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I have been thinking about a scion army with an inquisitor and retinue. I just like the idea from a Modeling standpoint but I would like it to be a solid army also. Something that won't get tabled every game. Some questions I have,

1. Would this army be viable and semi competitive? I don't plan on playing in a ton of tournaments but maybe local ones.

2. What inq. Would work well with a scion army?

3. Also the inq. Retinue, should it be made up of alcolytes?

4. Are scions good as a stand alone army?

I'm not sure where to start with something like this. Any advise would be appreciated.

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For the ones I can answer...


2) Ordo Malleus in TDA. Deepstriking along side scions is handy, plus he’s about as durable as a T3 model can get.

3) Unfortunately post FAQ acolytes are basically garbage, take them for flavor if you’d like, but expect them to die fast without doing any heavy lifting.

Acolytes aren't toooo bad, maybe stormbolters on them. Not as "points efficient" (shudder...) as Scions but they can take ANY dedicated transport from ANY Imperium codex. That means you have some extra options to add to what is currently a very restricted force. Land Raiders, Corvus Blackstars, the sister of battle transport whose name currently escapes me, whatever you like.


Taurox Primes are a decent transport so I'd take some of those as well, mainly for the guns since Scions can already deep-strike.


Plenty of Scions and Tempestor Primes of course.


As for Inquisitors you might want to take a few of them for some Psychic punch. Maybe one in terminator armour to act as your warlord and a few regular ones as his subordinates?


Assassins would also be a flavourful addition to this force and they all have their uses.

Hey sunspear, I usually run a scion focused list so I thought I'd chime in with my two cents.


I usually play smaller games (about 1k points or so) but I normally run a scion brigade as the base of my army. I have recently been running a culexus assassin and inquisitor greyfax with them as we have been plagued by a ton of psykers. They work quite well as support units. Greyfax can ride in a taurox prime with a scion squad to use as a meatshield when she hops out. This will also count as a few units that you started on the board, which is helpful when you are deepstriking a bunch of stuff.


Looking forward to seeing your progress with this! Good luck out there.

If you’re wanting “Inquisition” units, don’t feel restricted to those with the Inquisition keyword. In fact, virtually anything can be fluffy in an “Inquisition” force, but there are a number of units with a track record of having been part of the Inquisition army in the past: Crusaders, Death Cult Assassins, Arcoflagellants, Priests, Enginseers and various psykers, for example. A lot of these are Astra Militarum so easy to slot into detachments with your Scions. The Adeptus Ministorum units on the other hand can ride in an Immolator with your Inquisitor. Crusaders could be a nice unit to hold the field while your Scions drop in.


Another thought is to run alternative models for Tempestor Primes that can represent junior Inquisitors or more heroic Henchmen. The Community website article on the new Eisenhorn gave nice examples of running Fischig and Nayl as Primes.


Assassins and Sisters of Silence are the sort of specialist assets that an Inquisitor could bring to the field.


Finally, consider whether you might want to represent the Chamber Militant of your chosen Ordo: Grey Knights, Adepta Sororitas or Deathwatch could all give you useful units.


I’m afraid I’m not the best person to make recommendations on the optimal builds for your army, but I hope this gives you a few ideas.

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