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Best Primaris for BA?


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All of them, really!


The best bet would be getting a dark Imperium box to give you a range of units and get rid of the death guard.


2*5 intercessors are a solid core to an army, 10 wounds, 30" range. Hellblasters put out the hurt, but will be a priority for the opponent to kill, inceptors put out a lot of firepower and can take advantage of descent of angels.

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regular bolt rifle and regular plasma incinerator are best, so yes for those. The lieutenants are fine loadouts, gravis captain is good, the inceptors have the assault bolters which are cheap and good number of shots - yes, for primaris units the DI stuff is decent.

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I'm a huge fan of my MSU carbine Reivers, actually. Drop them into cover someplace where your opponent can't ignore them and then laugh yourself silly when they take an entirely unreasonable amount of effort to dislodge while steadily plinking away at anything nearby. Knives seem a little tougher to use but I've had so much success with carbines that I'm considering picking up another box so I have another carbine/blade sergeant. The next box would probably be assembled with blades simply because they look cool, though.


Edti: I actually feel like Agressors are our weakest Primaris option due to the utter lack of synergy they have with our strategems and special rules. They're still great units even without really getting any benefit from what makes us unique but in general I think you'd be much better off taking bolter Inceptors with those points.

Edited by Pendent
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As someone who is not a fan of Primaris, I have to say that hands-down Intercessors are the “best” Primaris addition to the BA (in a vacuum...your meta/army composition/missions etc... will obviously influence things).


For every other Primaris unit we have something else that can do the same thing at least equally if not better. Points efficiently and resiliency maybe a bit different, but we have plenty of options.


Intercessors, however, provide something that we don’t have otherwise: reliable, sturdy, all-purpose Troops. Tacticals get better weapon and transport options and Scouts can do the whole Scout thing (and be lighter armored Assault Marines). Intercessors, however, are 2W 2A 30” AP-1 Line Troops that can make great use of Red Thirst and put out decent anti-personnel dakka. IF (big if) I ever did Primaris it would be these guys.


Worst Primaris unit is the Repulsor. Thing is a schizophrenic fire magnet that is about 4x times more expensive than any unit of its type should ever be.

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I actually think the Redemptor Dread is worse than the Repulsor. Almost as expensive, not really harder to kill but also does way less with it's weapons.

Repulsors are fairly good if used in pairs and transporting stuff - i actually quite like putting intercessors in them now, as intercessors are a lower priority target, i also generally prefer having hellblasters on the table from turn 1 these days.

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Agree that Intercessors are a pretty solid troop choice. It takes a decent amount of firepower to dislodge them from objectives and they are solid in melee with the Red Thirst. Hellblasters are just plain good units as well. 

I haven't used Reivers at all. I wasn't really interested in them until the codex came out. Now with the Red Thirst, I am a little more interested. But still haven't picked any up yet. Still low on my priority list. 

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I will add another « vote » for intercessor. Almost all my armies use a mix of them with scouts as troop choice. If they stand backfield their increased range enables them to make a few shots. If they rush midfield they can hold their ground in melee to. 10 hp with a 3+ save means they will soak up quite a few shots for their price.


My second favourite is inceptors, they have great firepower but they are quite expensive.

Edited by Brother Crimson
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As always it depends how the list is built. I tend to prefer bolter as they don’t rely on a captain as much. They are pretty good to clear out a squad out of an objective or to dig a hole in screening units to charge through with units like sanguinary guards.


Plasma can deal a lot more damage with captain but they really require a dedicated HQ for them.


But like I said they are 2nd favorites, intercessors are gréât troops ans they have the most HP for their cost in that slot. while I love inceptors there is other ways to do what they do like vets, DC, assault.

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When it comes to Inceptors I haven't built mine yet (I'm waiting for the B&Z Fast week) but on paper at least I'm leaning towards the bolter setup so they can zip around and put a load of shots into chaff to clear the way. Their potential plasma output is great but a single roll of 1 (or re-roll of 1 if a Captain follows) is going to be more painful than on other units, and as I'd keep them at range mostly it would tie up a Captain in a non-combat role. For now I'm keeping my plasma on Assault and Tactical squads.


I haven't used my Intercessors yet as they're recently built but I'm probably going to put them in play at the weekend and look forward to seeing how they do in a midfield role. They should hold nicely against other infantry and if they receive multiple-D shots to bypass their 2 wounds it means they're taking fire away from important stuff.

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 Their potential plasma output is great but a single roll of 1 (or re-roll of 1 if a Captain follows) is going to be more painful than on other units, and as I'd keep them at range mostly it would tie up a Captain in a non-combat role. For now I'm keeping my plasma on Assault and Tactical squads.


Add a jump captain with artisan of war combi plasma and thunder hammer into the mix. Now they can all deepstrike, assault, fall back and shoot etc, 

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When it comes to Inceptors I haven't built mine yet (I'm waiting for the B&Z Fast week) but on paper at least I'm leaning towards the bolter setup so they can zip around and put a load of shots into chaff to clear the way.


I got some extra should pads for mine cheaply on one of the bits sites so I am magnetising the arms. Swapping between bolter and plasma should be good an also allows me to future-proof them for the next CA changes (or 9th edition :p).

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