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Scouts loadout Q


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I wish I could freak my opponents out with something as weak as Sniper Rifles. My opponents just deride and ignore them ... and I honestly can't be mad at them since they barely do anything even against weaker characters.

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I generally try to use the size of base provided. My exception is regular dudes in power armour who still get 25mm bases to match my older models. Larger bases make it slightly easier to use Scouts for screening as you can string them out a bit further and also makes it slightly easier to get into range of aura buffs. On the downside it can be slightly harder to squeeze them into terrain.

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My scouts keep the smaller bases as it helps them stick close in case they are in cover. Most of the time they operate independently so no buffs either. For area denial dispersion, bigger bases do not make much difference for me. In this role I prefer to have multiple units and use spacing between the units more then spacing between models. Also in case of inevitable losses, less gaps are created when you rely on units rather than models for area denial.

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I went for the 32mm bases, because I feel that that size really suits Power Armoured models, and on Scouts it: emphasises that they're smaller than their PA Brothers; keeps the unity of the force better; and it gives a better scale for them over things (such as Guardsmen, or 'gaunts) without actually making them larger.

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So if you really wanted to go close range anti-horde Dakka , you could give the sergeant a pair of flamer pistols for minuscule points and mimic the sororita’s... I just noticed in his entry you can replace his bolt pistol and his Bolter with items on the pistols list. Combine with shotguns and you have a unit without much range, but will HAVE to be dealt with. A pair of flame pistols would probably not be fun to charge due to over watch either.


Alternatively, for harder targets, a pair of inferno pistols, but that might be a bit too expensive for mere speed bump.

Edited by Paladin777
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Most tournaments say that you have to use the same size base that comes with a model in its original package, for what that's worth. Tactical Marines/Devastators/ASM are the problem children with that formula because they were re-based between 6th/7th Ed, but 32mm seems to be the new standard for them.


As for Scout loadouts, I would have to say that I have settled on 2 main ways of running them:



With Red Thirst, this gives our melee Scouts a distinct advantage and you want as many attacks as possible


Heavy Bolter

Take weapons of your choice (which usually ends up as bolters since they're free and 24") and add a Heavy Bolter to hold an obj. 13x Melta bombs in cost gives you a unit cheap and low-threat enough to survive a few rounds while the heavy bolter means they are a snake in the grass just waiting to venomously bite an ankle with the Hellfire Shells Strategem. Seriously, never underestimate that ability, whether giving or receiving.


Lately I have been running Scout spam lists, since I love being able to start 9" away from the enemy deployment while seriously :cuss -ing up the middle of the board. My latest list:


Hidden Content


Blood Angels Brigade +9CP




-jump pack

-inferno pistol

-thunder hammer



-jump pack

-inferno pistol

-thunder hammer


Sanguinary Priest

-jump pack

-chainsword x 2


The Sanguinor



Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword



Company Ancient

-jump pack



Company Veterans

-jump packs

-plasma gun + chainsword x 2

-Sgt combi-plasma + power sword


Sanguinary Guard x 9

-encarmine sword + plasma pistol x 8

-encarmine sword + angelus boltgun x 1



Assault Marines x 5

-jump packs

-chainsword + bolt pistol x 3

-chainsword + inferno pistol x 1

-Sgt inferno pistol + power sword


Assault Marines x 5

-jump packs

-chainsword + bolt pistol x 3

-chainsword + inferno pistol x 1

-Sgt inferno pistol + power sword


Assault Marines x 5

-jump packs

-chainsword + bolt pistol x 3

-chainsword + inferno pistol x 1

-Sgt inferno pistol + power sword



Devastators x 5

-lascannon x 2

-Sgt chainsword

-armorium cherub


Devastators x 5

-lascannon x 2

-Sgt chainsword

-armorium cherub


Devastators x 5

-heavy bolter x 1

-Sgt chainsword

-armorium cherub


The idea is drastically simple: The Sanguinor (often WL to make everyone Fearless), Sanguinary Priest, and Company Ancient go in the center and everyone forms a ball around them

like drones to the flagship at the end of Ender's Game https://youtu.be/fg3h-fzjxjQ?t=3m7s
. They then use their jump packs to catch up to the melee Scouts who start as close to the enemy as possible. Everything is loaded with power swords to get the most mileage out of the Sanguinor + Sanguinary Priest buffs.


It is a bit of an "all-in" build, but it tends to catch opponents off guard because of the sheer lethality of "bad" units like melee Scouts and ASM. Hiding inferno pistols in the ASM also works well since they last just long enough to into the opponent's armor underbelly and do some work.


If I had more points I would add more inferno pistols all over the place (perhaps even the Scouts) to further add to the "death by a thousand cuts" element of the army.


Speaking of army...this list tends to play more like a navy than an army, if you will, since 90% of it hinges on how well you keep things in Formation with the buffs, especially absolutely milking the Standard of Sacrifice for all it's worth. With the SoS (ha!) as the centerpiece, a list like this with so many Scouts + ASM goes from wiped off the board to shockingly resilient.



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Lately I have been running Scout spam lists, since I love being able to start 9" away from the enemy deployment while seriously :censored: -ing up the middle of the board. My latest list:



I know that feeling. I've so much fun with my T'au Stealth units and if Reiver had infiltration instead of a reserve rule I'd spam the :cuss out  of them. :D

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