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Crimson Slaughter Daemon Prince

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I am going to begin work soon on a Daemon Prince using bits from spirit hosts as part of his body. Ideally, the effect will be his body fading into spirits. I want to use the daemon prince with my Crimson Slaughter army, they are haunted by poltergeist.


I am currently using a Slaaneshi prince with a warp bolter and the Elixir relic with Renegade rules. I thought about recycling that build with the fluff being that he was once an Astartes who enjoyed the sensation of insanity that the constant haunting brought. He embraced the curse to such a degree and the tormenting sensations it brought to such a degree that he would have himself bound in between battles and left alone with the poltergeists. Eventually this embracing of such torment caught the attention of Slaanesh.


Aesthetically, I don't think what I'm going for will work too well as Slaaneshi. It is unfortunate, but it is what it is. Khorne and Tzeentch are most active in the Crimson Slaughter's story, but they are not inherently bound to them. Khorne princes are pretty lackluster (on the CSM end anyway) so I don't really want to take that route, but the Tzeentch relic is purely smite based. This has me looking at the myriad options that Chaos Daemons has, and simply adding a Daemons detachment next to my Crimson Slaughter. Currently I am leaning towards Tzeentch with a build to utilize Treason of Tzeentch (don't let those nasty ghosts in your head) and possibly switching from Renegade rules to Night Lord rules.


I would like to hear any ideas others might have. The poltergheists are a curse from Khorne, but chaos is well... chaotic so who is to say it will remain that way?


I am considering using either Night Lords or Alpha Legion rules in place of Renegades (NL representing the army wide fear rule Crimson Slaughter had in 6th & 7th, and AL representing the effective cover the poltergheists gave Krannon's Helguard) and Chaos Daemons princes are definitely an option.

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