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I'm really not convinced of Missile Launcher tbh. Their performance was always lackluster for me. Lascannon > Missile Launcher any day.


I more or less agree with you, but for me, a comparable missile scout unit that;


is 10 pts cheaper

is better in close combat

can scout deploy in the event of funky deployment tables


...has the edge over Tacs.


The only thing Tacs can do that Scouts and Intercessors can't is take 2 special weapons. And for me, that keys them in as a midfield mobile fire/light assault unit.

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Well, the original post was about how to arm devastators after arming two tac squads with lascannons based on further bits availability.


At this point, I’m strongly considering running a squad of havocs in transport of some sort with grav cannons, and another squad of havocs with at least 2 lascannons and I’m not sure what else.


Supplementary anti-tank in the form of the two tac squads with the lascannons and possibly a couple twin lascannon Dreadnought’s to also help shore up back-field melee.


This is all theorycraft as I don’t have any of these having started my army at the beginning of the year though I am an old hat at the game in general.

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  • 10 months later...

Paladin, yeah we got off course.  Sorry about that. See my 2nd to last post (end of 1st page) which I modified.


Sgt with Signum, 2x lascannons, 2x gravcannons, 1x heavy bolter.  That would be my advice.


First of all, sorry for necroing this thread, but I am considering building a devastator squad for a while now and I still havent made my mind about it. I also want to keep the las cannons for tacticals.

Im leaning towards 2 HB, 2 PC but maybe I should drop one plasma cannon for something else? A rocket launcher?


regarding the quote, is 2x las 2x grac 1x hb legal? I thought it was 4 heavy weapons per squad?

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I normally stick to just one PC in a Dev squad. With the Signum, it means I can overcharge without the risk of killing myself and means I don't need a Captain to babysit the Devs in order to get the best out of them.


A Missile Launcher is handy for access to the Flakk Missile stratagem and the points drop in CA is handy. Having a couple of heavy bolters in your army is also handy for the Hellfire stratagem but I tend to put HBs in my Tactical squads as it synergises better with their anti-infantry firepower.


For what it is worth, I normally run 3 LC and 1 PC with a few extra bolter dudes to act as bullet-catchers. Following the CA price drop, I can see a case for 2 LC, 1 PC and 1 ML.

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4 heavies is the allowed option. Sergeant can pick up something from the Sergeant Equipment list.

I'm taking multiple Devastator squads whenever possible. Usually one has 2 Lascanons and 1 HB, the other has 1 Lascanon and 2 HB and sometimes a Plasma canon or another HB if I have the points (I'm usually playing around 1500 pts.) Plus additional bodies in each squad.
This gives me numbers and while both squads have different roles, they can to a point back each other up.

Haven't tried the MM or Grav this edition yet, but I'm usually either fighting really heavy stuff or hordes, so LCs and HBs are the best solutions for me.
I'm also seeing ML now as a viable option, previously it was usually in my Scout squad.

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This gives me numbers and while both squads have different roles, they can to a point back each other up.

The issue of redundancy is a good one. Whilst I only run 1 Dev squad, they are not normally my only source of heavy weapons. I normally have a couple in my Tac squads as back up, some Inceptors roving about as well as Captain Smash and the DC to tackle tough targets.

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I like HBs on my Devs, nice and cheap but do a decent job. Can throw the MW stratagem on them too! Which leads my to my second weapon of choice for Devs - the ML. Versatile (albeit not cheap) and again there is a nice stratagem for dealing with fliers if you're in a pinch.


Devs are always a support unit for my armies, it doesn't revolve around them - they're there for a bit of long range punch to aid the rest of my army as it moves in for the melee kill (hopefully!). Which is why I run them simple :)

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