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Dread05's WIP (v. 2.0) (Sanguinary Priest progress)


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I decided to try to paint spray my army en mass because at this point I have so much gray, it will take me months just to base coat them with a brush and pot (at my current rhythm anyway). Until now I was undercoating with chaos black and I was doing some thin coats (very thin I must admit) of mephiston red. I tried to do the same with sprayed mephiston red. I was sceptical about it, cause I've seen many reviews of mephiston red actually clogging detail etc. I did a test run with a space hulk terminator, since its easier to strip paint them. I have to say, the results speak for themselves.


NS2MlPz.jpg  PnjbmwZ.jpg  




I didnt loose any detail, the colour is smooth all across the model, and the chaos black undercoat gave me some very nice shadows.

Sprays ftw :-)


Out of curiosity - did you find a good way to cut/clean up the original bases? 

I'm going to make a start on my space hulk sprues soon and want to put them on 40mm; there happens to be a lot of plastic to cut away on some of the poses. 

  On 7/15/2018 at 5:09 AM, Ekfud said:

Sprays ftw :-)


Out of curiosity - did you find a good way to cut/clean up the original bases? 

I'm going to make a start on my space hulk sprues soon and want to put them on 40mm; there happens to be a lot of plastic to cut away on some of the poses. 


TBH this is the only space hulk model I cut the original base, to match with the rest of the squad. I cut the big pieces with clippers and then used a sanding wheel my dad has at home to smooth it down. Given the opportunity, I dont think I would do it again, the original bases play a big part on the poses of these models. Gideon ended up leaning forward a bit. For squad Lorenzo, which is only space hulk models, I just glued the old bases on 40mm bases. They ended up a bit taller than my other squad, but thats not bad in the age of primaris :P.

  • 4 months later...

Finally decided to build the razorback I had in the box for over 6 months. Sorry for the bad quality of the picture, my battery was dying at that point.






This was a Rhino from a battlebox I found on sale. I bought an assault cannon and the blood angels upgrades from forgeworld. The cannon had some imperfections on one of the barrels but it turned out fine. The front panel of the rhino was also fine. The side doors on the other hand were terrible. They were much bigger that the door frames, I had to sand them for a while to make them into the correct size at which point the edges turned out non existent. Long story short, I ended up replacing them with the plastic doors from the Rhino box. I dont think I'll bother with forgeworld resin again.


I decided not to glue the gunner yet since I cant decide on a pose. On him I used the snout helmet and a shoulderpad from the death company box.


Fun fact, while I was building the back side of the rhino, I realised that I was about to put the rear door the inside out, and even worse, I had put it the wrong way on my Predator aswell. My OCD cant handle things like that, so I had to chop the door from the predator, turn it around, glue it back in and then use the poles from some spears of some elves from warhammer fantasy to build the chopped parts. Turned out nice, but it doesnt open anymore :tongue.:. Oh well, a predator is not meant to be a transport anyway. I'll try to post some better pictures tomorrow.

My final DC marine, I just noticed I never posted the rest.




 This one was built from leftover pieces from the DC kit, a chest I couldnt fit to other marines cause of a weird purity seal, legs from tacticals and an axe from assault marines.



So far my death company has:


1x marine with axe and bolt pistol, the above

2x marines with power fists and inferno pistols

1x marine with thunder hammer

2x marines with swords and plasma pistols

1x captain with thunder hammer and combi plasma

1x chaplain with crozius and bolt pistol


Im thinking of buying another box and doing 5x marines with bolters and chainswords, but somehow I also want to squeeze a couple of hand flamers in it. Maybe I'll do 2x bolter chainsword and 2x hand flamer chainsword to pump them up to 10, then use the spare parts to build a lieutenant.

  On 12/17/2018 at 10:09 AM, dread05 said:

My final DC marine, I just noticed I never posted the rest.




 This one was built from leftover pieces from the DC kit, a chest I couldnt fit to other marines cause of a weird purity seal, legs from tacticals and an axe from assault marines.



So far my death company has:


1x marine with axe and bolt pistol, the above

2x marines with power fists and inferno pistols

1x marine with thunder hammer

2x marines with swords and plasma pistols

1x captain with thunder hammer and combi plasma

1x chaplain with crozius and bolt pistol


Im thinking of buying another box and doing 5x marines with bolters and chainswords, but somehow I also want to squeeze a couple of hand flamers in it. Maybe I'll do 2x bolter chainsword and 2x hand flamer chainsword to pump them up to 10, then use the spare parts to build a lieutenant.


Sounds like a plan tbh, especially as hand flamers are expected to go to D6 shots next errata.

  On 12/17/2018 at 10:28 AM, Charlo said:


  On 12/17/2018 at 10:18 AM, sfPanzer said:

I for one am not expecting such a change. Our Fragcannon didn't get changed after DW got their better version either.


It's apparently in the Designers notes of CA.



Ah indeed!





Designer’s Note – Hand Flamers: Whilst writing

this beta codex we felt that the profile for a hand

flamer did not do this fearsome weapon justice, and

learnt that it was often overlooked in favour of other

sidearms. As a result, we have improved the hand

flamer’s Type from Pistol D3 to Pistol D6. We will

errata this profile in all our other books wherever it

appears. Burn the heretic!

  • 4 weeks later...

Finally decided to start painting again. This is one of my earliest squads (maybe the 3rd I ever built) that I had given up until now. Still alot to do, but I did the reds and one hand of gold. I'll finish the gold details tomorrow and then start with the blacks and silvers.




I'm looking for ideas on what colour to paint the ornaments on the their heads.


edit : question. From left to right, does the 4th marine look like :cuss? He looks to me like he's holding the plasma gun too high or something.

Great that you got back to painting!
Are those guys really that dark or is this simply Mephiston Red playing merry hell with the lighting?
If it's Mephiston Red, then I would simply go for picking out the details on the helmets with a Agrax Earhshade - it works well with both gold and Mephiston Red. Some of the blood drops I would pick up in some bright red to liven them up a bit. But definitely not every one - I think that "less is more" if you want to retain a cohesive look of the unit. 
Which Company are they from? You might paint a Drop on the Sergeant's Halo in the Company color (unless it's 2nd or 6th, as those are yellow).

With regards to the 4th Marine. I think the height of the Plasma Gun is fine. To me it looks like the level you would bring it up to to take an aimed shot. The only thing with it is that it doesn't quite look right to be doing that with the head facing straight on. Not sure if it's possible to remove the head, if it is possibly turn it so it's looking to it's left, giving the impression that he is looking down the weapon.


I would probably paint the details on the helmets silver to help them stand out from the gold and do red jem effects on the blood drops. It looks a nice and smooth red you've managed to do.

  On 1/15/2019 at 11:38 AM, Mostwanted said:

With regards to the 4th Marine. I think the height of the Plasma Gun is fine. To me it looks like the level you would bring it up to to take an aimed shot. The only thing with it is that it doesn't quite look right to be doing that with the head facing straight on. Not sure if it's possible to remove the head, if it is possibly turn it so it's looking to it's left, giving the impression that he is looking down the weapon.


thats the pose I had gone for initially, the head swap happened later. The problem is he looked really akward taking the shot. The general rule is that the head should be looking where the feet point.




And i doubt I can remove that head without breaking it.


His hands are the height of his belt buckle. I think its the plasma gun that its much bigger than a bolter, making it look so high.

  • 4 weeks later...

Did some more work today. 




I'm getting a dirtier look than I initially wanted, but that's not necessary a bad thing.


edit : man does drybrushing leave alot of dirt bits on the models. Thank god that lamp reveals them, I spent like 5 minutes cleaning the model up.

I messed up with the glaze, I used more than I should and I ended up clogging details. I took it as a sign and paint stripped the model, then hack him up. I wasnt really satisfied with how I built him so no I get to start anew.

  • 4 weeks later...

Yesterday was a very busy day for me. The weather was fine and I managed to do a lot of spray painting.


Fist I added some details such as grenades and purity seals to an assault squad, then I undercoated chaos black and then sprayed mephiston red.




Then I did the same with the captain of their company.





This is the new company veteran (same company as above, bodyguards of the captain) whom I chopped up. I only undercoated black since the rest of the squad was painted with a brush, he's gonna get the same treatment for the sake of consistency.





The same goes for these guys who are part of a command squad of my other company.





Then come a captain and a chaplain who are part of the death company.







By this point my chaos black spray was running low and it got windy again so I decided 12 models was ok for one day and packed my spray cans up. I got inside and did some touch ups with imperial primer and mephiston red to the sprayed models. 


Then I did this thing...




I chopped up this sergeant for the second time (maybe it was the third?) and gave him a more commanding pose. I think I'm finally satisfied with how he looks. I base coated the new parts but I was spent by that point and left the shading and details for another day. Also, you cant tell by the photo, but I drilled his barrel. I got a new drill some time ago and it was the first time I used it.



Finally, just a couple of photos of my DC marines and my DC dread. 




1x thunder hammer, 2x power swords and plasma pistols, 2x power fists and inferno pistols. I tried to have the two beakies with MK VI power armor, and one of the other guys is rocking a mark IV jump pack.




The dread has 1x melta gun 1x storm bolter and blood talons. His legs arent glued yet, couldnt decide on a pose. Its currently held together with blue tac, but maybe I'll eventually magnetise it?

Great to see some paint coming up on your figures :thumbsup: Fantastic work on the green eye-lenses of the sergeant!
Painting multiple infantry models often exhausts. It's good to make breaks and paint some other shape or do some gluing or barrel-drilling to keep sanity. 

As for magnetizing the dread - magnets really work only when you want to switch between loadouts. Or maybe if you want to switch his front plate and make him a librarian dread from time to time? Magnetizing the waist can work for transportation purposes, although classic box dread is short enough, that it is usually unnecessary. However it can get irritating soon enough when the model keeps spinning whenever you touch it :P
My knight does exactly that, as do both of my contemptors. Although sometimes it is indeed easier to transport them in pieces.

The lenses are the easiest thing really. I just paint the inside of the eye with White Scar and then leave a drop of Waywatcher Green inside to dry. Once its dry, I leave a second drop. That way the glaze settles in the corners of the eye and give that glowing effect. I always knew Im not that good with a brush to try complicated eye techniques, so I went with the Duncan tutorial more or less.


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