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++Blood & Zeal 2018 - Elite Strategem++


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Welcome to the Black Templars Troops stratagem! You have one week to vow, build, and complete more points that the Black Templars.

A vow is made by posting in this thread with a starting photo and using the following template:



I [insert name here] rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build [insert units here] for a combined total of [insert PL here] on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...

To complete a vow, state it as being complete and post a photo showing the completed build and undercoat applied.

For the full set of rules, please check your Faction's event thread.

Black Templars - Current points total

  • 69 points

Black Templars - Roll of Honour

The following list details all the participants and the points acquired:

Brother Adelard - 29

CaptnRussia - 12

Halandaar - 16

Rye0006 - 12

Chaplain Matthias - 12

Schilitzaf - 2

Acebaur - 8

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Right, after last week's rather lacklustre response, let's get this party started!


I Brother Adelard, rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 1 Relic Contemptor Dreadnought, 1 Venerable Dreadnought and 5 Vanguard Veterans with Jumppacks for a combined total of 29PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...


IMG 20180306 093820

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I've also just worked out who the Templar Venerable Dread was. He was clearly the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! (Now I just need a sword and to write 'None Shall Pass' on his shield...)


Maybe you should just have put the torso on the base without the arms or legs, and given him a banner reading "I'll bite your legs off!"

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I haven't taken any pictures yet so I can't officially vow, but I'm excited to have received in the mail, bits for sternguard, and two terminator squads. I also have a standard bearer who needs to be built and some 100% kitbashed cenobytes. I'll probably vow one unit at a time because I'm not sure how much time I'll have this week. But I'm excited!
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I, CaptnRussia, rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one Terminator Squad for a combined total of 12 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option....


Stoked to be able to jump in again for what might be the last time in this event, cursed life and its interuptions to my plans! Rally brothers we will yet be victorious! IMPERATOR VULT!

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Hmm, I guess I could probably do a tartaros squad at least. I've no idea how I would be running them on the tabletop though. They really lost their edge compared to normal shooty termies since they have no sweeping in 8th.


Other things could be some veteran bikes and uh, maybe a 5-man jump vanguard squad. Actually maybe a dreadnought too, it's not in sprues but I'm not sure if I glued any of it yet or anything so it might be viable for this.


Gotta take a closer look before I make my vow.

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Alright! Bits have finally arrived.

I, Halandaar, first of his name, King of the Andals and the Fir.. wait, what? Ahem. I hereby vow to complete 6 Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs, for a total of 16 PL


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I, rye0006, rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one Centurion Assault Squad for a combined total of 12 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option.


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Build complete, just need a hit from the spray can in the next few days;


These guys use bits from the Deathwatch Kill Team, Vanguard Veterans, Tactical Squad, Devastator Squad, Assault Squad and Black Templar Upgrade kits.

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Vow complete, now I'll sit and twiddle my chainswords while I watch my brothers win us yet greater glory!


Rye I am stoked to see what you do with those Centurions, they have amazing character in the kit. Hope you have as much fun building them as I did!

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The Blood Angels have a lot of vows in this category, but very few completions. It's there for the taking if we can get some more vows together!


Remember that there are a lot of easy points to be had in this category; single models like Company Ancients are worth 4 Power each. I reckon there are a lot of potential Company Champions and Ancients lurking in people's bits boxes!

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IMG 20180308 174052

Vow Complete!
Extra work done includes magnetised arms on the Venerable, the close combat arm with the plastic fist has been straightened and is ready for a suitable sword)
The Vanguard have all got magnetised jump and back packs, as well as Rogue Crusader's Sword Brother Pauldrons. Which need to be moulded into shape.
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I Schlitzaf of the Dalthus Crusade rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build Honor Gaurd for a combined total of 2 on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...


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I Acebaur rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build a Venerable Dreadnought for a combined total of 8 on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...



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I don't think I'm going to be able to fulfil my vow I'm afraid. It was always going to be pushing it with a 6 week old daughter, our first mother's day, and marking coursework. Plus I want to do more to the models to add some dynamism and Templar style. And the weather forecast doesn't sound conducive to undercoating.

So all in all, I think it's best to not be counting on me I'm afraid.

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I just realized that making the vow - or rather actually being able to fulfill it as well - depends on my black spray situation. All of my gazillion current ones are empty, clogged or just spraying some worthless watery crap. Might have to shell out for a GW spray once more to get a reliable one, but not sure if I can get myself to go to the FLGS tomorrow (been ill for the past week).

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I Cognative, rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 2x Apothecaries, 1 Ancient, One Chapter Champion with Thunder Hammer, one Company Champion, and one Cataphractii Terminator squad for a combined total of 29 points plus any conversion points on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, Sigismund, and Helbrecht, whilst failure is not an option...




The Company Champions torso is already glued as I got a bit too ZEALOUS and forgot my pictures for a minute, hope that's ok. If not I'll remove him from my vow.


Edit: and I just noticed I'm missing a pauldron for one Apothecary in a picture. Whoops. He will have one in the final pic.

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