyte Head swaps



Pretty much every single model qualifies as a kitbash, with parts used from the following kits scattered across the two squads;

Tactical Squad, MKIV Tacticals, Assault Squad, Sternguard Veterans, Vanguard Veterans, Dark Angels Upgrade, Black Templars Upgrade, Ravenwing Knights, Death Company, Command Squad.

The only models that required actual converting (i.e. cutting/filing) were the Neophytes (to make the astartes-sized heads fit) and anything with a Black Templars tabard, which don't naturally fit with the newer tactical kits.

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Vow Complete!

5x 7 man crusader squads completed for 60 power level + bonus points! Each squad member has been converted/kitbased it one way or another. I went through 2 and a half Templar upgrade kits and combined parts from the tactical marines, mkIV marines and scout squad box sets to ensure that every marine is unique. Every Neo has had a head swap with tempestus scions heads and also recieved additional grenades and putiry seals.


I have a tonne of pics but B&C wont let me upload them all. Will do a second post later with close upsof each squad


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Vow complete!




Edit: Considering conversions, there was a lot of filing and cutting to get the BT upgrade kit to fit and the handswap for the combi plasma, if that is enough to score bonus points for the chapter... ;) Otherwise i'm not mad either, was nothing spectacular after all :P

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Vow Complete, Praise be Brothers!

IMG 20180305 094607

That's 5PL base, some conversion work done on the Templar upgrade torsos and it took a little cutting to get the upgrade sword on that angle.
Also, I think I deserve a bonus point for spilling actual blood in my zeal to destroy some of Guilliman's sons to build these loyal crusaders!
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After being trapped in the warp for the past week I’ve finally made it back to begin my challenge.


I Brother Curses, rise to the Troops challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build a squad of 9 scouts for a combined total of of 10 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 5th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...


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And after a furious evening of building and painting and a bit of a tutorial on faces from a friend there are 9 new neophytes ready to join my crusade and my challenge is complete!

Which tutorials did you read/watch?

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Hopefully this doesn’t make use ‘lose’ but I need retire my vow this last week from the wind storm to Murphy’s Law going full throttle (through replace wrong with ‘stress’ inducing be more accurate), life been hectic. In particular because I have just gotten my first paying job
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