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An idea I’d like advice on


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Hey people after preforming pretty average in the tourney last weekend I’ve been kicking around an idea and wondering if anyone has given it a go.


I idea is as follows.


6xplas inceptors

Drop pod





6xvets w/plas


The rest of the list filled in with other stuff.


But this is section I’m interested in.


As you could guess the idea is to drop the pod and the inceptors in together creating a massive plasma bubble with rerolls a 4+inv and the banner for possible extra shots and apothecary for extra guys back maybe.


First question has anyone tried this?


Second question how do you think it would go?

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Only 1 unit you can WftDA every phase, so you're relying a lot on that. Depending on the rest of your list, you might end up quite short on chaff clearing capabilities. After you've dropped in, it doesn't matter what your opponent will be throwing your way, your dropped units will die fast. Even with 0 AP it's just about amount of shots or killing off your two units of vets to then charge the rest. The barebones options and 6 plasmaguns are 610'ish points including the drop pod. Then add inceptors, which I believe takes the cost up around 1000 pts. That's half a tourney list that will get one round of good shooting, then die. I don't see it doing that well at a tournament at least.


The more traditional route of hellblasters in a mobile parking lot with azzy and lt plus some inceptors should be stronger.

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This idea has crossed my mind too. Problem is your opponent can screen you out so that your interceptors can't reach what they want to shoot or your opponent can spread out.


Your inceptors want the screens to bunch up so that they can reach the tough stuff behind. Find stuff that will punish your opponent for running big gaps such as 3 dark talons that can fly over screens (stasis bomb) and reach the tough... If he bunches he is safer from darktalons but vurnerable to inceptors, if he spreads out he is vurnerable to dark talons and safer from inceptors.


Add a callidus assasin for the 3+d6 deep strike to mess with their brain more.

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As has been said You get screened out


The reason everyone is taking Hellblaster's is range Your 30" + 6" movement, the plasma inceptors are very good and worth taking 3/4 but the assault Bolters work really well against screens as do bikes with backup

Master with jump pack is useful or Sammael in his speeder of doom

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Live your dreams. If your playing for fun want an evil drop pod there will be ways of making it work.


Could go close combat on the vets as they have 2 attacks base, 3 on seargent. Lt, Azrael, ancient and apothecary can all do work in close combat and buff eachother. Inceptors will die first, then move and charge with the rest. Could go chainswords and plasma pistols on the vets to keep to the theme and save some points. Also, reducing the inceptors is probably a good idea or going 3 plasma and 3 bolt.


Might want master of maneuver on Lt for the re-roll charge.


Since you are going all out on the drop pod, sticking a librarian in there might be fun too. Axe and storm bolter. Can deny 1 at +1. Cast aversion on scariest shooty thing for a -1 to hit.


Since your inceptors will die and your other dudes will be on foot you will need manauverability and survivability with your deployment to get objectives and/support your drop pod. Probably bikes and darksroud or some vehichles with troops. Scouts would be essential to place hold for the pod.


*Note, I'm no expert, just an obsessive overthinker.

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Played a small tourney with DW supported by green guys -- before dropping anything you need to kill the screening and THEN drop what you want. 

For that reason dakka 10-man terime squad is good with DW assault stratagem. Or use dakka talon and bikes. DA sure have quite a few awesome dakka options now to clean the chaff and then deliver heavy-hitters.

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One other thing to consider is that you need half your list on the table to start. So this isn't going to be viable less than 2k points. I still have dreams of doing something similar, I made a list with a storm raven instead of a drop pod also. I will probably build and paint stuff for it one day, but right now I'm building hellblasters...

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The problem with it is you have 7 units in Deepstrike reserve which means you will need to have another 7 units on the board. Getting to 7 might be a problem in itself with the amount of points you are already spending above.


I had a couple test games with the below list which proved very affective which is similar to the setup you have above.








Master Crafter Bolter

Power Sword



Chapter Ancient



​(6) Inceptors

Plasma Exterminators


(6) Inceptors

Assault Bolters


(6) Inceptors

Assault Bolters



Drop Pod





Primaris Master

Power Fist

Plasma Pistol



Master Crafted Bolter

Power Maul



(5) Scouts



(5) Scouts


Heavy Bolter


(5) Scouts


Heavy Bolter



(5) Hellblasters

Plasma Incinerator


(5) Hellblasters

Plasma Incinerator


I stuck half the army in reserve and the other half played super defensively as I usually wanted my reserves down in turn 3 to give my opponent less time to react. The Hellblasters would help defend anything big that came chasing the rest of my army. When the reserves came down placement meant everything. Tried to always land in cover but made sure that the Plasma was in range. The Assault Bolters were great at removing Chaff and Azrael made everything super durable.


Although I had fun with this list I eventually decided to abandon it as it wasn't very good for the ITC Champion missions since at the time gave up too many Secondaries. Also you couldn't really optimise it more because the list required all those units in reserve to make the them work which left you hampered with the rest of the army. You also had to watch your CP because you need to make sure you have CP left to use WFTDA for the Plasma Inceptors to use from turn 3.


My last bit of advice is for Tournaments an Apothecary is a waste of points. At most he can revive 7 models in a game and that's only if you roll a 4+ everytime and only if the unit isn't injured. Yes the heal on characters can be clutch but Snipers aren't that big in the game anymore and if your Characters are dying because of your bad positioning you need to put more emphasis on positioning rather than use your points on an Apothecary. Always take an Ancient over an Apothecary (I know you have both an Ancient and an Apothecary but just wanted to stress the point).

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