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Whats changed since 5th


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Hi all,(serial lurker here)


I havent played since 5th, getting back into the game with a friend and after wondering which army to get back in with I just cant see past the blood angels(the only army I.have ever played). I dont have any models whatsoever so its a clean slate to start off with.

The game has changed alot from what I can see watching youtube etc. Baal preds seem really strong as do the death company as usual, but im stuck for what else to go for to make a good 1500pts list. Im struggling to decide which troops choice to go for and what detachments to take if any of you more experienced guys could give me some info on whats working on the tabletop for the sons of sanguinius these days that would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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Well I haven't played before 7th, however just the change from 7th to 8th is huge so I'll just say ... "a lot" has changed. It's a very different game compared to even the last edition. :biggrin.:


For your questions ... well, just read a bit through the different threads and you'll learn a lot I think.

This one should help you a lot regarding your Troops choice for example: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/342613-blood-angels-troops-discussion/?p=4965958

Edited by sfPanzer
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The world had changed drastically. 5th Ed BA reigned as the champions of Razor spam where winning was decided by how many Assault cannons and melta guns you could cram into nearly immortal transports. Our Assault Jumpers were troops and they could take a Razor for the cost of their packs. Lists were boring in fifth. Everyone was doing some variant of mech spam. The armies who had flyers (BA, AM, and GK) ruled.


Key factors of 8th vs 5th is degrading vehicle wound charts. The importance of the fly keyword. Overwatch and being able to fall back out of combat. Guns shoot more, twin linked means double shots rather than reroll misses. Anything can be measured beforehand and charges are random distance vs fixed.

Edited by Bonzi
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I use Intercessors regularly but only the Rapid fire variant. Always solid performer. They don't win you games on their own but they're there when you need them always doing something.

Next I'm going to build the Stalker variant because I just like them, not because I think they're particularly strong.

The Assault variant I'll never build with the current rules. I think they're simply inferior to the Rapid fire variant and on top promote a playstyle where you want to keep them away from the opponent which I also don't like as BA (except for dedicated Heavy weapon units like Stalker obviously).


I don't see many Baals these days. Last I checked they're worse than regular Predators and Razorbacks unfortunately.

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Chaplain w/Jump Pack, Veritas Vitae


3x5 man intercessors with bolt rifles

10 scouts with blades, sgt w/power axe


15 Death Co. w/ 2xThunder Hammers,2xAxes, Jump Packs


2xBaal Preds w/ assault cannon,heavy bolters,storm bolter and HKM

Predator w/ all lascannons


Is there enough models there for a 1500 list? Will be playing orks and nids mainly to begin with

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I run Intercessors a lot. They are pretty survivable as long as there are other threats. sfPanzer's analysis is pretty much the same as mine. They perform their role and get the job done. Not flashy, but effective. 

I've used my Baal Pred a few times. I've enjoyed it, but it's not super competitive. I usually just park it in one spot and use it to shoot infantry. If it moves, it gets -1 to hit and can't shoot if it advances.

Death company are super good. Sanguinary guard aren't too bad. I love librarian dreadnoughts. 

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Thats a shame about the baals they are my favourite tank and thought they could mow down light/medium infantry with ease after watching a review on youtube

I like the dreadnoughts but the price starts to get silly when adding a drop pod for a delivery method is it viable to walk them across the table or will they get f****d up before they get to where they need to be

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Melee/short ranged Dreads aren't the most competetive choice either I fear. The Librarian Dread is great because he gets protected by the Character rule but the DC Dread and the Furioso are just sitting ducks either way. Your best bet is to deliver them with a Stormraven (which is a pretty good unit on its own!) but that becomes real expensive real quick.

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Yeah its trying to find the balance thats the hard thing knowing that my mate will have more board coverage playing nids or orks but at the same time dont want to have a list only for them as we are looking at branching out and playing other ppl
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I find Baal preds a tad lacking. Unless you bring in guard screening will be an ongoing issue, short range means moving and hitting on 4's, and their damage output for their cost is middling.


For better damage output look into inceptors. Lots of blood angel synergies with those bad boys.


Also storm raven is a common mvp in my games.

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I watched a batrep earlier tonight BA vs Tau and the baal done nothing, dont think the guy playing BA knew he would be playing tau as he was trying to walk the majority of his army accross the board including three dreads. His tanks were pretty much ruined after turn one (razorback,vindie and baal) Mephiston on the other hand seems like a must have especially for the price he costs nowadays and the DC Dread done pretty well. If I learned anything from watching it I would have to say the BA need delivered into the enemy ASAP although the BA list could have been alot better.
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Primaris aren't THE way to go but they are pretty good.

Few units have the damage output of Inceptors or Aggressors once they are in range and few units are as solid performer as Intercessors.

However the lack of Jump Pack melee units means that Primaris can't use some of the biggest strengths of our Codex and they're completely lacking loadout options and Jump Pack options for HQs.

Also Scouts have a pretty unique role in being able to deny and secure space for reserves which is also very important for a deep strike heavy BA army.

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