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Any chance of a chaos knight armiger?

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Giving them Renegade options doesn't seem like too far a stretch. It's how they started to offer the original Knight to the Chaos faction, even before the FW conversion kit was available, if I recall correctly. The Knight sets a good precedent but it's hard to say if it's going to continue for models such as this.

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I'm very curious if they're really gonna just add some chaos/renegade options in the codex, when it eventually comes out. Holding off on any knight purchases until then.

chaos knight options aren't in a Heretic Astartes codex yet I don't think. I might be going out on a limb, but my guess is the knight codex will have both options.

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Well, the 'Dark Mechanicus' keywords have already cropped up. I'm drawing a blank on where it was I saw it, but don't think I imagined it. :) I really think it's not a matter of if, but when  for official Dark Mechanicus.

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Har har. It is to laugh.


Yeah, there was something, dammit, what the heck was it where I saw Dark Mechanicus mentioned or shown as a faction keyword. Grrr... not this is starting to hurt my brain. I was so happy to see it that I can't image that I'm just making it up in my brain and it didn't happen, but I can't for the life of me think of where it was right now. It was an image of an FW presentation slide or something like that... I think... *sigh*

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Really? I haven't seen Dark Mechanicus keywords anywhere so far. :huh.:

I have, it's in the post above your own by a guy called Subtle Discord :wink:



You mean the post I was replying to? So that basically means you haven't either. Thanks for saying basically nothing lol

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Ok, I found it. It's in the Forces of Chaos Index in the Chaos Hellwright entry.




Not only does it make reference to Dark Mechanicus vehicles being repaired by the Master of Mechanisms ability, but there's no real reason to specifically add the Dark Mechanicus keyword unless it's going to interact with something, eventually. Or at least that's my logic.

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Ah I see. Well considering how rushed the FW Index were I wouldn't count that as indication for anything from GW to be honest.

Fair enough. But even rushed, it's an odd addition unless it's there for some reason, even if misguided. However, it is out in the wild, as it were, and as Juggernut said it includes all the Knights too. I personally care less if it was FW or GW proper to do Dark Mechanicus; yes I want GW to do it, but if it was just something FW started with, well I'll take that if I must. Just gimme' some Dark Mechanicus pllleeeease!

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Okay so the announcement of the Knight Codex talks about imperial households and freeblades. Nothing about chaos and dark mech. It's also called IMPERIAL Knights. So really unlikely to have rules for chaos knights by now.
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Chaos Knight Houses will always take a back seat to their Imperial brethren. I HIGHLY doubt you'll ever see a Traitor Questoris codex... maybe Dark Mechanicum, you never know but I highly doubt it. Give GW credit, though... they've been releasing a lot of armies and units that until now everyone would have scoffed at the idea of it. 


Unfortunately, even FW kinda wrote it in on the Traitor Knights. You can give them Marks of Chaos, but other than being targeted by Psyker powers it's meaningless. 

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maybe Dark Mechanicum, you never know but I highly doubt it. Give GW credit, though... they've been releasing a lot of armies and units that until now everyone would have scoffed at the idea of

To be fair, GW also just announced Sea Aelves for Age of Sigmar and Plastic Sisters of Battle. All bets are off on "this is unlikely to be done" in terms of armies :lol:

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Oh if it does happen I suspect that it will be much like before, Imperial only for quite some time, and then rules for a Renegade variant might appear at some point in the future. Lets never ignore the simple factor of generating more sales via more access, after all; I didn't even want a Knight until proper Renegade rules became available, then I purchased two with plans for more. In my opinion the same goes for Dark Mechanicus, I really think they're going to happen at some point, but I wouldn't wager a serious guess as to when. Not anytime real soon, that's for sure, but someday.


I've also never liked the 'just add spikes' solution to creating units for Chaos armies and I'm really not an advocate for 'if the Imperials get it, Chaos should get a version too' line of reasoning. However, there is the very real fictional fact that Chaos is what were once loyal Marines and Humans with access to all the same wargear, but have been forced to live in essentially a reality warping hell for... well time has no real meaning in this case, but for longer than is advisable. Additionally, there are the forces in real space who go renegade and/or fall to the temptation of Chaos regularly.


It's one of those cases that yes, please give Chaos unique models and units to reflect their situation, but that should also include some overlap with what the Imperials have given the setting and history of the fiction. But I recognize it's a tricky line to walk and not easy decisions to make.

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Dark mech codex would be super easy. We can see from codex thousand sons that they unafraid to raid other model lines to bulk out an army, so a dark mech codex would be:


Warp Smith

Ad mech leader dude

Chaos Cultists

Assassin robot things

Mauler fiend

Forge fiend


Hell drake

Hell brute

Hell-Knight Armiger

Hell-Knight knight questor

The 3 other knight types (warden, etc)

The new knight.

+/- blight hauler and plague drone.

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And if we look at the actual AdMech then we can see that they could also just make something completely new and ignore the Daemon Engines etc. from the CSM Codex. ^^

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