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Any chance of a chaos knight armiger?

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While not exactly the same as a Knight Armiger, and largely dependent on the acceptance of your local gaming group of both Forge World and of Counts As, I believe that a Knight Armiger would make a pretty cool looking conversion for a Decimator :)

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While not exactly the same as a Knight Armiger, and largely dependent on the acceptance of your local gaming group of both Forge World and of Counts As, I believe that a Knight Armiger would make a pretty cool looking conversion for a Decimator :)

Okay, I like this idea a lot! Can't wait to get my hands on the kit and look at butchering it a bit!

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I doubt chaos will get access to them. For the moment, I hope we don’t unless the rules are in a free pdf. Otherwise, they’ll charge us $40 for a book with 2 units in it.


I’d rather we still get access to them, but in the form of a fully fledged dark mechanicus book somewhere down the line.

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Most I'd expect is a Renegade House 'Chapter Tactics' in the inevitable Imperial Knights book that gives them the <Chaos> keyword but I won't hold my breath for that.

I agree of heretic knight houses are included in the imperial knight codex, I'm sure we will have them. Otherwise probably not.

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While the model is cool and all it's rules make it a more expensive and worse hellforged contemptor, lower T and no invulnerable save, less weapon options. It's a solid meh for me based on rules. The model looks fine and great conversion potential but for me it's a wait and see. I expect the model to be all over eBay soon anyway.
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Huh, I like the idea of getting two of them, swapping weapons, doing some other conversion work, and using them as counts-as Maulerfiends and Forgefiends. It's grown on me over time, but I still prefer a more mechanical look in my Chaos war engines, opposed to the biomechanical (daemechanical?) look that GW has chosen to move towards.


*scribbles another note in his black book of ideas*


Thank you B&C for being an endless well of ideas and perspective. :)

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That is absolutely genius. A quick glance at the sprue reveals how easy a leg swap would be. Switch out chicken legs for crab legs and it's gold. Gives a vibe of an unaligned Blood Slaughterer. Get ahold of some mechatendrils, some spare chain and brass icons for good measure, a helping of gargoyle heads, and of course some skulls... Yup. I just may shamelessly "borrow" this idea!
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It does have an invuln save, I’m pretty sure.

Your correct it does have an invulnerable my mistake but I still stand by my judgement that it's too expensive for what it brings. Dunecrawler has the same T and 1 less wound for 100 points less. It will find some use but I hope GW reduce its points before Knights get a codex release.


I've been told to expect a Cerastus style plastic Knight kit later this year, I kind of wrote it off when mini knight appeared with a longer striding leg style but the latest rumour picture has me wondering if that's a knight exhaust part? Watch the skies I guess...

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It does have an invuln save, I’m pretty sure.

Your correct it does have an invulnerable my mistake but I still stand by my judgement that it's too expensive for what it brings. Dunecrawler has the same T and 1 less wound for 100 points less. It will find some use but I hope GW reduce its points before Knights get a codex release.


I've been told to expect a Cerastus style plastic Knight kit later this year, I kind of wrote it off when mini knight appeared with a longer striding leg style but the latest rumour picture has me wondering if that's a knight exhaust part? Watch the skies I guess...



Can't disagree with you there, it's a bit on the expensive side for sure.


I'm very curious if they're really gonna just add some chaos/renegade options in the codex, when it eventually comes out. Holding off on any knight purchases until then.

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