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Custom Ultima Founding Chapter: Umbral Spectres


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Umbral Spectres

“We are shadows in the eternal abyss”

Gene-Seed (predecessor):
Ultramarines officially but recent evidence found on a deceased marine points towards them being Alpha Legion Successors


Chapter Master:
“I am old, yet young, a relic of an age gone by. The cold darkness a constant reminder of my loss, I fight for a purpose in an age of constant war… I will fight to bring back the peace I was born in, so that humanity can finally know what our ancestors had experienced.”

Chapter Master Umbra (moniker, true name unknown)
The Umbral Spectres chapter is an Ultramarines Successor Chapter founded at the end of the Indominus Crusade and the breaking up of the Unnumbered Sons primaris legion. Their behaviour patterns changed drastically in the decades following; showing themselves to favour stealth, unique units and ever-changing company compositions depending on the battlefield conditions.

Their Chapter master goes by the moniker Umbra. The unknown nature of their lord and the Chapter's differing ways is a matter of some debate among the Inquisition, some of whom wish to investigate the Chapter for potential heresy. When pressed about his past the Chapter Master refuses to answer.

The Chapter after it’s activation has gained a reputation for their casualties free approach to warfare and a-blatant disregard for the Codex Astartes, treating it like as suggestions rather than the holy document it was considered to be by their progenitor-chapter. This sentiment has caused some friction with other Chapters, particularly where cooperation was required between two or more chapters.

Their first and most recent campaign was against the Tau Empire. Their recent expansion efforts during the campaign was turned as the Chapter capitalised on multiple weaknesses within the Tau Battlesuits including a major software flaw that Umbra himself discovered that has since been "patched" to quote the strange terminology sometimes used by Umbra. Through that victory, the campaign turned into a deadlock for a key period of three months. The Spectres left after the Fulminators Chapter came to reinforce, launching a full scale counter-attack to drive the Tau out of the system to make way for refugees from other conflicts.

The Chapter had disappeared from Imperial space but before they went missing, they began to stage large scale reforms among accompanying Astra Militarium regiments, providing them with weapons and vehicles atypical or Illegal of guardsmen usage, such as Land Raiders recovered from a Space Hulk. the status of those regiments has since been confirmed to have separated from the chapter with much better equipment and state of morale than before they went with the chapter.

More recently due to the chapters extended interaction with Astra Millitarum regiments rumours have spread that the chapter's armour no longer reflects light and that the blue highlights seemingly glow in contrast to their darker than void armour.


the chapter played a small role in the Vigilus conflict having a companies worth of their marines present during the conflict, Ultramarine observers have taken note of the blackshield squadron that had accompanied the chapter and the combined arms approach they took to the conflict working with local PDF and Guardsman forces along with the gifting of rare weapons and vehicles to those working with them that had been documented in other encounters with Millitarum forces.




Umbral Spectres Armorial



Umbral Spectres Primaris Battle Brother


Fleet-Based (as of now)

Recruitment world:
??? (yet to be determined)

Their beliefs are not fully understood but their willingness to work with mortals has provided some insight into their views of the citizens of the Imperium but so far nothing in the chapters beliefs can be considered certain for now


Current strength:

Known descendants:

Status Alerts:
During routine battlefield clearance power armour bearing Umbral Spectre markings recovered from deceased marine.

Marine unable to be identified through Imperial Systems, gene sequencing shows no relation to Umbral Spectres Gene Seed submitted for analysis.

Loyalty Status:
Questionable but loyal as of 111 M42

The term "autogun" suggests it does NOT fire boltshells, i.e., the ammo used by bolt pistols, boltguns, or storm bolters. Why not just say the Chapter Master uses a customized boltgun or bolt rifle? It makes sense to let his weapons fire conventional ammo without modification, in case he expends all his special issue ammunition in an extended firefight.

The term "autogun" suggests it does NOT fire boltshells, i.e., the ammo used by bolt pistols, boltguns, or storm bolters. Why not just say the Chapter Master uses a customized boltgun or bolt rifle? It makes sense to let his weapons fire conventional ammo without modification, in case he expends all his special issue ammunition in an extended firefight.

The reason the Bolter is called an Autogun is because the gun has the same silhouette as a standard Autogun making it seem like to outsiders that its an Autogun using Bolter ammunition

  • 1 month later...

Chapter Relics:

  • Spear of Darkness: The spear of Darkness is like the Guardian Spear Utilized by the Custodes but however it's utilisation of stabilised plasma held within a Magnetic Field shaped into a blade of crackling darkness, that with some records recovered by the chapter master along with it before his induction into the Adeptus Astartes was created in the forges of Mars as a one off attempt at a stealth plasma blade in the centuries before the first STC, all remaining pre-imperium records of weapon commissions have been scoured by dedicated members of the Mechanicus ever since as they search for ways to re-produce this devastating Melee weapon. Unlike the Gustodes Guardian Spears it does not have various weapons mounted on it but it instead launches plasma blades and generates new ones as it's ranged option. However it has been noticed that the shell the tech is held within is quite fragile and it may need replacing if it is continued to be used.

It would make more sense to call the autogun "rifle of the liberators," considering "rebellious" would automatically make an Imperial authority think of Horus and his fellow heretics, while "liberator" can still have positive connotations, e.g., liberating humans from the tyranny of xeno overlords, as the Emperor Himself did during the Great Crusade. As AK-47 stands for "Automatic firearm of Kalashnikov, design of 1947"- terms meaningless to those of the 40th millenium- why not name the STC pattern after the original designer?


And I'm still surprised your Chapter uses autoguns- I doubt their projectiles will pierce a Chaos Space Marine's armor, or inflict fatal injuries to its wearer. Did Umbral Spectre Techmarines scale up the AK-47 design to fire standard boltgun ammo? (Yevgeny Dragunov did scale up the AK-47's action to fire more powerful ammo, creating the SVD-67 sniper rifle.)


The Spear of Darkness is a great idea, though.

I would really not use AK-47s... if only because they are so laughably primitive by 40K standards. Even the autogun is significantly more advanced, and that is in turn considered crude because it uses caseless ammunition in place of mass-reactive rounds or directed energy fire. Besides which, the idea that such a weapon design would survive that long seems utterly farcical - it's unlikely to see the end of the 21st century, let alone endure into the 41st millennium.

It would make more sense to call the autogun "rifle of the liberators," considering "rebellious" would automatically make an Imperial authority think of Horus and his fellow heretics, while "liberator" can still have positive connotations, e.g., liberating humans from the tyranny of xeno overlords, as the Emperor Himself did during the Great Crusade. As AK-47 stands for "Automatic firearm of Kalashnikov, design of 1947"- terms meaningless to those of the 40th millenium- why not name the STC pattern after the original designer?


And I'm still surprised your Chapter uses autoguns- I doubt their projectiles will pierce a Chaos Space Marine's armor, or inflict fatal injuries to its wearer. Did Umbral Spectre Techmarines scale up the AK-47 design to fire standard boltgun ammo? (Yevgeny Dragunov did scale up the AK-47's action to fire more powerful ammo, creating the SVD-67 sniper rifle.)


The Spear of Darkness is a great idea, though.

I like this Idea I will admit right now that this is probably a little rushed but I've taken your suggestions to heart and have edited the AK's relic profile.

I would really not use AK-47s... if only because they are so laughably primitive by 40K standards. Even the autogun is significantly more advanced, and that is in turn considered crude because it uses caseless ammunition in place of mass-reactive rounds or directed energy fire. Besides which, the idea that such a weapon design would survive that long seems utterly farcical - it's unlikely to see the end of the 21st century, let alone endure into the 41st millennium.

It survives because it and its owner are Relics of an age that came long before the Imperium. And also is it ok to quote the story you wrote for the chapter in this thread.

Right! Finally got something for the Umbral Spectres!


Lux Et Umbra:


The Fulminators had shown themselves to be worthy allies. Their courage against the Tau was commendable, although their tactics left much to be desired. Nevertheless, even in death they served a purpose.


Tavril stalked amongst the dead and the dying, performing the holy duties of an Apothecary and ensuring the gene-seed was reclaimed. There were few of his own brothers to harvest, for the Umbral Spectres were not inclined to commit to battles recklessly.


He stopped at a body that still clung to life. The Fulminator was torn in half, with no sign of his lower limbs. A ruined face turned toward Tavril and fixed him with an agonised stare while his shattered limbs beckoned for aid. The Apothecary knelt beside the ruined Intercessor and placed a calming hand upon his broken breastplate.

"Hush, brother," he said softly. "you will live on through another."

A mercy shot to the brain case made the Fulminator fall still, and Tavril set to work extracting the progenoid as he had many times before. When he finished, the cutting blade on his forearm had dulled against armour and bone, and the progenoid was safely nestled in a sealed container with the others he had claimed.


Tavril turned toward the speaker, a Fulminator captain in Gravis plate. He nodded, smiling behind his blood-splattered helm, and carefully offered an armoured capsule to the approaching officer. "Greetings, captain. I have done the best I could, but the Tau's weapons are formidable. Here are all the progenoids I was able to save."

"I thank you for your efforts, Apothecary," the captain replied, taking the precious gift. "We will tend to our fallen now."


Some time later, safely away from prying eyes in the safety of a Chapter Battle Barge, Tavril entered the Apothecarium and savoured the chemical scents of disinfectant and preserving fluids. Freed from his armour, and clad in a simple black robe, he inspected the container left for him by Chapter Serfs. Deft fingers entered the code necessary to release the mag-locks. The lid's hinges made no sound as it swung open to reveal four progenoids, taken in secret without the knowledge of the Fulminators.

"Was the mission successful, Tavril?" the speaker was clad in simple armour of black and blue. An outsider might have mistaken him for an ordinary Battle Brother, yet to Tavril's informed eye the Primaris before him was unmistakable.

"Umbra," he said with a bow. "The progenoids are secure and ready for cultivation. When the gene-tithe is requested, we will have pure samples of Ultramarine stock to provide."

"Excellent," Umbra replied. "Begin the work at once. I would hate for Terra and the Primarch to see anything other than what they wish to see..."


Author's note - my thinking behind the story:

So the Umbral Spectres at time of writing don't have much going for them - a Primaris Chapter who for some reason abandoned the Codex entirely. But what little is there screamed at me that these guys are Alpha Legion. Disdain for the Codex, stealth focus, constantly shifting tactics, use of local forces, the mysterious nature of their Chapter Master... hell, even the name and colour scheme fit if you look at them in the right way! So yeah, Alpha Legion.

Now the Umbral Spectres index says they are Ultramarines, but that's no hurdle to the Alpha Legion! Hence, a story about stolen gene-seed - the perfect cover!


So, WG101, if the idea of your Chapter being created by Cawl using forbidden Alpha Legion geneseed appeals, then perhaps this will send the Chapter into a dark, stealthy and identity-swapping direction. If not, that's fine too. The whole point here is to pitch ideas for you to use, modify or abandon as you like.


A story Wargamer wrote it the thread "another marines armour" about the chapter's less than legal activities.

So the shtick with the codex is old hat now. Bobby G himself rewrote the thing 'recently'. I doubt many chapters 'worship' it anymore. So honestly I would just leave that out. Still talk about how they are willing to adapt in ways others may not be, but I wouldn't make treatment of the codex a linchpin.

I'd recommend giving some reasons behind the drastic changes happening in the chapter between their founding and less than a century later.


Further, I'd expose some elements showing why other chapters shouldn't act in the same way as the Umbral Spectres, if they really do sustain fewer losses thanks to them not following the Codex Astartes. The Codex Astartes is the best method for Space Marine Chapters according to the lore (even if I personally don't really agree with it)


They have a single campaign they are undertaking? If so, it seems slightly overpowered of them to be able to find flaws in multiple Tau Battlesuits, just like that - I'd rather you write a small piece explaining how they infiltrated a production or design facility where the Tau were creating a new variant of (let's say) the Stormsurge Battlesuit, and were able to pinpoint a single key flaw that prolonged the deadlock for three key months (the time necessary for the Tau to upgrade their design).

Why do they provide the Imperial Guard with armament they shouldn't have according to Munitorum conventions? Also, why do they have Land Raiders in their armoury: as they are Primaris, wouldn't they have Repressors instead?


If they like studying Xenos weapons, what are their relations with the Deathwatch? Also, what means have they got for keeping the Inquisition off their tails? Do they provide the Inquisition with the conclusions of the study of Xenos tech, or did they save a High Lord's life, or something of the type?


STCs were created in the Dark Age of Technology, at a time when technology was far better than what we have now. I'd rather not see direct examples from current technology, mostly because I don't see how it really adds to the flavour of your chapter? How would a Stalker pattern boltgun not be better in setting? Adding a Kalashnikov to your chapter is akin to giving a modern military soldier a stone-age club; giving them a relic of the Dark Age of Technology would be akin to finding a mysterious weapon from Atlantis that can pierce a modern tank's armour with a simple click of a button.


If the Spear of Darkness uses unique technology for its blade, I'd recommend not adding a boltgun on top as well - to me it detracts from the über-special nature of the relic. If it really was created on Mars, how did the Umbral Spectres get their hands on it?



A couple of spelling mistakes: It's Xenos not Zeno, and it's Sergeant, not Sargeant.

I'd recommend giving some reasons behind the drastic changes happening in the chapter between their founding and less than a century later.


Further, I'd expose some elements showing why other chapters shouldn't act in the same way as the Umbral Spectres, if they really do sustain fewer losses thanks to them not following the Codex Astartes. The Codex Astartes is the best method for Space Marine Chapters according to the lore (even if I personally don't really agree with it)


They have a single campaign they are undertaking? If so, it seems slightly overpowered of them to be able to find flaws in multiple Tau Battlesuits, just like that - I'd rather you write a small piece explaining how they infiltrated a production or design facility where the Tau were creating a new variant of (let's say) the Stormsurge Battlesuit, and were able to pinpoint a single key flaw that prolonged the deadlock for three key months (the time necessary for the Tau to upgrade their design).

Why do they provide the Imperial Guard with armament they shouldn't have according to Munitorum conventions? Also, why do they have Land Raiders in their armoury: as they are Primaris, wouldn't they have Repressors instead?


If they like studying Xenos weapons, what are their relations with the Deathwatch? Also, what means have they got for keeping the Inquisition off their tails? Do they provide the Inquisition with the conclusions of the study of Xenos tech, or did they save a High Lord's life, or something of the type?


STCs were created in the Dark Age of Technology, at a time when technology was far better than what we have now. I'd rather not see direct examples from current technology, mostly because I don't see how it really adds to the flavour of your chapter? How would a Stalker pattern boltgun not be better in setting? Adding a Kalashnikov to your chapter is akin to giving a modern military soldier a stone-age club; giving them a relic of the Dark Age of Technology would be akin to finding a mysterious weapon from Atlantis that can pierce a modern tank's armour with a simple click of a button.


If the Spear of Darkness uses unique technology for its blade, I'd recommend not adding a boltgun on top as well - to me it detracts from the über-special nature of the relic. If it really was created on Mars, how did the Umbral Spectres get their hands on it?



A couple of spelling mistakes: It's Xenos not Zeno, and it's Sergeant, not Sargeant.

I'm actually writing a story currently about the chapter It will reveal some but not all the answers to your questions. I will be writing a second story set during the Horus Heresy that explains more about Umbra himself and also explains more about how and why he has the Kalashnikov and the Spear of Darkness. I will be making edits based off your suggestions.

  • 2 months later...



Umbral Spectres

“We are shadows in the eternal abyss”

Gene-Seed (predecessor):






Chapter Master:

“I am old, yet young, a relic of an age gone by. The cold darkness a constant reminder of my loss, I fight for a purpose in an age of constant war… I will fight to bring back the peace I was born in, so that humanity can finally know what our ancestors had experienced.”


Chapter Master Umbra (moniker, true name unknown)


The Umbral Spectres chapter is an Ultramarines Successor Chapter founded at the end of the Indominus Crusade and the breaking up of the Unnumbered Sons primaris legion. Their behaviour patterns changed drastically in the decades following; showing themselves to favour stealth, unique units and ever-changing company compositions depending on the battlefield conditions.


Their Chapter master goes by the moniker Umbra. The unknown nature of their lord and the Chapter's differing ways is a matter of some debate among the Inquisition, some of whom wish to investigate the Chapter for potential heresy. When pressed about his past the Chapter Master refuses to answer.


The Chapter after it’s activation has gained a reputation for holding no serious casualties and a-blatant disregard for the Codex Astartes, treating it like as suggestions rather than the holy document it was considered to be by their progenitor-chapter. This sentiment has caused some friction with other Chapters, particularly where cooperation was required between two or more chapters.


Their first and most recent campaign was against the Tau Empire. Their recent expansion efforts during the campaign was turned as the Chapter capitalised on multiple weaknesses within the Tau Battlesuits including a major software flaw that Umbra himself discovered that has since been "patched" to quote the strange terminology sometimes used by Umbra. Through that victory, the campaign turned into a deadlock for a key period of three months. The Spectres left after the Fulminators Chapter came to reinforce, launching a full scale counter-attack to drive the Tau out of the system.


The Chapter has Currently disappeared from Imperium space but before they went missing, they began to stage large scale reforms among accompanying Astra Militarium regiments, providing them with weapons and vehicles atypical or Illegal of guardsmen usage, such as Land Raiders recovered from a Space Hulk.

Chapter symbol:












Fleet-Based (as of now)


Recruitment world:

??? (yet to be determined)



The chapter believes that the universe is endlessly changing with new threats constantly on the horizon and that they must adapt to meet them through any means necessary including barely acknowledging the Codex Astartes and taking of Xenos weapons for study, they also believe that they must fight for an age of peace like before the age of strife and the rise of the Imperium.

Current strength:



Known descendants:



Status Alerts:

Chapter has been spotted fighting alongside Alpha Legion Traitor marines approach with caution

Update: edited in Status alerts section

Fluff writing progress: slow due to school commitments but have made some progress

  • 4 weeks later...



Status Alerts:

Chapter has been spotted fighting alongside Alpha Legion Traitor marines approach with caution

Update: edited in Status alerts section

Fluff writing progress: slow due to school commitments but have made some progress



Okay Alpha Legion makes this tricky, as how does one ever spot Alpha Legion unless they want to be spotted?


I suggest instead of spotting them fighting side by side, have one of their fallen to be found to be an Alpha Legionnaire. It keeps the connection whilst allowing for a range of possible narratives





Status Alerts:

Chapter has been spotted fighting alongside Alpha Legion Traitor marines approach with caution

Update: edited in Status alerts section

Fluff writing progress: slow due to school commitments but have made some progress

Okay Alpha Legion makes this tricky, as how does one ever spot Alpha Legion unless they want to be spotted?


I suggest instead of spotting them fighting side by side, have one of their fallen to be found to be an Alpha Legionnaire. It keeps the connection whilst allowing for a range of possible narratives

Making the change now
  • 4 weeks later...



Umbral Spectres

“We are shadows in the eternal abyss”

Gene-Seed (predecessor):

Ultramarines officially but recent evidence points towards them being Alpha Legion Sucessors





Chapter Master:

“I am old, yet young, a relic of an age gone by. The cold darkness a constant reminder of my loss, I fight for a purpose in an age of constant war… I will fight to bring back the peace I was born in, so that humanity can finally know what our ancestors had experienced.”


Chapter Master Umbra (moniker, true name unknown)


The Umbral Spectres chapter is an Ultramarines Successor Chapter founded at the end of the Indominus Crusade and the breaking up of the Unnumbered Sons primaris legion. Their behaviour patterns changed drastically in the decades following; showing themselves to favour stealth, unique units and ever-changing company compositions depending on the battlefield conditions.


Their Chapter master goes by the moniker Umbra. The unknown nature of their lord and the Chapter's differing ways is a matter of some debate among the Inquisition, some of whom wish to investigate the Chapter for potential heresy. When pressed about his past the Chapter Master refuses to answer.


The Chapter after it’s activation has gained a reputation for holding no serious casualties and a-blatant disregard for the Codex Astartes, treating it like as suggestions rather than the holy document it was considered to be by their progenitor-chapter. This sentiment has caused some friction with other Chapters, particularly where cooperation was required between two or more chapters.


Their first and most recent campaign was against the Tau Empire. Their recent expansion efforts during the campaign was turned as the Chapter capitalised on multiple weaknesses within the Tau Battlesuits including a major software flaw that Umbra himself discovered that has since been "patched" to quote the strange terminology sometimes used by Umbra. Through that victory, the campaign turned into a deadlock for a key period of three months. The Spectres left after the Fulminators Chapter came to reinforce, launching a full scale counter-attack to drive the Tau out of the system.


The Chapter has Currently disappeared from Imperium space but before they went missing, they began to stage large scale reforms among accompanying Astra Militarium regiments, providing them with weapons and vehicles atypical or Illegal of guardsmen usage, such as Land Raiders recovered from a Space Hulk.


More recently due to the chapters extended interaction with Astra Millitarum regiments rumours have spread that the chapter's armour dosen't reflect light and that the blue highlights seemingly glow in contrast to their darker than void armour.

Chapter symbol:


















Fleet-Based (as of now)


Recruitment world:

??? (yet to be determined)



The chapter believes that the universe is endlessly changing with new threats constantly on the horizon and that they must adapt to meet them through any means necessary including barely acknowledging the Codex Astartes and taking of Xenos weapons for study, they also believe that they must fight for an age of peace like before the age of strife and the rise of the Imperium through any means necessary.

Current strength:



Known descendants:



Status Alerts:

A Member of the Chapter's Fallen has been discovered to have Alpha Legion Gene-Seed. Approach With Caution


Loyalty Status:


Made minor edits

Perhaps reword the warning?


During routine battlefield clearance power armour bearing Umbral Spectre markings recovered from deceased marine.


Marine unable to be identified through Imperial Systems, gene sequencing shows no relation to Umbral Spectres Gene Seed submitted for analysis.


You could even state that the gene seed matches some other chapter tithe however the marine is not on that chapter record either.

Perhaps reword the warning?During routine battlefield clearance power armour bearing Umbral Spectre markings recovered from deceased marine.

Marine unable to be identified through Imperial Systems, gene sequencing shows no relation to Umbral Spectres Gene Seed submitted for analysis.

You could even state that the gene seed matches some other chapter tithe however the marine is not on that chapter record either.

That could work. I'll be able to edit the entry tomorrow


Umbral Spectres

“We are shadows in the eternal abyss”

Gene-Seed (predecessor):

Ultramarines officially but recent evidence points towards them being Alpha Legion Sucessors





Chapter Master:

“I am old, yet young, a relic of an age gone by. The cold darkness a constant reminder of my loss, I fight for a purpose in an age of constant war… I will fight to bring back the peace I was born in, so that humanity can finally know what our ancestors had experienced.”


Chapter Master Umbra (moniker, true name unknown)


The Umbral Spectres chapter is an Ultramarines Successor Chapter founded at the end of the Indominus Crusade and the breaking up of the Unnumbered Sons primaris legion. Their behaviour patterns changed drastically in the decades following; showing themselves to favour stealth, unique units and ever-changing company compositions depending on the battlefield conditions.


Their Chapter master goes by the moniker Umbra. The unknown nature of their lord and the Chapter's differing ways is a matter of some debate among the Inquisition, some of whom wish to investigate the Chapter for potential heresy. When pressed about his past the Chapter Master refuses to answer.


The Chapter after it’s activation has gained a reputation for holding no serious casualties and a-blatant disregard for the Codex Astartes, treating it like as suggestions rather than the holy document it was considered to be by their progenitor-chapter. This sentiment has caused some friction with other Chapters, particularly where cooperation was required between two or more chapters.


Their first and most recent campaign was against the Tau Empire. Their recent expansion efforts during the campaign was turned as the Chapter capitalised on multiple weaknesses within the Tau Battlesuits including a major software flaw that Umbra himself discovered that has since been "patched" to quote the strange terminology sometimes used by Umbra. Through that victory, the campaign turned into a deadlock for a key period of three months. The Spectres left after the Fulminators Chapter came to reinforce, launching a full scale counter-attack to drive the Tau out of the system.


The Chapter has Currently disappeared from Imperium space but before they went missing, they began to stage large scale reforms among accompanying Astra Militarium regiments, providing them with weapons and vehicles atypical or Illegal of guardsmen usage, such as Land Raiders recovered from a Space Hulk.


More recently due to the chapters extended interaction with Astra Millitarum regiments rumours have spread that the chapter's armour dosen't reflect light and that the blue highlights seemingly glow in contrast to their darker than void armour.









Fleet-Based (as of now)


Recruitment world:

??? (yet to be determined)



The chapter believes that the universe is endlessly changing with new threats constantly on the horizon and that they must adapt to meet them through any means necessary including barely acknowledging the Codex Astartes and taking of Xenos weapons for study, they also believe that they must fight for an age of peace like before the age of strife and the rise of the Imperium by any means necessary.

Current strength:



Known descendants:



Status Alerts:

During routine battlefield clearance power armour bearing Umbral Spectre markings recovered from deceased marine.


Marine unable to be identified through Imperial Systems, gene sequencing shows no relation to Umbral Spectres Gene Seed submitted for analysis.


Loyalty Status:



Made edits based off suggestions and updated Imagery with updated pics

  • 6 months later...


Umbral Spectres

“We are shadows in the eternal abyss”

Gene-Seed (predecessor):

Ultramarines officially but recent evidence found on a deceased marine points towards them being Alpha Legion Successors





Chapter Master:

“I am old, yet young, a relic of an age gone by. The cold darkness a constant reminder of my loss, I fight for a purpose in an age of constant war… I will fight to bring back the peace I was born in, so that humanity can finally know what our ancestors had experienced.”


Chapter Master Umbra (moniker, true name unknown)


The Umbral Spectres chapter is an Ultramarines Successor Chapter founded at the end of the Indominus Crusade and the breaking up of the Unnumbered Sons primaris legion. Their behaviour patterns changed drastically in the decades following; showing themselves to favour stealth, unique units and ever-changing company compositions depending on the battlefield conditions.


Their Chapter master goes by the moniker Umbra. The unknown nature of their lord and the Chapter's differing ways is a matter of some debate among the Inquisition, some of whom wish to investigate the Chapter for potential heresy. When pressed about his past the Chapter Master refuses to answer.


The Chapter after it’s activation has gained a reputation for their casualties free approach to warfare and a-blatant disregard for the Codex Astartes, treating it like as suggestions rather than the holy document it was considered to be by their progenitor-chapter. This sentiment has caused some friction with other Chapters, particularly where cooperation was required between two or more chapters.


Their first and most recent campaign was against the Tau Empire. Their recent expansion efforts during the campaign was turned as the Chapter capitalised on multiple weaknesses within the Tau Battlesuits including a major software flaw that Umbra himself discovered that has since been "patched" to quote the strange terminology sometimes used by Umbra. Through that victory, the campaign turned into a deadlock for a key period of three months. The Spectres left after the Fulminators Chapter came to reinforce, launching a full scale counter-attack to drive the Tau out of the system to make way for refugees from other conflicts.


The Chapter had disappeared from Imperial space but before they went missing, they began to stage large scale reforms among accompanying Astra Militarium regiments, providing them with weapons and vehicles atypical or Illegal of guardsmen usage, such as Land Raiders recovered from a Space Hulk. the status of those regiments has since been confirmed to have separated from the chapter with much better equipment and state of morale than before they went with the chapter.


More recently due to the chapters extended interaction with Astra Millitarum regiments rumours have spread that the chapter's armour no longer reflects light and that the blue highlights seemingly glow in contrast to their darker than void armour.


the chapter played a small role in the Vigilus conflict having a companies worth of their marines present during the conflict, Ultramarine observers have taken note of the blackshield squadron that had accompanied the chapter and the combined arms approach they took to the conflict working with local PDF and Guardsman forces along with the gifting of rare weapons and vehicles to those working with them that had been documented in other encounters with Millitarum forces.










Fleet-Based (as of now)


Recruitment world:

??? (yet to be determined)



The chapter believes that the universe is endlessly changing with new threats constantly on the horizon and that they must adapt to meet them through any means necessary including barely acknowledging the Codex Astartes and taking of Xenos weapons for study, they also believe that they must fight for an age of peace like before the age of strife and the rise of the Imperium by any means necessary.

Current strength:



Known descendants:



Status Alerts:

During routine battlefield clearance power armour bearing Umbral Spectre markings recovered from deceased marine.


Marine unable to be identified through Imperial Systems, gene sequencing shows no relation to Umbral Spectres Gene Seed submitted for analysis.


Loyalty Status:

Questionable but loyal as of 111 M42



minor edits and update on their status during the Vilglus campaign also updated beliefs

Chapter Relics:

  • Spear of Darkness: The spear of Darkness is like the Guardian Spear Utilized by the Custodes but however it's utilisation of stabilised plasma held within a Magnetic Field shaped into a blade of crackling darkness, that with some records recovered by the chapter master along with it before his induction into the Adeptus Astartes was created in the forges of Mars as a one off attempt at a stealth plasma blade in the centuries before the first STC, all remaining pre-imperium records of weapon commissions have been scoured by dedicated members of the Mechanicus ever since as they search for ways to re-produce this devastating Melee weapon. Unlike the Gustodes Guardian Spears it does not have various weapons mounted on it but it instead launches plasma blades and generates new ones as it's ranged option. However it has been noticed that the shell the tech is held within is quite fragile and it may need replacing if it is continued to be used.


Removed AK-47


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