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Conn Eremon

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Nice. :biggrin.:

We're starting to gather quite the horde of heretics here. Good to see some devoted worshippers of the Dark Gods joining the ranks!


As for the colours, the one thing I'd advise is making the eyes a different colour from the helmet, (unless that's a deliberate choice on your part) using the eyes for a spot colour can really make the scheme pop.

@Ace Debonair - Thank you I missed the eyes on the painter, my mistake. I went and editted the image.

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Sons of Morrigan


* GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR) - White Scars (From Rampagers)

* FOUNDING - Ultima

* CHAPTER MASTER - Kratos Atreus

* HOME WORLD/BASE OF OPERATIONS - Fleet Based (Recruit from the planets of Lhartan & Artanias)

* OBSERVED STRATEGIC TENDENCIES - Orbital Assaults, Rapid Insertion, Landspeeder Assaults

* BATTLE CRY - “You cannot defeat fate!”



The Sons of Morrigan are a slightly Codex Divergent successor of the Rampagers Chapter. Containing a higher than average Librarius and Apothecary contingent than other chapters.

The Librarius known as the Seers utilize extensive use of the Emperor's Tarot in tactical planning and applicant screening.

Obsessed with the strength of the chapter in battle as well as HQ Apothecaries the chapter sergeants also are apothecaries.

As a hold over from their ancient roots the Sons of Morrigan don't use Dreadnoughts as they are too slow. Instead a valued warrior that cannot keep up is interred as a pilot of their preferred air-frame, all the better to get to the kill.

The Sons of Morrigan value speed, utilising massed Astreus Super-Heavy Tank assaults together with a preference for Inceptors.


The Fleet attacks using massed Caestus Assault Rams, although it has been known for over-zealous ship captains to ram other ships for the thrill.

The Sons of Morrigan have been known to use the stealthy arts, but this generally equates to the use of Q-Ships and Fire-Ships.


The Sons of Morrigan were sent to the Liber Cluster by the Emperor. A favourable reading of the Emperor’s Tarot – Death, Life and Wealth were divined by the Seers.

The Sons of Morrigan Fleet had been knocked out of the Warp by a cluster of Ork Rok’s. Emerging into a Void-Whale hunt, the Sons of Morrigan Fleet harried the Rok’s eventually destroying them.

Finding themselves below the galactic plane in interstellar space, the fleet followed the wake of wreckage caused by the orks.

Trusting the Tarot reading the Sons of Morrigan Fleet at last made contact with the Liber Cluster in Subsector Arrenthal.


A powerful Fleet-based chapter, the Sons of Morrigan have looked for a suitable home-world, although to date none has been found. The chapter as the rights of Angels of Death have recruited applicants from the planets of Lhartan and Artanias.

The Seers’ eyes of late have turned to the wealth of Reyingras, no doubt drawn by the spectre of death – the Krantz Planetoid.


The Sons of Morrigan a fatalistically grim chapter maintain the following Chapter Colours:

Black power armour for death and bringing it to His foes. A Blood Red tabard both for the blood of their foes and in respect for the colours of the Rampagers. Both fists are red in colour and in battle to show their prowess of trophy-takers, the bloody guts of a worthy foe or the plucked eyeballs so that they cannot find their respective feast halls in the afterlife.

The Sons of Morrigan when seen helmet less show off the celtic roots – long braided hair, ritual scars and Woad upon faces.

The Sons of Morrigan chapter symbol is somewhat unusual and causes them no end of grief.

The left pauldron shows what is mistakenly thought to be the symbol of the Dark Angels. It shows what looks like a red sword and red wings on a black background the pauldron is edged in Scarlet. What the symbol actually represents is the point and out-sprung barbs of the Gae Bolga Spear.

Edited by Machine God
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Actually, it does say within the original post that while the chapters did consist of Primaris, due to the theft of geneseed he chapters filled their numbers by using normal geneseed:




These new Chapters were comprised of the new Primaris Space Marines, but due to piracy many of these Chapters had to utilize original Space Marine gene-lines to more quickly reach full strength.


On another note, I did just have an idea for a Primaris chapter who are trying to show hat due to these Primaris renegades popping up that the Liber Founding didn't just bring bad thinhs along and operate like the Mentors as advisers...hmm...I need to think on it a bit more...

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Actually, it does say within the original post that while the chapters did consist of Primaris, due to the theft of geneseed he chapters filled their numbers by using normal geneseed:

Ah, excellent.

Well spotted, Dizzyeye! :biggrin.:


On another note, I did just have an idea for a Primaris chapter who are trying to show hat due to these Primaris renegades popping up that the Liber Founding didn't just bring bad thinhs along and operate like the Mentors as advisers...hmm...I need to think on it a bit more...


Go for it! :thumbsup:


I'm not sure how the older Liberite Chapters would take to being 'instructed' by these newcomers, but that might make for some compelling stories in and of itself. :happy.:

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Glad to be of assistance.


On the matter of instructing Liberite chapters, I never actually thought about that. I mention instructing as more towards the imperial guard/police/militia forces in the sector but it could cerrain work having the chapter try and settle any doubts about the Primaris...more things to consider...

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I could see that working, too.

They could see their job as providing tactical advice and support, plus sharing their knowledge with mortal forces who may be out of their depth fighting against Chaos or the nastier breeds of xeno.


If it were me, I'd be tempted to make them fewer in number than the other Chapters, at least initially, so as to answer the question "so why don't they just fight Chaos themselves?"


Then, of course, it becomes tradition and the Chapter sees the advisory role as their duty, causing them to keep it up even if their numbers do increase.

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Interesting points Ace, I think having them be hit the hardest during the theft of the Liber Founding geneseed would be a good way of having more limited numbers than say some of the other chapters. With the idea of advising the older Liberite chapters, to me at least a good indication of how well they would be taken in is if the chapter decided to take in the Primaris reinforcements or if they cast them out. However I could be wrong and if the original owners pitched in on how they would react then that would be great. For now though I'll leave that on the side and it can be something everyone works on once things step up. I'll see what i can do however I do have deadlines coming up for college and I should put my head down for that.

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Once you've slogged through this wall of text, do you think this system would fit in the liber cluster?


Authorization Codes input.

Archive Theta-10 Accessed.

Data Transfer Pending...


Hali System:Overview


Star Type-Anomalous


Warp Routes-Limited, system is subject to severe degrees of warp turbulence.


Planet Alpha- Large high gravity planet with a breathable atmosphere but severe temperatures. No ecosystem. Several Mechanicus forge fane's are located on planet to exploit plentiful industrial, radioactive and and exotic mineral wealth. Expansion has however been crippled by a series of inexplicable menial revolts that simultaneously plague all planets in the system.


Orbital Body Alpha 1-Lesser moon, nothing of note.


Orbital Body Alpha 2- Large asteroid, nothing of note.

Orbital Body Alpha 3- Large moon with a breathable but heated atmosphere. 3 Major continents present.

Mechanicus forge game present to exploit sustainable industrial and plentiful exitic materials.


Planet Beta- Small, low gravity planet with no atmosphere. Mechanicus forge fane present to exploit high levels of industrial type metal ores.


Orbital Body Beta 1- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.

Planet Gamma-Low mass, low gravity planet with a thin toxic atmosphere. Several architect ruins alongside structures of an unknown source present on the surface. The Mechanicus facility there is known for bizarre mishaps and missing personnel.


Stellar Phenomenon Alpha- Dust Cloud, navigational hazard.


Planet Delta-Titanic Gas Giant with rings composed of dust and wreckage of an unidentified source.


Orbital Body Delta 1- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.

Orbital Body Delta 2- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.


Orbital Body Delta 3- Large low gravity moon with a thin tainted atmosphere. Mechanicus forge fane present to exploit plentiful industrial and significant exotic metals.


Orbital Body Delta 4- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.


Orbital Body Delta 5- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.


Orbital Body Delta 6- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.


Orbital Body Delta 7- Large and dense moon with approx. standard gravity, a limited and lethal atmosphere in addition to extremely low temperatures. Mechanicus installation present to exploit significant radioactive and plentiful industrial mineral resources.


Orbital Body Delta 8- Small icy world with toxic atmosphere and near standard gravity. Minimal exotic materials. Apparent presence of strip mines proceeding the Imperium's arrival.


Orbital Body Delta 9- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.


Orbital Body Delta 10- Lesser moon, nothing else of note.


Planet Epsilon- Massive Gas Giant with Titanic gravity.


Orbital Body Epsilon 1- Large and dense high gravity moon with a temperate climate but toxic atmosphere. A Mechanicus facility is present in exploration of extensive archeotech ruins below the surface. Exotic and radiative metals are also present in abundance but are unexplored due to all individuals with a cranial augmentation level below 15 percent are banned from the planet by express order of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


Orbital Anomaly Epsilon 1- Through some unknown cause a small warpstorm appears to orbit Epsilon in sync with the planets own rotation. In fact a tendril of the storm seems to stretch within the layers of the planet itself. This warp storm has proven impassable. Records indicate that there have been several attempts using psykery to determine what lies behind the veil, but any results were either never recorded or later redacted. Archives on Alar indicate that there was once an orbital body in the orbit now occupied by the storm, however severe data gaps and damage amongst these mean that there is no clear iindication of what lead to its present status. In addition, a Rogue Trader by the name Roberta Bierce claimed that her augers detected what appeared to be vast structures surrounding the focal point of the storm within Epsilon. The Mechanicus has vehemently denied these claims. Bierce was later killed, a Mechanicus light cruiser witnessing her ship suffering catastrophic engine failure and plunging into the Gas Giant. There are times when the warp storm seems to wane, but on each occasion the Mechanics has been occupied dealing with almost synchronised mass uprisings to investigate.


Orbital Body Epsilon 2- A large and dense moon with a thin and tainted atmosphere but temperate climate. Epsilon 2 is the only planet in the Mali system( Alar excepted) to support a biosphere and its mountains, swamps and plains harbour a number of unique biological compounds. Due to the systems warp turbulence, Epsilon 2 has been colonised by the Mechanicus to supply the systems other planets with good. In order maintain control a detachment of Knights form House [data corrupted] have been emplaced. For whatever reason, the madness that often seems to haunt the scions of the Knight-Titans seems to be unusually common amongst the detachment and they have turned increasingly to augmentation to stave off insanity. The situation cannot have been improved by the forced periodic massacres of apparently insane revolutionaries. In addition, there is a significant Biologis presence on the moon, both to facilitate efficient extraction of valuable biological compounds but also to study what is often anomalous wildlife that has not e solved in accordance with the constraints of standard evolution.


Orbital Body Epsilon 3- Vast high gravity moon with a breathable atmosphere . There are significant metals suitable for ornamental purposes on the planet but the Mechanical focus has shown little interest in exploiting them.


Orbital Body Epsilon 4- Small barren moon with limited exotic materials and extant ruins of an unknown origin. The Mechanics facility on the moon was destroyed from orbit after being overrun by a rebellion. No attempt has been made to colonise it since.


Orbital Body Epsilon 5- Lesser moon, nothing of note.


Orbital Body Epsilon 6(Alar)- Alar is occupied by a hive world tech level human society that predates the coming of the Imperium. It has maintained a degree of independence through regular trades of archeotech with the Mechanicus Adepts that have been within the planets cities find that their databanks were scoured of much of their information long ago, but that withing the planets greatest city is an immeasurable sensor array that appears to be observing the Epsilon 1 anomaly. Exactly where this data is stored has successively confounded both the Alarians and their Mechanicus allies. On an additional note, Alar is apparently unaffected by the revolts that plague the Mechanicus, but harbour a superstition that makes them loathe to set foot outside the complex machinery of their hives.

Edited by Beren
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It... might?

I'm not sure what is supposed to be going on with those worlds, but nothing leaps out at me as implausible. :sweat:


That said:

Orbital Anomaly Epsilon 1- Through some unknown cause a small wardrobe appears to orbit Epsilon in sync with the planets own rotation.



I'm sure that has to be a wrong word.

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Darned auto correct.


Basically something similar to a Yu'vath Whisperer is stuck on the warpstorm locked planet (although not actually Yu'Vath, since they're in another part of the galaxy) but is trapped there since facilities within the Gas Giant -built by either its own race as a protective measure or its enemies as a quarantine- are somehow generating the storm. The Alar planet was a sentry post left to keep an eye on it. Every time the storm flickers, the construct is able to temporarily exert it's influence over any non-augmented personnel in system.

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Darned auto correct.


Basically something similar to a Yu'vath Whisperer is stuck on the warpstorm locked planet (although not actually Yu'Vath, since they're in another part of the galaxy) but is trapped there since facilities within the Gas Giant -built by either its own race as a protective measure or its enemies as a quarantine- are somehow generating the storm. The Alar planet was a sentry post left to keep an eye on it. Every time the storm flickers, the construct is able to temporarily exert it's influence over any non-augmented personnel in system.

That sounds acceptably 40k to me. Horrors on the verge of being unleashed, another potential system-spanning threat... yeah, that should fit right in with the Cluster.

Might make for an interesting battleground one day.


Let's just avoid any mention of whether or not wardrobes are orbiting the planet, that can be left to the reader's imagination. :laugh.:

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I'm thinking of changing the name of the Golem's Fist chapter I need ideas for it though. I haven't been active for a while because of school but the ideas that people are generating for this project are really cool, I'm also just wondering if the primaris chapters can all arrive as part of the same fleet as a sort of crusade to drive off a large scale chaos incursion before the chapters seperate and go to their respective homeworld's/wandering fleets.

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I'm going to jump right in and say 'nope' to driving off a large scale Chaos invasion immediately.

The forces of Chaos are going to (I hope) be a real and credible threat in the Cluster, which means they aren't going to be kicked around casually in the backstory.


It'd be like one of the earlier Chapters rolling in and starting off by killing a bunch of the Sereiki Lions.

All it does is make the bad guys look weak, which then makes everyone else look bad for not being able to completely flatten them the same way. :sweat:



On the other hand, all the Primaris Chapters arriving together seems like a good shout, and makes sense to me given how they've operated in the Indomnitus Crusade. :happy.:

 Perhaps the lack of a singular target to crusade against could be what causes the Chapters to split up and go their own ways?



As for alternative Chapter names, what sort of names are you looking for?

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I'm going to jump right in and say 'nope' to driving off a large scale Chaos invasion immediately.

The forces of Chaos are going to (I hope) be a real and credible threat in the Cluster, which means they aren't going to be kicked around casually in the backstory.


It'd be like one of the earlier Chapters rolling in and starting off by killing a bunch of the Sereiki Lions.

All it does is make the bad guys look weak, which then makes everyone else look bad for not being able to completely flatten them the same way. :sweat:



On the other hand, all the Primaris Chapters arriving together seems like a good shout, and makes sense to me given how they've operated in the Indomnitus Crusade. :happy.:

 Perhaps the lack of a singular target to crusade against could be what causes the Chapters to split up and go their own ways?



As for alternative Chapter names, what sort of names are you looking for?

I was thinking of a name that showcases how the chapter champions individual freedoms I'm just having trouble with ideas for names at the moment currently.

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I thought that they'd already looted a significant amount of gene seed. And using rebellions to steal generated from corpses would only work if each rebellion won at least one devastating victory against the Primaris.
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Oops, got caught up in the painting stuff and almost missed this:

I was thinking of a name that showcases how the chapter champions individual freedoms I'm just having trouble with ideas for names at the moment currently.

That's a tough concept to encapsulate in a properly 40k sounding name. How about the 'Liberators of [HOMEWORLD/RECRUITMENT SYSTEM NAME]'?
Obviously you'd need a name for their homeworld (or recruitment system if fleet-based), but I'm sure my brothers and I would be happy to help with cool-sounding planet names too if you need us to. :happy.:

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I'd imagine an update is in the works, behind the scenes. :happy.:


The ETL event tends to take a lot of people's attention though, including the mods (and mine, I've painted more models this week than in the entirety of 2017 and I've still got a bunch to do before my 2nd vow is complete) - so don't be too disheartened if the topic seems to stall a bit. :happy.:

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