Ace Debonair Posted September 5, 2018 Share Posted September 5, 2018 -snip- Ace: Are all Frater active in this potential battle writers or will it be only the Frater who's Chapter is involved? I'm assuming it's the former, in which case WG101's suggestion is good, unless someone really (doesn't) want to write about x conflict. Ace, so, a big thing that made the original Liber project so enticing was that no one owned the chapters. The Angels Exultant weren't mine any more than anything else, even if we all had our favorites. The idea of the differential manifestation of the psychic Bangels heritage as example is something I never would have thought to give them. Are we going to be continuing with that principle in this expansion/extension/second take? That is my hope, to be honest. I'm just not sure how exactly to apply that principle to this mini-project. Mediris could be anything, but in 40k if Xenos are avoiding someplace like the plague you'd best do so too. If it was something that was going to expand beyond that planet without interference the Sza'Koa would probably be doing something about it so we can hopefully leave it alone for now. No need to waste Astartes on a planet that may just be quarantined anyway when they're busy fighting a war against a xenos empire for planets we're fairly sure we're going to be able to use afterwards. Or maybe I'm just too used to the planets in the old FFG RPG games. I kinda want to spoil the surprise since I think you might be worrying a little too much about Madiris and Barjet. It's not quite as apocalyptic as you might be thinking, but it's certainly going to be nasty. Madiris does sound to me like Genestealer involvement. There are still humans but the Sza'koa are not interested? Due to more worthy targets or do they "sense" something more hideous acting on this world? What if I told you the answer was neither, but the second option was a little closer to the mark? Need to have a look if I got some time left to contribute something. Maybe involving the Sentinels as I'm familiar with them due to working on a comparable concept. You can always wait for the second campaign if you prefer or if time is an issue. That'll be a fun one too, I suspect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted September 5, 2018 Share Posted September 5, 2018 I think that's fairly simple, don't have people volunteer specific chapters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 (edited) Ace: Are all Frater active in this potential battle writers or will it be only the Frater who's Chapter is involved? I'm assuming it's the former, in which case WG101's suggestion is good, unless someone really (doesn't) want to write about x conflict. I'm open to letting someone else take the Sentinels' reins for this one if someone wants to take a crack at them. :) Edited September 7, 2018 by SanguiniusReborn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted September 8, 2018 Share Posted September 8, 2018 What's the approx ETA on the second campaign's start? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted September 9, 2018 Share Posted September 9, 2018 I'm still waiting for who is writing what on the first Campaign Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted September 9, 2018 Share Posted September 9, 2018 Hah, of course that's the priority. I was asking purely for organisational purposes as I'm quite busy now but, depending on when the second campaign is planned for, might be even busier later. Since I want to participate in this at some point, the information is useful to me. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 10, 2018 Share Posted September 10, 2018 Sorry brothers, work has me by the throat again. I'll try and sort this all out properly next time I get a day off. The second campaign WAS going to be run alongside the first, but I think I might have to do them consecutively after all - I'm stumbling over the details of one campaign, never mind starting another one alongside it. WG101 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted September 10, 2018 Share Posted September 10, 2018 No worries, Ace. If we can be of help, just drop a note. I'd say that you don't have to do this on your own. WG101 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 11, 2018 Share Posted September 11, 2018 *drums fingers in thought* Right then. Let me think aloud for a moment.There will be three waves of battles, each consisting of two battles apiece, focusing on the different pairs of Chapters and their interactions (for good or ill) as well as the war against the Sza'koa. So all I need really is a solid list of six willing authors, and then I'll pick out two of you using a D6 The Emperor's Tarot to write the first two battles. (Scarlet Sentinels & Liberators of Khimaya for one battle, Blades of the Lion and Sons of Morrigan will take the other) Not the most elegant solution, I'll concede, but it's better than the stalemate I've hit, so it'll do for a start! -= Anyone wanting to write a battle for Campaign 1 - say so below. I'll add you to the official list (anyone left over will go into Campaign 2's list unless specified otherwise) =- I'm thinking between 500-800 words for the battles, does that seem like a fair amount? Obviously, submitted battles will be reviewed for a decent round of C&C by all of us. If there's any glaring errors or something that's not quite right, we'll step in and help refine things as a team. Once that's in order, I can try and set up Campaign 2 and get that rolling as well so more of us can get involved at once - there'll likely be a lot more going on per wave in Campaign 2, this one is just an experiment really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted September 11, 2018 Share Posted September 11, 2018 I'd be willing to write something for the Sentinels if noone else wants to. Got a comparable concept for a Primaris chapter, thus I dare to say that I'm familiar with them. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 *drums fingers in thought* Right then. Let me think aloud for a moment. There will be three waves of battles, each consisting of two battles apiece, focusing on the different pairs of Chapters and their interactions (for good or ill) as well as the war against the Sza'koa. So all I need really is a solid list of six willing authors, and then I'll pick out two of you using a D6 The Emperor's Tarot to write the first two battles. (Scarlet Sentinels & Liberators of Khimaya for one battle, Blades of the Lion and Sons of Morrigan will take the other) Not the most elegant solution, I'll concede, but it's better than the stalemate I've hit, so it'll do for a start! -= Anyone wanting to write a battle for Campaign 1 - say so below. I'll add you to the official list (anyone left over will go into Campaign 2's list unless specified otherwise) =- I'm thinking between 500-800 words for the battles, does that seem like a fair amount? Obviously, submitted battles will be reviewed for a decent round of C&C by all of us. If there's any glaring errors or something that's not quite right, we'll step in and help refine things as a team. Once that's in order, I can try and set up Campaign 2 and get that rolling as well so more of us can get involved at once - there'll likely be a lot more going on per wave in Campaign 2, this one is just an experiment really. I won't be available to write until next Thursday School exams are taking up my time until then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 Put me in if no one else wants the slot, but I've been pretty busy lately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 "Sorry for the delay" are going to become the four most repeated words in my posts at this rate. Ok, that's enough writers to get started, I think. So here's the challenge for Wave One: 1. Kelborn: 500-800 words on the Scarlet Sentinels and Liberators of Khimaya working to take back one of the worlds of the Bereos System 2.WG101: 500-800 words on the Blades of the Lion and the Sons of Morrigan working to take back a different world in the Bereos System. I'll leave it to you two to decide which worlds you want a shot at first - some will definitely be tough nuts to crack - going for the realtively soft targets first to preserve fighting strength for later battles in encouraged. I'll give you until the 30th of September to get the battles written up and posted - if that's not enough time let me know and I'll extend it a bit. If you need advice or second opinions or anything on any of the Chapters involved in the battles (or the Sza'koa), then just ask away here - I think we're all keen to help! Meanwhile I'll get back to figuring out the layout for Campaign 2 - it's going to be spread across multiple systems so the six forces don't have to hit each other all at once, and I'm more than happy to take suggestions for worlds in these systems if anyone has them - I probably shouldn't create all of the worlds myself, after all. Machine God, Fat Necron and Kelborn 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Necron Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Well... The scent of misfortune and tides of devastation to come have drawn me back. Before anything, I'm typing everything via a phone so bare with me. So, to be incredibly frank, I wasn't happy with my own creation. The Singala Cadre had a distinct theme I failed to uphold. The whole hubbub over conquering who, how dangerous they were, that such non-sense distracted me... But more importantly I was failing to uphold the spirit of The Liber Cluster. The whole inception is a community project where we introduce concepts and the community expand upon them- I failed to grasp that. If anything I was doing the exact opposite. No joke I re-worked the entire Saikos war bit I did, expanded upon it, grindy stuff yet I wasn't confident posting it. It revolved wholly around them, no one else. So I scrapped it and fudged off. I've returned a more humble man asking for clemency given my abrupt absence. That said, I ask you indulge my sudden info drop. It's essentially a foundation to be worked over by others. I feel I must clarify that I personally have no grievances with whomever portrays the Singalan's. If whoever feels so inclined to utilize them as cannon fodder, so be it. A bit extreme but I want to stress the point. Alright I can't describe what Singala is or how the Astartes function in menacing details so I'll outright explain them. Singala, Aspect of Nurgle: I wouldn't describe it as a greater deamonic as it's so much more. Singala is a portrayal of Nurgle who's not obsessed with pestilence or disease. It's an entity who's entire existence revolves around the preservation of life, hence, why I depict it as an aspect of Nurgle. So preserving life, relieving suffrage, denying agony is this pseudo-gods whole shtick. What exactly Singala does is a bit complicated. See, it's not exactly powerful. All it's actions are performed by those worshipping it, and by proxy, living on it; Singala is an ever expanding planet at the heart of the Tempest. It provides all the necessities it's worshippers require, that sort of deus machina. A seemingly benevolent being all things required but as we all know there's no positive role models in 40K. Where Singala is a reflection of essentially mercy, those many millions who plead for salvation also plead for more. If you were being tortured, odds are you'd want to cap your torturer. So while at face value Singala appears benevolent, it's arguable as malicious. By embodying the safe haven for the down trodden, it'll provide plentiful resources to say... Fuel a war. And this is war I stop hamstringing myself with false modesty and go ham. You see, the Astartes are utilized by the big four in one way or another. Singala utilizes them as stewards, so to speak. Humans perceive Astartes from both sides of the coin as divine, be them arrogant pricks or wise councils. As a reflection of human thoughts and emotions it's logical to conclude Astartes would represent Singala... To a certain degree. We'll get into the details soon but bar with me. I need to note that Singala cannot provide everything. The munitions and scarce vehicles are provided via industrial planes. These are provided proportional to skirmishes, not full scale wars. I must stress that Singalan's, Astares or otherwise are not conquerors. To best describe them, they're more akin to guerilla fighters. What's truly distinguishes the followers of Singala, on a militant level, is the rampant chaotic taint. While Singala may embody mercy, the warp, as a whole isn't so incline. Their presence thins the veil between realms dangerously so. I'm hoping this will be a particular trait people might wan to explore. It's the aftermath of their encounters that are most prominent. People might hear whispers throughout their daily business. Perhaps a particularly charismatic woman hears the murmurs of Singala and leads a nasty revolution. A whole generation of beastmen born from genetically pure humans. That's the core of this faction, undiluted chaos with all the perks to come with it. Scale isn't everything. A cult praying to an eldritch deity for salvation can be quite compelling. Their same prayers might be answered as a Convergence anomaly suddenly occurs. You could have dark tech adapts deviating from procedure to invoke Singala's will. Cures for sicknesses might result in physical abnormalities. Maybe they attempt to build a device to connect their planet to Singala. It's possible. That's another point I want to make clear; don't think about overall power. The Singala Astartes are a minuscule factor in the grand scheme. At the very core the focus is mutants, manipulating the warp, using Chaos to enact your gods will. Singala doesn't care how you do it, if you kill your oppressors or rationalize oppression to minimize suffering. At the end of the day, I like the thought of an ever present threat. Nothing world shattering, more akin to a natural disaster. You can't kill nor destroy it, it's followers spring up sporadically and even other chaos factions are threatened by it. Let the slaves below deck catch a whiff and your navigator might find itself torn apart by rampant mutation a few years down the line. That's a synopsis of what Singala is and does. I'll put a bit more work into it later in a homebrew fashion. Singalan Marine: These bastardized Astartes aren't exactly true Astartes. The gene-seed used is a mass produced sample of Mortarion. I'm the most technical terms a stable seed that was only stabilized after millennia of degradation. Now combine that with vat-grown subjects and you have a recipe for disaster. While they function, biologically to ordinary Astartes, they're riddled with medical complications. Lungs might suddenly collapse, heart palpitations; a lot of nasty disadvantages. They correct this rather drastic side affect through extensive cybernetics. Another prominent feature is their neural uplink. Being vat-grown beings, some aren't particularly remarkable stock. The mutations might fuse their mouths together and such. The neural uplink relays information from the lead Astartes for immediate action while allowing communication without being jammed. As a whole, they easily number in the thousands... Roughly twenty thousand. Despite being legion strength only a few venture outside the realm of Singala. The vast majority live only a few hundred years before either dying, succumbing to possession or worse. So they venture only when the residual thoughts and emotions of suffering and pleading are concentrated. Even then a psychic link must house the connection between realms. A psyker is usually preferred but a tainted item can potentially do the trick. What happens after that is up to you. Will they seek a means to maintain the dimensional bridge, remain to wage a guerilla war, attempt to establish a cult? The point is no one can foresee where they'll appear next. When they do it's seldom documented, if ever. A sudden spike in warp energies is usually a clear indication a Convergence has transpired. Anyone is free to do as they with the Marines. Do some utilize their mutations. Perhaps their weapons are built into their armor. Are the possessed portions of this legion in active commune with their deamon or slaves to it? I will be expanding on them here and there but I'd prefer to keep it as bare bones as possible. I do enjoy the concept of the Liber Cluster and really want to contribute something truly chaos oriented. The legion numbers are simply there for plot convenience. So if you're lacking a big nasty, have at it! I think it should be mentioned that my musing began when I was reading the Plucked Eye Kabal. After I'm done finalizing editing the Singala Cadre I hope to throw my hat into that Kabal's lore. I do love the idea of a swine dog priest twisting the faith for her Kabal patrons. Hehe String me up on the gallows and I hope you enjoy my new approach. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 "Sorry for the delay" are going to become the four most repeated words in my posts at this rate. Ok, that's enough writers to get started, I think. So here's the challenge for Wave One: 1. Kelborn: 500-800 words on the Scarlet Sentinels and Liberators of Khimaya working to take back one of the worlds of the Bereos System 2.WG101: 500-800 words on the Blades of the Lion and the Sons of Morrigan working to take back a different world in the Bereos System. I'll leave it to you two to decide which worlds you want a shot at first - some will definitely be tough nuts to crack - going for the realtively soft targets first to preserve fighting strength for later battles in encouraged. I'll give you until the 30th of September to get the battles written up and posted - if that's not enough time let me know and I'll extend it a bit. If you need advice or second opinions or anything on any of the Chapters involved in the battles (or the Sza'koa), then just ask away here - I think we're all keen to help! Meanwhile I'll get back to figuring out the layout for Campaign 2 - it's going to be spread across multiple systems so the six forces don't have to hit each other all at once, and I'm more than happy to take suggestions for worlds in these systems if anyone has them - I probably shouldn't create all of the worlds myself, after all. I'll start writing tonight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Fat Necron: Welcome back! It's good to have some more details on the Singala Cadre. I can definitely see them becoming a big threat in the Cluster (one of many big threats, admittedly, what with all the other Chaos forces rising up too), so after these mini-campaigns I'll try and work them into the next part of the story. No need to apologize for getting attached to your creation - the Gods know I've got plans in place for the Corsairs of Azahan. Big plans, in fact. But I'll get to that once I've got both these mini-campaigns sorted out... WG101: May The Emperor bless your typing fingers, brother. Which world are you sending the Blades/Sons after? Fat Necron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 (edited) Fat Necron: Welcome back! It's good to have some more details on the Singala Cadre. I can definitely see them becoming a big threat in the Cluster (one of many big threats, admittedly, what with all the other Chaos forces rising up too), so after these mini-campaigns I'll try and work them into the next part of the story. No need to apologize for getting attached to your creation - the Gods know I've got plans in place for the Corsairs of Azahan. Big plans, in fact. But I'll get to that once I've got both these mini-campaigns sorted out... WG101: May The Emperor bless your typing fingers, brother. Which world are you sending the Blades/Sons after? I'll take Soldeux as my planet in this challenge. I'm going to write the Campaign in the Tree format for three games worth of story as this is my first Campaign Edited September 19, 2018 by WG101 Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Gathered all necessary info. Brainstorm initiated. Results may vary. :P Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Necron Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 @Ace Much obliged, my good man. I appreciate the support. Maybe once or twice I'll add a weird snippet about them. And I'm not going to dare throw them on the podium beside your Corsairs. Those guys are ambitious war mongers fuelling their ambitions for conquest and glory. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing them attempting to assimilate other Chaos factions into their ranks. I kinda see them almost blitzing certain worlds and forcing the ruling class to bend the knee. Keep doing that, force Imperials to constantly expend forces to recapture territory. Space Marines are so damn nutty I wouldn't put it past them to burn worlds for simply surrendering, whether or not their claim of allegiance to the Corsairs was genuine or not. The way I see it they a relatively small force with no obligation to hold territory, at least not yet... But I digress. I'm just flinging thoughts for whatever reason. The Singala's are more an unnatural disaster. If you're in the Liber Cluster, accept that malformed, discount Marines might one day kick down your front door. A consequence of Imperial colonization, if you will. Hehe Besides that little reply I've noticed a disparity of people writing for our delightful Dark Eldar. A damn shame cause the Plucked Eye and Heart would be fascinating. An unaccounted force plucking through the aftermath of grizzly battles... So, if you're looking for a xenos writing I'd like to volunteer for the Plucked Eye and Heart. I've got a functioning idea on utilizing bounties to acquire specific samples of those nifty Sza'Koa. Basically expend the clusters more sinister elements, throw in some Corsairs, tempt a Freeboota with Dakka and have a few Kabalites oversee the operation. I'm typing up in an actual background for their involvement. However, if it's too late to volunteer I'll still post it to give their involvement some substance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted September 22, 2018 Share Posted September 22, 2018 (edited) After some consideration and brainstorm, I'll take Galoban. It suits the Golem Fists desire to free/save people and it could've been a regular stop for the Sentinels ro resupply. Only written some notes, nearly 400 words already. ;) Edited September 22, 2018 by Kelborn Nomus Sardauk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 22, 2018 Share Posted September 22, 2018 I'll take Soldeux as my planet in this challenge. I'm going to write the Campaign in the Tree format for three games worth of story as this is my first Campaign I'm not sure what that format is, but I should point out you only need to write one battle, not three. After that, it'll be Wave 2, and the Blades and the Sons will be moving on to another world and another writer. @Ace Much obliged, my good man. I appreciate the support. Maybe once or twice I'll add a weird snippet about them. And I'm not going to dare throw them on the podium beside your Corsairs. The Corsairs aren't on a podium, they're just one of several warbands competing for the right to rule over the Liber Cluster. ...Although I do hope to make them into a force to be reckoned with, but that's a story for a later date. I've noticed a disparity of people writing for our delightful Dark Eldar. A damn shame cause the Plucked Eye and Heart would be fascinating. An unaccounted force plucking through the aftermath of grizzly battles... So, if you're looking for a xenos writing I'd like to volunteer for the Plucked Eye and Heart. I've got a functioning idea on utilizing bounties to acquire specific samples of those nifty Sza'Koa. Basically expend the clusters more sinister elements, throw in some Corsairs, tempt a Freeboota with Dakka and have a few Kabalites oversee the operation. I'm typing up in an actual background for their involvement. However, if it's too late to volunteer I'll still post it to give their involvement some substance. Wave 2 will have some use for the Kabal of the Plucked Eye and Heart, I think. I sort of have plans in place for them. I'll elaborate once Wave 1 is complete. After some consideration and brainstorm, I'll take Galoban. It suits the Golem Fists desire to free/save people and it could've been a regular stop for the Sentinels ro resupply. Only written some notes, nearly 400 words already. That is quite a lot of notes, by the sounds of it. Best of luck, Brother! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted October 10, 2018 Share Posted October 10, 2018 I'll take Soldeux as my planet in this challenge. I'm going to write the Campaign in the Tree format for three games worth of story as this is my first Campaign I'm not sure what that format is, but I should point out you only need to write one battle, not three. After that, it'll be Wave 2, and the Blades and the Sons will be moving on to another world and another writer. @Ace Much obliged, my good man. I appreciate the support. Maybe once or twice I'll add a weird snippet about them. And I'm not going to dare throw them on the podium beside your Corsairs. The Corsairs aren't on a podium, they're just one of several warbands competing for the right to rule over the Liber Cluster. ...Although I do hope to make them into a force to be reckoned with, but that's a story for a later date. I've noticed a disparity of people writing for our delightful Dark Eldar. A damn shame cause the Plucked Eye and Heart would be fascinating. An unaccounted force plucking through the aftermath of grizzly battles... So, if you're looking for a xenos writing I'd like to volunteer for the Plucked Eye and Heart. I've got a functioning idea on utilizing bounties to acquire specific samples of those nifty Sza'Koa. Basically expend the clusters more sinister elements, throw in some Corsairs, tempt a Freeboota with Dakka and have a few Kabalites oversee the operation. I'm typing up in an actual background for their involvement. However, if it's too late to volunteer I'll still post it to give their involvement some substance. Wave 2 will have some use for the Kabal of the Plucked Eye and Heart, I think. I sort of have plans in place for them. I'll elaborate once Wave 1 is complete. After some consideration and brainstorm, I'll take Galoban. It suits the Golem Fists desire to free/save people and it could've been a regular stop for the Sentinels ro resupply. Only written some notes, nearly 400 words already. That is quite a lot of notes, by the sounds of it. Best of luck, Brother! Oh ok didn't see this before the site went down I'll get to work on making this one battle then as i have already written 3 out of 6 battles for a tree campaign Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted October 11, 2018 Share Posted October 11, 2018 (edited) Well then, with BnC back online (praise the mods!), I'll be able to upload my contribution later on, when I'm back at home. As promised, here it is: Scarlet Sentinels & Liberators of Khimaya vs. Sza'Koa above Galoban It has been three months since Galoban was invaded. Three months, in which humanity had to suffer under the Sza’koa. Three months, when the answer of the Imperium finally came. A splinter fleet of the Liber Cluster’s defences was allocated to engage the rising threat of the returning Sza’koa. New castes had been bred by the foul Xenos and the entirety of the Beros system fell victim to them. The leading Kar’ga caste, consisting of potent sorcerers and scryers had foreseen and thus, enacted a brutal invasion of taking back what was rightfully theirs. Worlds had fallen; millions had died before the Imperium finally was able to respond. Under the leadership of Captain DorekGeowaz aboard the Chainbreaker of the Golem Fists chapter and Lord Admiral KaynanAsmogol, the retribution fleet emerged from the warp. By pure accident were they joined by the Strike cruiser Crown of Caledon of the Scarlet Sentinels chapter, commandeered by Captain Bern Halyendor. The Scarlet Sentinels were on a routine patrol mission, halting above Galoban for resupply. Due to his chapter’s reputation in excelling void warfare, Captain Halyendor was named the overall commander of the invading forces, slightly displeasing Captain Geowaz who was in charge priory. Captain Halyendor did not hesitate and charged at the enemy fleet, which consisted of three capital ships and an adequate fleet of escorts. Though their first assault was repelled, Halyendor had gained enough data to evaluate and continue with a slightly different approach. He noticed that the Sza’koan ships possessed a fluid and controllable alloy, which the lords of the Adeptus Mechanicum had named Khidan. With it, the Xenos were able to concentrate the Khidan and absorb blows, which would be lethal to other comparable ships. Thus, Halyendor instructed the fleet with his new idea and started a second attempt at reclaiming Galoban. While the Crown of Caledon led the majority of the imperial fleet into a second clash with the Xenos’ ships, the Chainbreaker and the rest of their fleet were heading straight to Galoban’s surface to deploy their troops. The Sza’koa answered in the only way possible: dividing their fleet to answer both threats. What they did not realize: both imperial fleets continued to keep a certain distance from one another, allowing them to switch targets between the separated alien forces. That way, the imperial ships switched targets within minutes, constantly beleaguering their divided enemy counterparts. Furthermore, the Khidanwas constantly kept fluid, denying a noteworthy concentration. In doing so, the constant barrage took its toll and the Xenos ships took the first blows. The Kar’ga reacted nearly instantly, focusing their attention unto the Astartes ships. They had identified both ships as the core elements of the imperial fleet. Eliminating both would give the initiative back to the Sza’koa. As a result, all three capital ships chased after the Crown of Caledon and the Chainbreaker. They kept both Astartes ships right before them, concentrating the Khidan to the forefront. In doing so, they directly played into the hands of Halyendor. Right before both Astartes ships had parted, they had released a full volley of armed torpedoes without igniting their fuel. Thus, said torpedoes hung in the void, waiting for their ignition. It was when the Xenos ships chased after Captain Halyendor and Geowaz when they flew right into the cloud of lurking torpedoes. With the Khidan focused on their forefront, their backs were exposed. Dozens of armed torpedoes were ignited, covering the Xenos’ ships in explosions. Their unprotected backs were torn apart, instantly killing the vital Veyaka crewmembers. Torn apart and powerless, the Sza’koa ships were left for dead. The imperial fleet turned their attention to the remaining escort ships, which were now heavily outgunned. Although the imperial fleet had won, their losses were still severe. Nonetheless, the two Astartes chapters pushed forward, sending their lethal cargo towards the five remaining hive cities down on Galoban. Now was the time for the Golem Fists to take the lead. Edited October 11, 2018 by Kelborn Nomus Sardauk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Necron Posted October 14, 2018 Share Posted October 14, 2018 Praise be the Primordial Creator, the B&C rises. Our saviour has denied fate and returned to save the site! So I want to contribute to Chaos Warbands/Factions. It feels like there's little love there and being a definitive lover of Chaos, it seems fitting I contribute there. I'm neither a fast nor competent writer yet still want to spend a bit of time expanding on the existing groups. I will be asking for advice and opinions regarding these groups before setting anything in stone Any suggestions for who I can add to my to-do list is welcome. For now I want to focus on the Corsairs, Blackened and Malbinos. @Ace Debonair: Okay, I'll read along and cross my fingers that the Loyalist fudge it up. On another note I've been chipping away at a fairly interesting idea concerning the Corsairs. To sum it up I've been writing about the Plague Marine contingents among the Corsairs. Basically Azahan plays to their delusions, pretending to perceive the false reality they believe is real. They're former Singala Marines either maimed in prior engagements or refused to succumb to organ failure. I like to think Azahan doesn't see these 'creatures' as genuine Astartes. They're fairly convincing replications yet lack the human aspect... Ya know, cause they're vat-grown. I've got a fair bit written down relating to this idea. I wanted ask for your opinion considering you contributed the Corsairs. @Kelborn: Good sir, I was wondering if you'd be down for brain storming a Heretek Cult for the Blackened Fist. I'm rather found of the idea your sires of the Iron Hands expanded on their, presumed, affinity of technology. Feel free to say otherwise I want to attempt to stay true to their character. @Machine God: Fellow follower of Nurgle, my brother... Might I have the honour of expanding upon The Followers Slaaneshy/Nurgly practices, rituals and how each compliments the other? I've got some vague ideas but I'd rather produce a few rough drafts to build from. If you have your own ideas or feel there's gaps to be filled for the Followers, I'd be down for attempting to fill those in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted October 14, 2018 Share Posted October 14, 2018 (edited) Well then, with BnC back online (praise the mods!), I'll be able to upload my contribution later on, when I'm back at home. As promised, here it is: Scarlet Sentinels & Liberators of Khimaya vs. Sza'Koa above Galoban Under the leadership of Captain DorekGeowaz aboard the Chainbreaker of the Golem Fists chapter and Lord Admiral KaynanAsmogol, the retribution fleet emerged from the warp. By pure accident were they joined by the Strike cruiser Crown of Caledon of the Scarlet Sentinels chapter, commandeered by Captain Bern Halyendor. The Scarlet Sentinels were on a routine patrol mission, halting above Galoban for resupply. Due to his chapter’s reputation in excelling void warfare, Captain Halyendor was named the overall commander of the invading forces, slightly displeasing Captain Geowaz who was in charge priory. @Kelborn - I think you meant commanded. @Fat Necron - Feel free to add to the Followers. It is the nature of the thread that all of the chapters belong to the thread and not to ourselves. A fresh perspective is always welcome. Edited October 14, 2018 by Machine God Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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