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Conn Eremon

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I thought that they'd already looted a significant amount of gene seed. And using rebellions to steal generated from corpses would only work if each rebellion won at least one devastating victory against the Primaris.


Apologies, perhaps I should of made things clearer. Instead of having a whole new event, I was meaning the original attack and theft of Primaris geneseed was in fact made possible by the secret organisation causing widespread rebellion etc that made the Imperium as a whole send a large response.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, a couple minutes before I started typing this post I just asked to hang my hat as a mod. So many changes have been occurring over the past couple years, whether to my hobby interest, the state of that hobby or the state of my life in general. At a shamefully distant point, my involvement here went from one of enjoyment and fun to one of beholden duty. I kept holding out for a change of tone, and thinking that if I faked it that it'd just come back.


It hasn't, and a consequence of this is that I've restarted this project, gotten people interested in it, and basically abandoned it before it even started.


For that, I'm sorry.


So, the bad news is that my disappearance is going to be indefinite, at least until I can return to the B&C as a true Liberite again.


The good news is that the Liber Cluster was never mine, it can continue without me. Those of you who I messaged before returning to the Cluster, you all know what "secret" things I intended to reveal, and are free to do so yourselves if you're inclined to. Those of you who had your ideas and were waiting to develop them, please do.


Nobody needs to wait for me any longer, and once again I am sorry I made you all wait this long.

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So, a couple minutes before I started typing this post I just asked to hang my hat as a mod. So many changes have been occurring over the past couple years, whether to my hobby interest, the state of that hobby or the state of my life in general. At a shamefully distant point, my involvement here went from one of enjoyment and fun to one of beholden duty. I kept holding out for a change of tone, and thinking that if I faked it that it'd just come back.


It hasn't, and a consequence of this is that I've restarted this project, gotten people interested in it, and basically abandoned it before it even started.


For that, I'm sorry.


So, the bad news is that my disappearance is going to be indefinite, at least until I can return to the B&C as a true Liberite again.


The good news is that the Liber Cluster was never mine, it can continue without me. Those of you who I messaged before returning to the Cluster, you all know what "secret" things I intended to reveal, and are free to do so yourselves if you're inclined to. Those of you who had your ideas and were waiting to develop them, please do.


Nobody needs to wait for me any longer, and once again I am sorry I made you all wait this long.

Sorry to hear that, brother. I hope everything works out well for you. :happy.:


When you're ready to come back to us, the Liber (and the Cluster) will still be here, going strong. :biggrin.:





On that note, I'm willing to take the role of Steward of Gondor This Thread until Conn's return, and get the Liber Cluster moving again, if everyone's ok with that. :ermm:

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@Ace Debonair - I think that this is what is needed, thank you.


This thread needs to be moving along smoothly.


I think that a word to other Liber Mods like Aqui, Olis or Lord Thorn may be in order, so that the new chapters can be added to Conn Eremon's entries on Page 2 to fill up the Primaris, Chaos and Renegade Chapters.



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Thanks for the votes of confidence, brothers. I'll do my best not to disappoint! :happy.:


I think that a word to other Liber Mods like Aqui, Olis or Lord Thorn may be in order, so that the new chapters can be added to Conn Eremon's entries on Page 2 to fill up the Primaris, Chaos and Renegade Chapters.

I was just going to do my own list, but this is a much better idea.
That said, I might compile a list of my own first, just so it's less work for the mods later. :happy.:

I very seldom get chance to be anywhere near the forum over the weekend though, so if anyone has any last-minute changes they want to make, or crazy ideas for Primaris/Renegade/Traitor forces, now's your chance to throw them in - even if it's just a name, a colour scheme and a sentence or two about how you envision them! :teehee:

Once The List is done, I'll get to phase two: developing the new forces of the Cluster.
I'm looking forward to this, because it'll (hopefully) be a fun writing challenge for everyone involved. :biggrin.:

Edited by Ace Debonair
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I'm with ya, Ace. :smile.:


If it's ok, I'll contact Thorn. We're both on the same discord server.


And I'm eager to work on my Argent Claws again! :biggrin.:

Ah, well here's where the challenge part comes into play:


Taking a leaf from the old Liber Cluster, I'm going to be assigning writing tasks to people to develop factions other than the ones you submitted.


I know you'll have tons of ideas for your guys, but the idea is that all the Chapters (and warbands, etc) in the Cluster are community projects, developed by the community.


I haven't figured out all the details yet (it hasn't even been a day since I took charge, I don't work that fast :sweat:) but the point is that the Chapters and Warbands here are community projects, to be developed by the community.


The selection will probably be basically random in the end, although I'll try and respect writer's allegiances - for example, die-hard loyalists won't have to write about dirty traitors unless they want to.


We'll definitely get to come back to the forces we created later, so don't worry too much - I certainly have a billion ideas for the Corsairs (and about a dozen for the Warshields) but we'll get the chance to return to the forces we created after the next phase. :happy.:

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OK, Lord Thorn has kindly updated Conn's List on page 2 with all the new forces* currently involved in the Liber Cluster. :biggrin.:



I know the Golem Fists are missing from the list, but WG101 was in the midst of renaming them (and possibly making other changes, not sure), so I'll give him a few days to resurface and check in before we add them to the list. :happy.:


Is anyone else missing, or is The List spot-on?




* I also realise we're missing the Cabal of the Plucked Eye and Heart, Tagaroth the Awakened's DarkMech, and any other forces who don't fit into that list.

Rest assured, they are not forgotten either - I'm less certain how to proceed with them, but they are not forgotten! :laugh.:

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OK, Lord Thorn has kindly updated Conn's List on page 2 with all the new forces* currently involved in the Liber Cluster. :biggrin.:



I know the Golem Fists are missing from the list, but WG101 was in the midst of renaming them (and possibly making other changes, not sure), so I'll give him a few days to resurface and check in before we add them to the list. :happy.:


Is anyone else missing, or is The List spot-on?




* I also realise we're missing the Cabal of the Plucked Eye and Heart, Tagaroth the Awakened's DarkMech, and any other forces who don't fit into that list.

Rest assured, they are not forgotten either - I'm less certain how to proceed with them, but they are not forgotten! :laugh.:

Sorry for the inactivity I've had a lot of school work recently. Also decided that at the start of the Golems Fist chapter's story they still have that name but after sucessfully liberating a world (whose name has not been decided) the Chapter Master Egain Starseeker declares that the chapter shal from that point onwards that they will be called the Liberators of (insert world or system here)
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Sorry for the inactivity I've had a lot of school work recently. Also decided that at the start of the Golems Fist chapter's story they still have that name but after sucessfully liberating a world (whose name has not been decided) the Chapter Master Egain Starseeker declares that the chapter shal from that point onwards that they will be called the Liberators of (insert world or system here)

No problem, brother. :thumbsup:


After the weekend I'll get The List updated with the Liberators and the Blackened Fist (along with any other Chapters that might be submitted in the next couple of days, before we close off submissions)


And then it'll be on to the fun stuff. :happy.:




How on Terra could I forget the Blackened Fist? :wallbash:

I'll be spending the weekend in the Pain Glove, it seems.

Edited by Ace Debonair
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And then it'll be on to the fun stuff. :happy.:




How on Terra could I forget the Blackened Fist? :wallbash:

I'll be spending the weekend in the Pain Glove, it seems.


@Ace Debonair - Don't worry on the omission of the Blackened Fists, blame it on the rain!

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-=-= Liber Cluster II Faction Expansion Writing Challenge =-=-


OK, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to get this show on the road. :happy.:


We now have a list of Factions showing thusly:


Six Primaris Chapters:


*   The Angels Exultant

*   The Argent Claws

*   The Sons of Morrigan

*   The Oathkeepers

*   The Warshields

*   The Liberators of [WIP] (formerly the Golem Fists)


Five Renegades:


*   The Oneiroi

*   The Gravewalkers

*   The Wyvernspawn

*   The Jus Naufragii

*   The Enlightened


and Five Warbands of Chaos:


*   The Corsairs of Azahan

*   The Singala Cadre

*   The Followers of Mabinos

*   The Abyssal Stalkers

*   The Blackened Fist


...And it's time we developed them all a little further.

But since this is a community project, the idea being that we can all work on developing any of these forces, we're going to mix things up a little, and I'll be assigning writing challenges which will see writers working on a force other than the one you originally contributed.


The challenge will be to write up a 200-500 word expansion that covers one or more of the following topics: that faction's Homeworld*, Beliefs, Combat Doctrine, or Organisation.


*If the chapter/warband is fleet-based, replace 'homeworld' with 'recruitment'.


I don't know how many folks are still following the Liber Cluster project, but if you're reading this and interested in this challenge, then post here and let me know!


It doesn't matter if you didn't contribute one of these factions in the first place - some of us added more than one faction, so there's plenty of room for participants to step in and leave their mark on the Liber Cluster.


Ideally, if you're interested in taking part in the challenge, also tell me which alignment (Loyalist/Renegade/Chaos) you're most interested in working on - I'd rather give people tasks that align somewhat with their interests, after all. :happy.:

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I've been busy the last few weeks with college however I'm still up for a bit of writing for this. Personally, I'd be up for writing for either the renegades or for the chaos side however something I was wondering is what is happening with the idea Conn had for the conspirators and who they were. He said that once the submissions had closed off that the idea would be revealed so I'm just curious if that is still a thing or not. It could effect what is written for the renegades after all.

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I've been busy the last few weeks with college however I'm still up for a bit of writing for this. Personally, I'd be up for writing for either the renegades or for the chaos side however something I was wondering is what is happening with the idea Conn had for the conspirators and who they were. He said that once the submissions had closed off that the idea would be revealed so I'm just curious if that is still a thing or not. It could effect what is written for the renegades after all.

You raise a very fair point, brother.

That particular bit of information will be what kickstarts the next part of the story, and I just know it'll prompt a lot of interesting discussion, but it'll also drag focus away from the actual writing challenge. :sweat:


If worst comes to worst, re-writes, edits and adjustments to account for new information are completely ok. :biggrin.:



I don't actually know what order Conn had planned to do everything in, but I figure it makes more sense to give these new forces a bit more life before we start pushing the story of the Cluster forward.


Otherwise it'd be like playing a game with unpainted models - it's good and fine, but you know there's still more work to do before it's right.


...Also this was my favourite part of the old Liber Cluster thread so I suppose I'm maybe a little biased. :laugh.:

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