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Who should have lightning claws? (And other power weapons)

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You could do company veteran bikers, in those your veteran sword brother should be 3 attacks base. You could then outfit them with as many power weapons of any type as you want.


Yup, in general sergeants of elite squads get 3 attacks, which is pretty nice. And if it's a melee squad and you don't wanna shoot at all you can have that chainsword as a second weapon for an extra baseline attack, I guess. Speaking of elites and their attacks, actually a bit funky that Honour Guard only gets 2 attacks.

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I rarely see a case where the investment is worth it outside assault terminators. Probably in larger squads with ablative wounds (one or two in a large vanguard squad) or on characters, ideally around a chaplain, for all rerolls. Then again i'd rather go single claw and chainsword for efficiency. Looks ugly though :P

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@Firepower Check out the stats for mauls and lances, they're the same! I'm guessing the omission on the sergeant was just to save some ink. Give him a maul and call it a lance, no one will know the difference!


The lightning claw on Techmarine fad was for getting the +1 attack bonus for the specialist weapon category, of which lightning claws and powerfist (Servo-arm) both were a part. I was too stubborn and kept the cog axe. I'm quite glad I did now.


Each power weapon has its place now which is very exciting for those of us who like cool models. They are all functional with pros and cons.


The only power weapon that I feel is lacking is the Eviscerator and that makes me sad because they're friggin cool. They're just so expensive and only available on a model that has 1 attack.

Edited by Ebon Hand
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The only power weapon that I feel is lacking is the Eviscerator and that makes me sad because they're friggin cool. They're just so expensive and only available on a model that has 1 attack.

Sergeant can take it. That doesn’t really help though since it costs bloody 22 points.




There is literally no reason to take it over a Powerfist which costs 10 points cheaper. The extra -1 AP will never be worth 10 points. 


I think despite their lower strength claws and swords are great in a unit with Helbrecht or a Chap dread.  Or even a unit near Helbrecht for that matter :lol: That +1 S really makes them a lot better and improves their value more than it does for the axe or maul. 

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Long story short per the math; If you can afford another Initaite or Neophyte, get a another another Initaite or Neophyte. It is statistically more points efficient. The Power Sword on an Initaite increases the model average damage by 25% for the cost 30.25%. That said I will always say if you include one Power Sword always include a second, and tide Squads want both. As the third Power Sword attacks increases your chance to inflict a Power Sword Wond by over 50%. (0.55 Wounds with just SB. 0.84 wounds with SB + Initaite). And espacially in large tide Squads, your adding 6% increase in damage for only 2% Tax (4 Points is about 2% of 200) (2.99 or 1 Sword vs 3.23 for 2 Swords).


And at the end of the day it’s only a 4 (5) Point Upgrade. Downgrade a couple Initiaites to Neophytes to pay for it. And it’s a 4 (5) Point Upgrade that does increase your damage output. So answer your question, it depends on your personal preference, how you see the math, and list wise what you think is best use for those 4 points or Heavy Slot

Edited by Schlitzaf
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But do you want to throw that expensive elite unit at chaff that Claws are good at killing, or give them a load of fists to properly crush more dangerous units? To me it seems like Claws are just the economic choice on Cataphractii.
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Those claws are great at killing anything up to t7 in fairness, and they increase the number of attacks.


I'd throw them at chaff and elites, and to finish off vehicles/monsters too.

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But do you want to throw that expensive elite unit at chaff that Claws are good at killing, or give them a load of fists to properly crush more dangerous units? To me it seems like Claws are just the economic choice on Cataphractii.


Keep in mind we have an easy way to buff them in Helbrecht, getting +1S on a Claw can be pretty big, not to mention re-rolls to hit. 

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In all this discussion, I am sad to note that noone has gone with the very templary reasonning of "I put power swords on all my HQs because we are templars" !


That's what I do

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But do you want to throw that expensive elite unit at chaff that Claws are good at killing, or give them a load of fists to properly crush more dangerous units? To me it seems like Claws are just the economic choice on Cataphractii.


Keep in mind we have an easy way to buff them in Helbrecht, getting +1S on a Claw can be pretty big, not to mention re-rolls to hit. 



Assuming they deploy together or nearby one another.  With most lists, I would rather Deep Strike Terminators, which puts them out of reach unless you hold off on deployment or stick Helbrecht in a Pod.  Still, something to consider, especially if you take the Land Raider approach (too big of a point sink for my tastes, but it can be done).


Either way, there's a reason I'm trying to magnetize the Cataprachtii arms.  Those damn shoulders are going to be an issue though :P

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