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Where is the zeal!?

Mordian Glory

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Brothers we are failing the Emperor!


Right now the Blood and Zeal competition is taking place, yet it feels like a very one sided affair. Right now there are only two vows made by the Sons of Dorn this week, compared to the 6-7 made by the Mutant Scum!


This is our week to shine! Templars have the best troop choice available in the form of the Crusader Squad. We can get 12 power level from 7 models :D Also we are famous for our large amounts of troops so it our duty to uphold our reputation.


I am also saddened brothers. We are meant to keep our vows, we even have a Warlord Trait called Oathkeeper. Yet several of us failed to for fill our vows in the HQ round. Also I want to humbly request that the HQ round is updated to reflect our most valiant efforts and the Troops thread if updated as well. 


Although it seems we may have lost the first bout and that may be disheartening, we must not forget who we are. We are the Black Templars, Sons of Dorn and chosen of Sigismund





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I am also saddened brothers. We are meant to keep our vows, we even have a Warlord Trait called Oathkeeper. Yet several of us failed to for fill our vows in the HQ round. 


This isn't actually true at all, it's just that the HQ thread hasn't been updated for the better part of 4 days. By my reckoning there are 141 PL of completed vows that haven't been counted, PLUS conversion points on those vows. 

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Unfortunately, all of my troops are already assembled or mostly assembled. I don't tend to keep a build backlog, and I've got so many troops that my wife would kill me for buying another set of models for a crusader Squad. When it comes time to paint, I have loads of things primed black and ready to go.
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Yeah, I'm kinda lacking in units to vow too. I'm going through my current crusaders and sternguard doing touchups and whatnot, and the only completely unpainted crusaders are already assembled, magnetization included. I wasn't even paying attention to the "categories" at first, but for HQs I wouldn't really have had much to offer either. Not sure about the rest either, to be honest, as most unassembled things are for the Crimson Fists right now. A Whirlwind for BT, perhaps.


Frankly I'm not sure how much I'll have for ETL either. Since I guess based on previous years I might get away with painting both chapters for it I guess there's stuff I can do, but frankly I'm also about to paint stuff like a Vindi and Land Raider for CF right now, just basecoated them today. So who knows if there's much "high-value" stuff left by then, though likely to have at least CF regular infantry still in the queue at least. Since I'm actually doing at least something to my models right now, I don't want to put it off so they'll end up sitting untouched for months or a year again. Actually this kinda applies to B&Z too, since I generally end up assembling whatever piques my interest at any given moment, so if it's not what is currently the active FOC slot for this... can't be helped :P

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I actually have a TON of troops to make and they're all heavy conversion too because I do the "doghouse pattern" truescale with the old warriors of chaos legs. But I'm busy until Friday so I won't pledge until I know I have enough free time.  Too bad I have no neophytes to build at the moment. 


I think Elites is going to be my category for sure. I've got some termies, vanguard, a couple ancients, cenobytes (which are fun but not worth much), and I think I can probably piece together sternguard with my bits. All totally kitbashed and converted.

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I haven't got a lot of stuff that isn't already at least partially assembled, and the HQ thing fell through on account of technical issues.  So other than some Terminators and a pair of Thunderfires, can't do much on my end :P

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Sorry about the delay on the updated points, we put forth a valiant effort garnering 311 points, but don't be discouraged! we have many categories yet to go and I intend on participating in all but the flyers one(my only flyer is too far put together to pledge)

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This challange came too latre for me too, i have all my troops painted and assembled, also in december i made and painted 6 dreadnoughts a 5 units of elite. Unfortunately a have not much unasembled and unpainted units, because i need to crusade (play games), so i usually focus on doing units as i need them.


But i'll do something for other categories, not troops!

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My zeal is in the past ... 10k years in the past actually. “New year, new army” has me focused on my 30k Imperial Fists.


I slapped that chaplain dread together because it was just one model and worth 11 points to the cause but building a bunch of troops or other stuff right now for the Templars just doesn’t seem feasible for me. Especially since I mainly paint in sub assemblies.

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i'll probably buy Know No Fear sometime this weekend, maybe I'll be able to add my efforts. Dont falter, this is just the beginning and we will prevail! PERSEVERANCE IS THE TRAIT OF DORN AND HIS CHAMPIONS!.

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Yeah couldn't do this competition at all... had a backlog of painting (more than 50 models) that I put all of my kitbash and assembly on hold... wish you brothers the Emperor's guidance and blessings and will hope that you guys pull through with zeal and chainswords revving

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How much did your boys whip us by in the end then Jolemai?

I haven't tallied it up yet (my eldest was unwell last night) but if we won the Troops category it could only have been by a few Scout squads...

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