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Scout Squad Sergeants - Equipment Access


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Hi All,


Is it correct that Dark Angels scout squad sergeants do not have access to Combi-Weapons (only states Melee and Pistols), even though Codex: Space Marine scout squad sergeants can still take them (Sergeant Equipment list)?


If so is this an error and has this been FAQ'd or commented upon by GW?


Can we still take a scout squad from the Index and give the sergeant a combi-weapon that way, or does the Codex entry fully supersede the Index even if the equipment option is no longer available?


Just want to confirm our options before building a scout squad.



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Do note that people generally keep scouts as cheap as possible, as they are expendable screens. Some HB or Missile launchers for the stratagens may be added, but those are almost always better of on Devastators, due to the option of the use of a Signum for more hits.


Something to keep in mind! :)

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if it helps, I usually play my Scout Sgts with combat blades or chainswords and bolt pistols.

Usualy they are the last to die along with the heavy bolters I usually bring, and so, tend to make it into combat before going out. The pistol and extra attack makes them worth keeping alive till then, more often than not.

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Hi thanks for the feedback and the link to the designers commentary.


In terms of using Index wargear options for Codex units, can this also be applied to the Landspeeder Storm and its weapon options (i.e. Heavy Flamer and Multi-Melta). The reason I ask is that whilst there was an Index entry for this unit, it was not available to Dark Angels in the Index and only became available to us as an option in the Codex?


For squad load out I will be buidling a five man unit with bolters, would a combi-weapon on the sergeant ever be advisable instead of a Heavy Bolter, or would you always just keep them bare-bones?


Does the advice for load-out change depending on point level i.e. I am buidling a 500pt list, at that point level is it more beneficial to have the scouts better equiped in order to contribute more to the game?

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Don't listen to em. I load my scouts up to be mean. In 5th ed. I made a rockem sockem Calgar-ish scout with dual PF for the +1 attack.


Honestly though, It just depends on how you'll use em, a single 5 man screen, keep em cheap. Two five man units looking to flank some vehicles, combi melta it up!

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Nope, no fancy weapons for your storms, the codex entry is the only time it’s been available to DA so that’s what your stuck with. No sergeant war gear for scout biker sergeants either. Maybe they’ll errata it later, hopefully.
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I'd definitely keep the scouts cheap, sniper rifles don't seem to do a lot, even if you stack up on them (10+), so only upgrade I'd consider is a heavy weapon per 5 scouts. It's the efficient way of running them.


For small games like your mentioned 500 points, keeping troops tidy in points becomes even more vital. Your opponents are a lot less likely to bring a big heavyhitter in such a game, and if they do, you win on objectives most of the time. Therefore you don't need the added firepower from upgrading scouts. Just bolters for killing infantry and low T targets.

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A lot depends on the rest of your army and how you envisage deploying.


Most DA builds are fairly elite heavy your looking at less than 50 models total and if your running Azreal your going to have a central core your wanting to protect. Your likely running the Shroud as well so again grouping to a certain degree.


This tends to lead to a semi circular deployment with scouts in front pushing away any infiltrate/DS bubble, the 2 side units can be in your deployment or not depending on deployment type and obviously objectives.


I've also frequently used snipers and intercessors on the wings with various upgrades the ones out front or pushed forward though are always cheap, if my opponent doesn't have DS/Infiltrate units you can deploy them to objective grab a storm bolter or power sword is always a decent option though given its cost.


Theres a couple of things with upgrades though if your going to do it do it properly, if I take snipers then both flanking units will have sniper rifles 5 shots isn't enough you need at least 10, while not doing a ton of damage with grim Resolve certainly dish out enough mortal wounds to make your opponent cautious and once you set your stall out for snipers you may as well add a Rocket to 1 and a heavy bolter to the other to make use of stratagems.

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