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Greetings Brothers, a change in real life circs has got me contemplating a return to buying and painting real life minis as opposed to playing via vassal. Been playing around with various list ideas in my head currently and this is what I have got to. This is mostly using models I already have as a starting point with a few extra bits added or upgraded. Would be grateful to hear peoples opinions! Even just to tell me I am barking up the wrong tree.


Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Space Marines) 
**Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard
+ HQ +
Captain: Jump Pack, 2x Lightning Claw
Librarian: 2) Might of Heroes, 6) Null Zone, Bolt pistol, Force stave, Jump Pack
+ Troops +
Scout Squad: 6x Camo cloak
Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle
Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher
4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle
Scout Squad: 6x Camo cloak
Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle
Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher
4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle
Scout Squad: 6x Camo cloak
Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle
Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher
4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle
 Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Space Marines)
**Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard
+ HQ +
Captain: Jump Pack, Master-crafted boltgun, Relic blade, The Primarch's Wrath
Lieutenant: Jump Pack, Master-crafted boltgun, Power fist
+ Troops +
Tactical Squad 
3x Space Marine
Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-melta
Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Meltagun
Tactical Squad 
3x Space Marine
Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-melta
Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Meltagun
Tactical Squad 
3x Space Marine
Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-melta
Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Meltagun
Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) 
**Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard
+ HQ +
Lieutenant Jump Pack, Master-crafted boltgun, Power fist
+ Elites +
Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-bolter, Dreadnought combat weapon, Kheres pattern assault cannon
Dreadnought: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon
Dreadnought: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon
Vanguard Veteran Squad: Jump Pack
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Veteran Sergeant: 2x Plasma pistol
Vanguard Veteran Squad: Jump Pack
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol
Veteran Sergeant: 2x Plasma pistol
So this gives me 10 command points, current thoughts on tactics are the melta tac SFTS with a captain and lieutenant going to support them, they will hunt objectives and threaten tanks. I am hoping that their perceived "lower" threat level may help them escape attention if I am going second. The vanguard DS in with the lightning claw captain and the other lieutenant. Scouts do scouty things and the dreads do what they do best. I am a little bit concerned about the lack of anti horde firepower in the army so have a variation on the list where the contemptor dread is replaced by 6 aggressors (I have to lose the 6th scout in each squad and the relic bladed captain is replaced by a chaplain). They would also SFTS and hose down big squads before threatening things with their fists and the captains re rolls. 
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