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Interrogator Chaplain TDA 8th loadout?

Knight Angels

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Cheers guys


I wonder what the best equipment for an interrogator chaplain in tda is - or what you think works best?


I'm planning to run a 8 man DW knights squad with DW ancient and interrogator chaplain as a mini DW "strikeforce". The ancient will get stormshield/hammer because i want him to stay alive. Now i wonder if i should equipp the chaplain with a stormshield (more durability) or with a hammer ("only" 4++ but more punch). I'm not certain if the +1 invuln from the shield is worth the inferior meele power - especially if you consider how good he hits in close combat. But i also want him to stay alive to boost the knights and therefor a 3++ can sometimes be very handy. What is your opinion/experience?


In 2k matches this "hammer" will be supported by a solid "anvil", mainly consisting of JP master, JP lieutenant, 3 ass'backs each loaded with 5man tactical squads with plasma/combi-plasma, dark talon and then - depending on the enemy and points - adding more stuff like darkshroud, plasma-/lascannon-devastators, ven-cybots (double twin autocannon or else) and so on... just to give you a better understanding of the whole concept.





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Cool as it would be to give a tda chaplain a th/ss, unfortunately their only weapon options outside the crozius and storm bolter is a combi weapon.


I'm a fan of combi plasmas, but I think with the aim of dropping the chaplain in as a support HQ for your knights, keeping him cheap is probably the best option

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If only he could at least have a maul that you could turn into MoR. But no, he'll be an inferior choice untill 9th edition, I'm afraid.


It's a lot of expensive and slow models depending on 9" charges.

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well with the hammer and banner he hits quite hard if you ask me. ill use him and the knights because of fluff reasons and to downgrade my lists (more non-competitive but cool an fluffy choices because of local gaming group).


my usual enemies are cc orientated and therefor a very resilient hard hitting unit to distract my opponent and act as a hammer to the anvil sounds fun to me

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If only he could at least have a maul that you could turn into MoR. But no, he'll be an inferior choice untill 9th edition, I'm afraid.


It's a lot of expensive and slow models depending on 9" charges.

I thought using index weapon options you can take a maul which then you can sub for MoR

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as per battle scribe the crozius is fix and cannot be replaced. i understand this from a fluff point of view cus the crozius is used as both a melee weapon and the primary badge of office of Space Marine Chaplains (40k wiki).

but you can replace the stormbolter with a combi-weapon (codex) or a terminator meele weapon (shield / fist / claw / hammer) (index).


so i think battlescribe is totally correct and my question still remains :-/

Edited by Knight Angels
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Correct - per the index the Interrogator Chaplain in TDA has to keep his crozius, and can swap out his storm bolter for something else (not a maul though).


Ultimately, you are taking the chaplain for his reroll buff on the Knights, not for his hitting ability, so I think that a storm shield for survivability is the better choice. Yes, he is already protected by the character rule, but deep striking support characters with melee units can go pear-shaped quickly, so the extra protection is useful. Additionally, plenty of armies have reliable ways of picking off characters (Ad mech snipers are the bane of my existence).


The thunder hammer hits harder on an individual level, but my advice is that keeping him alive long enough to buff the knights over multiple turns will hit harder overall

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I know the knights won't be firing at anything, but I cannot help thinking I'd still get Belial over an Interrogator-Chaplain in TDA to buff them. He just makes that much more of an impact, and if you drop down 10 tactical termies with 2 assault cannons or cyclones and use DWA, you get some return on the investment.


However, I better stay on topic. For the IC in TDA, I think I'd actually stick with the storm bolter, as the shield at 15 points feels a tad pricey for 3++ instead of 4++. Yes, in TDA you cannot replace the crozius, which is odd, when you can for the power armour version. So TDA means no MoR.


When you give him the storm bolter you save points you might spend better elsewhere. The hammer's -1 to hit just makes it a poor choice. Yes, he can reroll, which mitigates some of it, but when striking with him, he'll only reroll 1's, as the modifier is applied after rerolls, so 2's will miss.

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ahh damnit i forgot about that stupid "rerolls before modifiers" rule. makes no sense but it is how it is.


so i will def. stick to the crozius as the only meele weapon. its actually not that bad for meq caracter hunting. most of them have a 4++ so the -1ap is ok and doing 2dmg is also nice.


as for the other arm i will def. magnetise to use all the options. for now i will paint only the shield (because its looks awesome) and make some test games to see how it goes.


unfortenatly belial isnt an option because we limited ourselfes to no primaris, no named characters and no lord of wars.

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ahh damnit i forgot about that stupid "rerolls before modifiers" rule. makes no sense but it is how it is.


so i will def. stick to the crozius as the only meele weapon. its actually not that bad for meq caracter hunting. most of them have a 4++ so the -1ap is ok and doing 2dmg is also nice.


as for the other arm i will def. magnetise to use all the options. for now i will paint only the shield (because its looks awesome) and make some test games to see how it goes.


unfortenatly belial isnt an option because we limited ourselfes to no primaris, no named characters and no lord of wars.


ahh damnit i forgot about that stupid "rerolls before modifiers" rule. makes no sense but it is how it is.


so i will def. stick to the crozius as the only meele weapon. its actually not that bad for meq caracter hunting. most of them have a 4++ so the -1ap is ok and doing 2dmg is also nice.


as for the other arm i will def. magnetise to use all the options. for now i will paint only the shield (because its looks awesome) and make some test games to see how it goes.


unfortenatly belial isnt an option because we limited ourselfes to no primaris, no named characters and no lord of wars.

I used an Interrogator chaplain for a while in the beginning of this edition and I really didn't find him super useful. Although, I haven't had a whole lot of success with any of the deathwing.  If you are going to run with deathwing knights, it just makes sense to bring Belial.  That is an odd rule you guys have considering some of our best units are named characters.  I am interested to see if you have any success with this though.  Keep us posted

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ill field him because it fits fluff wise.


we are , lets say, a "cheese-sensitive" group. and named characters are in general cheesier then nonames. we also stick to our own chapters and write our own stories by playing custom scenarios.


i will hopefully be able to report soon. i still have to paint 3 more knights and the chaplain... his head is a servitor skull ^^

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ill field him because it fits fluff wise.


we are , lets say, a "cheese-sensitive" group. and named characters are in general cheesier then nonames. we also stick to our own chapters and write our own stories by playing custom scenarios.


i will hopefully be able to report soon. i still have to paint 3 more knights and the chaplain... his head is a servitor skull ^^

Thats awesome.  If that is the case, I do love the interrogator chaplain models.  I painted one up and I had a lot of fun. If thats the case, then how can you do anything other than the crozius?  the crozius is such a monumental piece of gear for the interrogators

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