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++Blood & Zeal 2018 - Elite Strategem++


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Hawklynn rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build an Apothecary and a Dreadnought for a combined total of 10PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...


Apothecary for Blood and Zeal 2018

Dreadnought for Blood and Zeal 2018


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I, tvih rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build:
- 2 Company Veterans on Bikes

- Dreadnought

... for a combined total of 13 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...






Annoyingle enough I deemed the Tartaros termies "too far gone" for the spirit of sportsmanship, and kinda the same for the vanguard - torso halves were glued and magnets installed on both and the jump pack halves glued on the vanguard as well. Bah. I'll see if I can whip up something else after these are done, I suppose there's the two MkIV Honour Guard if nothing else. The Crimson Fists would've had plenty of Sternguard and a unit of Vanguard, a unit of Veteran Bikes as well as a Chapter Ancient to offer, but I suppose this is one fight BT will have to fight without their aid in order to keep it honorable :tongue.:

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Vow Complete!


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And I revow! 


I Acebaur Rise to the challenge and shall turn these piles of bitz into 2 (TWO!) squads of terminators, one with 6 models and one with 5 for a total of 36PL!


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Right, vow now officially complete:


And I'm going to make a follow up vow, to scavenge from various bits the following;

  • 1 Chapter Champion
  • 1 Chapter Ancient
  • 1 Apothecary
  • Company Veterans Squad (2 strong)

For a total of 14 PL.


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Second Vow complete!


Below are the pre-basecoat images with a breakdown of parts used for each model.

Chapter Champion

Bits from the Deathwatch Kill Team, Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerers, MKIV Tactical Squad, Sanguinary Guard, Dark Angels Upgrade Sprue, Deathwing Terminators and Sternguard Veterans Kits



Bits from the Command Squad, Devastator Squad, Ravenwing Command Squad, Sternguard Veterans and Cataphractii Terminator kits.


Chapter Ancient

Bits from the Devastator Squad, Deathwatch Kill Team, Deathwatch Chaplain, Primaris Ancient, Dark Angels Upgrade Set, Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult Terminator Kits


Company Veterans

Bits from the Vanguard Veteran Squad, MKIII Tactical Squad, Deathwing Knights and Tactical Squad kits.


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12 hours remain

I really do appreciate you doing this. As an American who can't be bothered to figure out what GMT is compared to here it has been very helpful.
Lol it works out to 6pm eastern with the time change
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I Chaplain Matthias of the Calixis Crusade rise to the Elite challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build Terminators for a combined total of 12PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...



Here's my picture.





Just under the wire too! I'm bummed my other terminator torsos never showed up. I could have doubled my points. 

I hope I did enough conversions to count for the extra points. The grey knights legs don't fit with the Dark Angels torsos very well so there was a lot of shaving to do. Shaved off some DA symbols as well but not much more.

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Righto, vow complete. Well, the dread isn't on a base but that's because it's supposed to be stomping on something and I don't yet know what that something is going to be, much less have painted/built it!



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