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Dark mech counts as =Archmagos Malifica=

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So after having a friend commission me for a very involved Daemon Prince conversion ( more on that later, it's gonna take awhile) I started toying with the idea of making a set of twin princes, which then led into a whole chaos marine list that would be built as dark mech as opposed to marines.


So far, I've settled on a slaanesh worshipping machine cult using the iron warriors trait. Everything that benefits from their ignores cover will be modeled as sonic weaponry.


I've thought up a few counts as conversions for the army already. But would love some feedback on what else I could do and on the ideas I already have. Keep in mind this will never be an optimised list as it's more of a display project and narrative list than anything.


Here's a few of the ideas lined up;


Ursarax as warptalons (with added mutations and flesh, likely gargoyle wings)


Myrmidons as obliterators (again mutations, and the fleshmetal guns as large sonic cannons)


Castellax* this gets complicated. The models themselves will be a redux/refinement of an older just for fun conversion. (Posted here for posterity) And in this list will be contemptors with chainclaws, soulburners and havoc launchers(launchers modeled as sonic weapons again)




and finally, modified skitarii as cultists.


So anyone think I may be on to something, or am I crazy? Anyone else have any ideas?

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We are like minded people, Ive been working on a bit of Dark Mechanicum elements myself for CSMs. I went with a Krios Venator as a Vindicator Laser Destroyer, I think the model really looks the part. Im also rather enjoying Hellforged Rapier Batteries, AdMech Kataphron Destroyers are a great base model for these.


Those are really cool looking Castellax conversions, I like the Maulerfiend bits added in. What are those big domed helms from? I cant place them.

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Don't forget a Hellwright....and you can straight up use the FW Archmagos with or without Abeyant, per FW.


And since Hellwrights can repair Questor Traitoris, you might want to include a Renegade Knight. Check the FW Chaos Index for all sorts of fun.


Slaanesh Sonic Dreadnought was added in FAQ.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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We are like minded people, Ive been working on a bit of Dark Mechanicum elements myself for CSMs. I went with a Krios Venator as a Vindicator Laser Destroyer, I think the model really looks the part. Im also rather enjoying Hellforged Rapier Batteries, AdMech Kataphron Destroyers are a great base model for these.


Those are really cool looking Castellax conversions, I like the Maulerfiend bits added in. What are those big domed helms from? I cant place them.

oooh good idea on the krios. That never even crossed my mind. I'll defiantly be sharing things as I go, but it will be slow going. Had a similar thought about rapiers already though. Just couldn't fit them in the initial list.


The 'dome' heads are two helbrute shoulderpads glued together. The rest is just the little container bits also from the helbrute, and a skitarii omnispex. Each one has the omnispex facing a different way, to create two unique 'faces'


Don't forget a Hellwright....and you can straight up use the FW Archmagos with or without Abeyant, per FW.


And since Hellwrights can repair Questor Traitoris, you might want to include a Renegade Knight. Check the FW Chaos Index for all sorts of fun.


Slaanesh Sonic Dreadnought was added in FAQ.

oh I haven't, my warlord will be a hellwright. But I'm going to custom build one. Going to start with cawl's torso like I did for my death guard Prince. In another week or two I'll be ready to start with him.


I initially thought about sonic dreads as my robots, but they didn't really offer anything that using contemptor rules don't do better already.

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If you're willing to use RaH, you could use a Marauder squad with the heretek ability as Skitarii possibly.


Maybe use a heavy weapons squad as Sagitarii.


Oh, what about using cultists as combat servitors?


You could also use a warpsmith.

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If you're willing to use RaH, you could use a Marauder squad with the heretek ability as Skitarii possibly.


Maybe use a heavy weapons squad as Sagitarii.


Oh, what about using cultists as combat servitors?


You could also use a warpsmith.

for my Dark Mech, the Disciples in my Renegade Command Squads are all Servitors and I have 2 units of Skitarii Hereteks (Vanguard bits plus plasma guns and some chaos stuff).


Electro Priests also make surprisingly good Rogue Psyker Covens (they even come in 5's) with minor conversion. They look a lot like the FW ones.


I use some generic WWII infantry miniatures with servitor heads, bionic arm bits, and lasguns as Mutants (think test subjects/failed experiments).


Since I'm running mine as House Malinax Men at Arms supporting 2 Knights, I'll also be custom building a mechanized "Ogryn Pack Master" and give him some chaos warhounds. Malinax has a thing for incorporating weird megafauna into their designs, especially their skulls and such, so a few giant hounds should be pretty cool.

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That new starter set is kinda begging to be kitbashed all together into some dark xenos tech using mechanicus. As someone pointed out in the rumour thread the armigers could be chaos decimators...
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That new starter set is kinda begging to be kitbashed all together into some dark xenos tech using mechanicus. As someone pointed out in the rumour thread the armigers could be chaos decimators...

Especially since the Decimator and its weapons incorporate both Xenos and Daemonic tech.

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It would be neat if they ruled in Chaos Armigers like they did with Knights. Might be a bit oversized for Decimators, but I would let if fly on the rule of cool.


For ideas if I can make a shameless plug, my blog has a few pics of my Dark Mech creations: http://ikaranchronicles.blogspot.ca/


Also google Dark Future Gaming Mechanicus, genius work there.

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If I ever field decimators, they will be based on the FW domitar. As for the mini knights, I'll pray on renegade rules for that.


Thanks for all the wonderful ideas people. I feel like we might need to start a little dark mech club.

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I guess I'm the only one who hopes there won't be a chaos version of the Armiger. I'd rather see something else that's unique to chaos instead.a
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I guess I'm the only one who hopes there won't be a chaos version of the Armiger. I'd rather see something else that's unique to chaos instead.a

I just don't want us to get left out like how it was with knights at first. That being said, something like the old slannesh titans re-imagined as knights would be welcome

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I guess I'm the only one who hopes there won't be a chaos version of the Armiger. I'd rather see something else that's unique to chaos instead.a

You mean as unique as Chaos Knights are to Loyalist ones? Womp womp...

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I guess I'm the only one who hopes there won't be a chaos version of the Armiger. I'd rather see something else that's unique to chaos instead.a

You mean as unique as Chaos Knights are to Loyalist ones? Womp womp...

D'uh if course I know that there's lots of overlapping between loyalist and chaos forces already. Just because it's done in the past doesn't mean it has to be done again.
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Turbulence, that's a superb conversion!


Where did the legs come from?

thank you thank you. Both the legs and lower body are a warmachine merc character. I'm not into the game so I can't recall the name, but it just worked well for what I wanted to do. minor updates. Still armless, lots of body details to add still. But we're getting there




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