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Chaos Walkers


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I finally got around to using both of my Helbrutes in a mixed Daemons/CSM list at 1250 against my opponent who was playing Iron Hands Primaris marines with Redemptor Dreadnoughts. I kitted my Helbrutes out for dakka, giving one a multi-melta and missile launcher and the other a missile launcher/twin lascannon. They performed pretty well for me, and along with plasma MSU I actually managed to kill one of the dreadnoughts, which caused a devastating explosion that pretty much won me the game on turn one.


I was pretty excited since I've been playing mixed Daemons lately and have been having a hard time dealing with vehicles due to lack of good AT shooting. However, I can't help but wonder what the best pick is for Chaos Walkers. I'm sure Predators are better AT point for point, but comparing Helbrutes, Soul Grinders, and Defilers to one another, it seems to me like Defilers are a good choice for a dakka platform. Around 200 pts for a Lascannon/Havoc Launcher/Battle Cannon defiler, as compared to around 150 for a Las/ML Helbrute.


You're spending fifty more points but getting double the wounds, a 5+ Invuln save, and Daemonic Regeneration, at the loss of 1 BS.


Soul Grinders seem the worst of the three due to having to pay even more at base cost with limited range.


Am I wrong to think the Defiler is a good alternative option to a Dakkabrute or Las Pred (also around 200 points)? I realize you're 'paying a premium' for the close combat capability of the Defiler, but they seem like good backfield counter assault units in a ranged combat wrapper to me.


Do stratagems change your interpretation at all? Defilers can't double tap the way Helbrutes can, but they do get daemon engine stratagems. What do you guys think?

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I think Helbrutes are good, if not great. They become much stronger if you have appropriate Legion traits (my dreads love being Alpha Legion). They may not have the Dakka of a predator or havoc squad but they do have a few notable benefits, mainly that they do not degrade.


I've not used any daemon engines this edition, aside from the Heldrake, but I think they are widely considered to be 'meh'. BS4+ is really punishing for a shooting platform.


For more fun walky shooty options, check out the forgeworld index. Contemptor dreads, Decimators, the Leviathan etc. They are generally quite expensive but have access to serious guns.

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This topic has been beaten pretty well and good since the release of 8th and then again when our codex was released. If you do a search you'll probably find them, I'd link them but I'm working off my phone.


The short version....


They all have their strengths and weaknesses. It all depends on how you play them and what you want that type of unit to do.


Brutes are great for an overall walker. They have great options. Their stats are on par for that platform. They perform pretty well overall. Obviously there are a number of different options with FW and such but generally a couple Brutes can really hit home if you utilize them right.


Same applies to defilers. If you use them right, sending them up against high wound targets they can really mess up someone's day but against hordes, not so much.


Preds have always been a solid fire base because next to havocs it's our only decently priced option for that.

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