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Night Angels ((A Dark Angels successor chapter)


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I’m designing a successor chapter to the Dark Angels that I’ve named the Night Angels. Primary colors to be purple and silver.

I’m having some trouble in deciding a few things. Namely their robe colors. If I want ever srgnt in robes, and if not how to distinguish between them. If I want the Raven wing to have a different name and Armour color it I want black knights to have a different color then raven wing bikers. Deathwing colors.

I’ve decided, (kinda) I’m going to put primarius marines in but they will have the traditional green but have purple shoulder pads.


I’ve also decided to have a company that has at one point or another it’s entiery served in the deathwatch. So they will all have deathwatch shoulder pads and I will probably use deathwatch weapons with them letting them run as death watch or as Dark Angels or as Sapce marines depending on my mood.


I’m also considering letting the rest of the chapter be built out of the sapce marine dex instead of the DA dex sense they would be codex compliant, but then with few exceptions could still use the DA codex if I wanted to run them together.


Thoughts, comments, ideas?

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Perhaps (really just freestyling here) the Night Angels left allies hanging to go hunting the Fallen (not the first time this has happened), but with extra calamitous consequences.

As penance, much of the chapter either joined the deathwatch, or served alongside them in a joint campaign. This was a turning point for the night Angels, so they repainted their armour purple, and added silver shoulder pads etc like the deathwatch. The turning point might also have been a decision to be more codex compliant, thus giving you a fluff justification for using codex vanilla marines


To answer your questions, though. Bone/cream is a great contrast for purple. Not sure if bone is too bright a colour for what I'm guessing you want to be a very dark army. But it would look cool. If you decided not to do robes, you could distinguish sergeants with bone helmets


I think your dilemma about ravenwing and deathwing is something that will depend on how you want the army to look. But perhaps you go with a dark blue for one or both of them, as another "night-ish" colour

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