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Budget Crusade


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Long time BT player returning to the scene. I thought I was clean of this addiction, but I recently inherited the Marine half of Dark Imperium.. so here we go again! None of my original Templars are still around, so this Crusade is being built from the ground up. I'm supplementing my inheritance with the cheapest, nastiest, paint-caked, salvage project models that I can find on eBay (hence the title). I'm also tracking down and collecting a decent amount of OOP models and Templar specific sculpts. I've always been a believer that things like Rogue Trader era Chaplains and OOP veteran Sergeants etc should have a home in a Templar Crusade to reflect the ancient nature and history of our mission. Plus the models just have so much character.


I guess I'm running a Space Marine rehab program, repurposing Marines that have been mistreated by other chapters and giving them purpose through Crusade. I don't know how serious I'll get about playing, as I don't even have the newest rulebooks yet, but I've always liked collecting and painting BT. I've been playing them on and off since they were only a color scheme on the back of the codex, loyal till the end.


Anyway my current collection consists of the following, plus bits and pieces I'm bidding for on eBay.


28 Primaris Marines, assorted.

50 Marines, assorted.

1 Land Raider Crusader

1 Land Raider

1 Rhino Transport

5 Terminators


Most of these items are still being shipped out to me, but I think that gives me a pretty strong base to work from.. even if it is lacking in the vehicle department. Warhammer stuff holds it's value surprisingly well no matter how busted up or old it is. I look forward to getting the first miniaturas assembled, primed, and painted shortly. It's good to be back.. even if my wallet disagrees

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Welcome back brother! 


It is good to see you bringing these old mistreated models back to glory, maybe you could nickname your army the Phoenix Crusade :) 


If you are looking for cheap nasty marines, I regularly see people selling lots of 100 tactical marines on ebay for less then £1 a model. You a whole mix of bit for a pretty good price. Link to an example: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/100-Space-Marine-Tactical-Marines-Warhammer-40-000-40k-GW/372119818986?_trkparms=pageci%3A540fb589-1e2c-11e8-9ead-74dbd180f753%7Cparentrq%3Ae746dfcb1610a8608e414a90fffd4a7c%7Ciid%3A1&_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236

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Sweet God-Emperor, that's exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for! I don't know why nothing like that came up in my previous searches. I've only been able to find squads or ten or so tactical at a time, no bulk lots. Thanks for the heads up!
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I took a decade long break as well, but got dragged back in a couple of years ago. Welcome back to the Crusade!


From your description, you seem to have a nice base to start with. Going on a budget is hard (trust me, I donate plasma to afford MY toys!), but I look forward to seeing how your list unfolds. Keep us all updated!

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Marines and vehicles from other chapters are beginning to arrive at my doorstep for ritual green stuff purification. I would show you the before pictures, but it's incredibly hard to do this crap from my cellphone. The first lot to arrive (LRC & 23 Marines) were painted in what I can only assume is three inches of semi gloss interior paint. Into the bath with them!




Meanwhile, Primaris Reiver reinforcements are reporting to the armory and trading in their plain old armor and puny combat knives for proper "angry space knights" upgrades.








Apologies if I break the tables or anything with image size. It's hard to figure out how big these pictures are since I'm using my cellphone. Let me know if they're stupid big and I'll just throw up a link instead. I'm looking forward to more crap arriving soon. Hopefully in the next few days I can begin priming and painting!

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As this thread develops you'll start to see that my flavor of Templars, at least the ones that I have some conversion control over, have a decidedly chaos vibe to them. I love mixing as many chaos bitz as I can into my Templars simply because chaos bitz look more medieval. I figure the Templars have been on crusade for 10,000 years living out of their van on the fringes of the Galaxy.. so they use old equipment, repurpose stuff, and generally lean toward an unorthodox style of conducting themselves. I wouldn't want to be the guy who questions their loyalty to the emperor though
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  • 1 month later...

Quick progress update. Basically it's taken a long time to order everything from eBay and find a paint stripping agent that actually worked. Everything is now stripped and I'm beginning to green stuff some proper Templar flair onto the models. These minis aren't done, yet, but now that I've streamlined the shoulder casting process I can move on to other accessories. I've ordered a Black Templar Upgrade sprue for further bitz. Sorry if the following pic breaks any tables, it's difficult to tell from my cell phone. More progress pics comin' soon!



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