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Kaese's army blog


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I have thought of coming back to 40k universe for a few years now. The release of the 8th edition and completely new ruleset was the thing that finally got me started. Blood angels were the obvious choice as Death company has the coolest miniatures as well as background story. The other choice was Dark eldars that I used to play back in the 3rd and 4th editions.

I started building the army mid October last year, but being an extremely slow painter, I didn't get the miniatures past the prepping stage. It took a new years resolution and a "try something new" painting challenge for me to finally get some paint on my army. Obviously the first models I have painted have been somehow related to death company :smile.:


This Death company chaplain was the first model I painted. Black armor and edge highlight was something I had never tried before, so I was a bit worried how it would turn out, especially with my shaking hands. The result was better than I expected, but there are still something to improve. The highlight layers on black could have been a bit lighter, and the edge highlights are a bit too light. All in all, I really like painting characters, as I can experiment with stuff without the need of replicating it in full unit of miniatures. :smile.:


Death company dreadnought was the first big model that I painted. I had seen a picture of a dreadnought with really cool blue glow somewhere, so I wanted to try if I can do it. I had thought that it would take ages to paint something this big, but it was surprisingly easy to paint.


These were the models that I used in the painting challenge. Edge highlights and painting black armor was the main focus as I hadn't tried that before (if you don't count the chaplain), but turns out there was plenty of new stuff to try. Also the amount of detail in these miniatures is overwhelming, and at times I was a bit frustrated, as I just have to paint all the details. My plan was to finish at least 11 models during January, but fell a bit short from the target after I had to skip more than a week from painting when my son got ill at the same time I was swamped at work.


These sniper scouts I finished last night. I painted the first two few weeks ago, but the Blood & Zeal stuff have taken most of the free time I have for miniatures. These would have been finished earlier if I had remembered to put these safe when I stopped painting. My 10 month old son had reached the two of these on the table, and I found him beating them against a chair legs. Apparently they had been also in his mouth. the paint had chipped from multiple locations so I had to re-paint the miniatures and also repair some minor damage from the beating and tiny teeth. I feared the damage would have been worse, but now you wouldn't believe what these guys have survived. :smile.:

Next in line will probably be some bolter scouts, scout bikers or tactical marines. Or maybe something done in Blood & Zeal. Haven't decided yet..

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Awesome work! I especially like the chaplain, wonderful colors scheme!

Thanks! It is mostly the same scheme as GW has. I just put more gold into it, some of which is tinted with red ink. Purple also gives really good contrast, so I will be using it a lot with my Blood angels.


Really nice work, especially the lights and glow on the dread.

It was a lot easier to do than I imagined. 3 parts lahmian medium, 1 part paint and paint few layers increasing the size of each layer with the primary color. Then do the same thing with white but only on small area in the center.

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I disagree, your painting is anything but lazy! A lazy painter normally has 3 colors splotched on a model and calls it done!


You can be lazy and still good at painting. It just means he doesn't paint as often as he could. ^^

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Great work so far, looking forward to more!

Thanks! Don't hold your breath, I'm really slow (read lazy) painter :blush.:

Do you think some kind of friendly competition would help you speed up your painting? Deadlines, and such?

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Great work so far, looking forward to more!

Thanks! Don't hold your breath, I'm really slow (read lazy) painter :blush.:

Do you think some kind of friendly competition would help you speed up your painting? Deadlines, and such?

To some extent yes, but not much. Biggest problem is that I have two small kids and very little free time. I would have time to paint late in the evenings, but usually don’t have the energy to concentrate on painting small details. It is so much easier to sit on a couch and watch something from the netflix :smile.:

Edit: Found some nostalgic stuff when I was going through some boxes in the garage. These are the first models I have ever painted at 2000 summer. No basecoat and paint straight from the jars without palette. At least there has been some improvements in 18 years :smile.:


Edited by Kaese
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