Ace Debonair Posted June 14, 2018 Share Posted June 14, 2018 When Are we gonna get the Writing challenge? Apologies - I've been thrown a load of overtime at work, so my hobby time has plummeted rather drastically. Emperor willing, I'll get it set up in the next few days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 14, 2018 Share Posted June 14, 2018 (edited) Belay that last post, brothers, I'll start us off tonight! As determined by The Emperor's Tarot (read: by much rolling of a trusty D6), I've set up our challenges. The challenge, as mentioned previously, will be to write up a 200-500 word expansion that covers one or more of the following topics: Homeworld*, Beliefs, Combat Doctrine, or Organisation.*If the chapter/warband is fleet-based, replace 'homeworld' with 'recruitment'.Remember - if you're not sure about something, or would like more information about the Chapter/Warband you're working on, just ask, either here in the thread or by PM! I'm sure everyone's keen to share their ideas and what inspired their Chapters. (I know I certainly am, haha) Renegades:* Beren - The Oneiroi* Teetengee - the Wyvernspawn Primaris:* WG101 - The Oathkeepers* Ace Debonair - The Golem Fists/Liberators of [WIP] * Sanguinius Reborn - The Angels Exultant Chaos:* Kelborn - The Followers of Mabinos* Machine God - The Corsairs of Azahan* Dizzyeye - The Blackened FistI should probably set a deadline, although truthfully with work being as busy as it is for me, I'm quite happy to be lenient.That said, if we can aim to get these done by July 1st, that would be most excellent! I know there's a lot of factions missing from this list, so depending on public opinion (and how well this goes,) we might do another round of fleshing out the missing factions a little. If anyone has problems or questions with the Challenge or the faction the dice Emperor's Tarot decided on, be sure to say so - I'll help as best I can.EDIT:Since I got the Liberators of [WIP], and I do have a habit of coming up with various worlds for the Cluster, I'm going to sort their Homeworld out. Anyone else got any ideas for what they'd like to do for their assigned factions? Edited June 20, 2018 by Ace Debonair Doctor Perils, Kelborn and Machine God 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted June 14, 2018 Share Posted June 14, 2018 Sorry for the latd reply, I've been busy with finishing some stuff outside the hobby. That said, as I mentioned in my last post, I'm still up for taking part and adding to an existing organisation. Just point me in the right direction and I'll write it up :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted June 14, 2018 Share Posted June 14, 2018 (edited) Belay that last post, brothers, I'll start us off tonight! As determined by The Emperor's Tarot (read: by much rolling of a trusty D6), I've set up our challenges. The challenge, as mentioned previously, will be to write up a 200-500 word expansion that covers one or more of the following topics: Homeworld*, Beliefs, Combat Doctrine, or Organisation. *If the chapter/warband is fleet-based, replace 'homeworld' with 'recruitment'. Remember - if you're not sure about something, or would like more information about the Chapter/Warband you're working on, just ask, either here in the thread or by PM! I'm sure everyone's keen to share their ideas and what inspired their Chapters. (I know I certainly am, haha) Renegades: * Beren - The Oneiroi * Teetengee - the Wyvernspawn Primaris: * WG101 - The Oathkeepers * Ace Debonair - The Golem Fists/Liberators of [WIP] Chaos: * Kelborn - The Followers of Mabinos * Machine God - The Corsairs of Azahan Check! I should probably set a deadline, although truthfully with work being as busy as it is for me, I'm quite happy to be lenient. That said, if we can aim to get these done by July 1st, that would be most excellent! I know there's a lot of factions missing from this list, so depending on public opinion (and how well this goes,) we might do another round of fleshing out the missing factions a little. If anyone has problems or questions with the Challenge or the faction the dice Emperor's Tarot decided on, be sure to say so - I'll help as best I can. EDIT: Since I got the Liberators of [WIP], and I do have a habit of coming up with various worlds for the Cluster, I'm going to sort their Homeworld out. Anyone else got any ideas for what they'd like to do for their assigned factions? @Ace Debonair - I will get my thinking cap on... I have also sent a PM to Fat Necron, SanguiniasReborn and Jape telling them that the thread is moving on and needs their help. Edit: Typo. Edited June 16, 2018 by Machine God Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 15, 2018 Share Posted June 15, 2018 (edited) Sorry for the latd reply, I've been busy with finishing some stuff outside the hobby. That said, as I mentioned in my last post, I'm still up for taking part and adding to an existing organisation. Just point me in the right direction and I'll write it up Curse my forgetfulness - I knew I'd forget someone. Many apologies brother! I'll consult the dice Emperor's Tarot immediately and see where you wind up: * Dizzyeye - The Blackened Fist ( The first two rolls both landed on the Corsairs of Azahan - but they're already taken ) [@Ace Debonair - I will get my thinking cap on... I have also sent a PM to Fat Necron, SaguinasReborn and Jape telling them that the thread is moving on and needs their help. Most excellent work, brother! Hopefully they're still feeling creative and willing to pitch in. Edited June 15, 2018 by Ace Debonair Dizzyeye01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 15, 2018 Share Posted June 15, 2018 Followers of Mabinos then. Alrighty then! Let's do this. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beren Posted June 15, 2018 Share Posted June 15, 2018 (edited) First Draft. Collected suppositions regarding the training practices of the Renegade Astartes designate Oneroi. The recent autopsies of Oneroi operatives have revealed the disturbing truth that these renegades may well be formed in their majority of Replicae. This provides a partial answer to how the Penumbra were able to create a strong warband without prior detection, but creates new questions regarding the training of these Astartes. Replicae have many advantages. They can be produced en masse and tailored specifically for compatibility with Geneseed. Yet the one thing that newborn replicae will always lack is experience. No matter how thorough a method of training it cannot account for the myriad unpredictabilities of action, especially in the complex realms of sabotage which the Oneroi are known to operate. So far the Oneroi are one of two currently identified Penumbra Astartes warbands which lack suspected links or mentors from pre-existing Renegade groups and may even have been isolated from exterior factors entirely to ensure total Loyalty to the Penumbra. If these assumptions are correct the Oneroi should have suffered from an initial lack of experience which would cause an above-norm operational failure rate. This was not the case. The only other comparable groups in the Liber Sector, typically cultist or recidivist in nature, are often more experienced and enact far simpler acts of sabotage on a far smaller, yet with a far lower success rate. It is in fact while attempting to compare the methodologies of the Oneroi and these petty terrorists that I stumbled across a curious set of anomalies. Years before the first confirmed act of Oneroi sabotage the sector experienced a surge in recidivist activity. The emergence of such groups was gradual and widespread enough to avoid attracting collective Sector wide attention at the time and seemed to lack any component of Chaotic influence. Despite this these groups displayed unusual ambition and their clinical 'enthusiasm' served to cause moderate if contained disruption, even if many of their operations were foiled. In hindsight it is clear that several of these were subjected to bizarre circumstances or even outright attack, sometimes by one another. In hindsight, these may simply have been tests. Most tellingly a total of seven such groups were rumoured to have a mutant leaders- specifically with size, strength and intelligence exceeding baseline- before suddenly collapsing altogether. Given the peculiar synchronicity it is reasonable to believe that these factions are in fact operating at the behest of a larger organization. Tactical and strategic parallels with the One too are clear. At this point the investigation must move the realm of my expertise, the records of the past, into the investigations of the present for several such groups or newer factions with similar modus operandi are still in action in the present day. Adept [REDACTED] Edited July 1, 2018 by Beren Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 15, 2018 Share Posted June 15, 2018 A bit of belief/intentions behind Wyvernspawn. I like the thoughts behind this, but my execution/writing feels awful right now. Would love someone to look at this and help me get a better idea of how to present the information, because this feels clunky. Hidden Content When the Scions of the Dawn fled the larger Imperium, it represented the longest period without battle they had known; adrift in the dark, having abandoned all pretense of duty, and surrounded by the long dead of the Mausoleum, they found peace, tranquility, respite. The eternal void became a comfort, the only sure thing in the unending upheavals of a universe in constant war. Yet, when they arrived in the Deep, they found that even far from the light of the astronomican, where one might live untouched by nearly all, humanity had failed to value self and spirit of objects and places.Seeking to educate, but knowing only the ways of battle, the Scions renamed themselves Scions of the Void and set to work teaching the cluster the folly of attachments with bolter and blade. Over time, ascetics, nihilists, and those looking only to survive collected around these raiders as the Wyvernspawn, the Scions choosing only those who they felt had begun the journey to understanding as they had, so long ago. By targeting the most overtaxed of humanity’s forces, on either side of the long war, the Wyvernspawn are used as an object lesson in impermanence by this leading internal cult. From this, the Wyvernspawn paradoxically collect far more resources than they might use, so the Scions have instituted the tithe to prevent attachments. After each conflict, each participant is required to give up an object of their superior’s chosing, transferred to another if useful, or cast into space otherwise. The symbolism of this casting off is then cultivated by shipwide meditation within the void, the sign of a completed mission, and a step towards transcendence. Beren 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted June 15, 2018 Share Posted June 15, 2018 Ah *cracks fingers* thanks Ace. I'll admit I'm actually glad I got the Blackened Fists, they've certainly got my imagination going on some renegade Iron Hands fun. I've taken some inspiration from a certain Mad Titan since his beliefs seem to really line up with some crazy Iron Hands. I might end up making a few for my CSM army I'm working on right now In any case, here's my take on their belief system down in the spoilers. I'm a little burnt out right now but I'll have a look at everyones' expansions tomorrow once I'm refreshed :) “...Rejoice, weaklings. This is not a time for mourning but for celebration. You will soon be released from your fleshling shells and the scales of the galaxy will tilt towards the strong. Rejoice, for your demise gifts more than your life could ever provide…”From what subjects have been ‘acquired’ from the hands of the Blackened Fist, it would first appear that the paranoia amongst the warband is second to none; each renegade looking over his shoulder in search of weakness to be found in them. It is due to this that each warrior counted amongst their ranks is thought to look after their own equipment with great care, knowing that failure would cost them greatly. Punishments would be readily given by the Iron Arbiters, twisted versions to their loyalist brothers, who would stalk the floors of the Strength of Iron seeking out weakness within the mortal crews and cry out promises. Those who would be found wanting could find a hand cut off to be replaced or an eye removed for false imperfections. For this and more the Arbiters could decide that that is the power granted to them by the Father.As for the Father, records show that he is believed to be the one reasonable for rallying his brothers during Istavaan V and is also believed to be the one that turned them on their dark path. For the mortals who are consumed by the Virus of Steel, the Father is the Prophet of the Gorgon, speaking his truths even with his death. This zealous belief has even spread through the ranks of the Astartes under his command, leading to shrines being made all across the Strength of Iron, ranging in giving praise to the Fathers’ deeds along with the dark path they have now fallen into. The identity of the Father has been lost to time however there are some rumours that he has been integrated into the reins of a Dreadnaught. This is only whispers so the truth is yet to be found out. In any case it is not known if he has been on the field of battle or if the Father is merely a mantle picked up with the last one falling to weakness and being taken out by a lieutenant. Machine God and Kelborn 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 16, 2018 Share Posted June 16, 2018 Well done, Dizzy. I like the ambivalence of the Father being either a Dreadnaught or an ancient leader or "just" a title handed over to the next generation! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted June 16, 2018 Share Posted June 16, 2018 @Kelborn: Thanks for the feedback. For me, I personally felt having the Father be this mystery within the Blackened Fists works well since there was no indication or information as to what he could potentially be. Now onto some feedback: @Teetengee: Looking over your work, I feel like you've put in too many pauses through commas where you could have two different sentences. Just to give an example, with the line 'Yet, when they arrived in the Deep, they found that even far from the light of the astronomican, where one might live untouched by nearly all, humanity had failed to value self and spirit of objects and places.' It could read better like such by sticking with the rule of three so that the sentence flows more fluently 'Yet, when they arrived in the Deep, they found that mankind had failed itself once more. Being this far from the light of the astronomican, where one might live untouched by nearly all, it had failed to value the spirit of objects and places not to mention their very own humanity.' I have tried to keep the sentences mostly as to how you wrote it yourself and more focused on changing the structure of the sentences themselves. It also helps to change words around so that repetition doesn't get too much for the reader. It's why I changed around humanity for mankind so. A Thesaurus is great for this kind of business and merely putting your word into google and help find alternative words. I will say though that your main idea behidn these guys are clear though and that it is a nice basis to work on. I can't say I'm an expert in writing but that's my personal take on it and I hope it's been helpful. :) @Beren: Personally, I feel your draft deals more about 50% into the training of the Oneroi and the other 50% into random rebel groups. Perhaps tying them into the renegade group would be a good step in the right direction. Things like the rebels/cultist raiding bases and labs for supplies with seemingly no connection and have the writer have a possible theory that they are in fact covers for supplying the main group. You could even mention having the list of missing people in these areas rise higher than normal areas as they're taken away to be used as labour. Just food for thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beren Posted June 17, 2018 Share Posted June 17, 2018 Hmm. The implication was supposed to be that the rebel factions were being used as training set ups for the Oneroi. I guess I need to find a way to make that a bit more explicit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 18, 2018 Share Posted June 18, 2018 So far so good, brothers! I'll chime in with some C&C next time I get chance. My turn, with the Golem Fists/ Liberators: or rather, the Liberators of Khimaya -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= Homeworld =- The world of Khimaya, in Subsector Arrenthal, has long been one of the Liber Cluster's most prosperous - and disreuptable- hive worlds. Once a famously industrious world, over the centuries prior to the Indomitus Crusade Khimaya slid into decadence and corruption. The noble caste, made up of the most successful and powerful merchants, landowners and industrialists, grew in power and influence, enslaving billions of 'low-born' for use in the factories and their armies. Slaves were sent, in droves and under supervision of armed caretakers, to capture ferocious wild animals out on the savannahs and in the jungles, so the nobles could have exotic pets. Slaves were also made to launch raids and wage war on other nobles, in eternal conflict for resources and power. When a war broke out over whether or not Khimaya should secede from the Imperium, the Golem Fists were first to intervene. What they saw was vast bloodshed as poorly-equipped slave armies fought and died in the millions across a dozen battlegrounds as the nobles bickered. Seeing themselves as the most dutiful servants of humanity and The Emperor, the Golem Fists fought down their initial disquiet over the sight and interceded on behalf of those who remained loyal to the Emperor. Their arrival routed the would-be secessionist armies, all without firing a shot - the sheer size and resilience of the Primaris marines was simply beyond anything the terrified slave army could muster. Their panicked flight left the leaders of the rebellion alone, and easily executed. When the loyalist nobles fell to bickering over who could claim the land and slaves of their former rivals, however, the Golem Fists were sickened by their attitudes - none of the noble-born had shown even the slightest remorse over the needless bloodshed or massive loss of life. Chapter Master Starseeker and his Captains held a brief council, then interrupted the bickering of the nobles. The Golem Fists would claim Khimaya as a homeworld, and never again would slavery be tolerated - all men are equal before The Emperor. The Noble caste were stripped of their lands, titles and ownerships, their slaves set free and the gates of the hive cities opened to all of humanity. The next decade saw the Golem Fists tear down slave pens, break chains, and establish new cities, outside the hives, where every man could live amongst equals. Recruitment trials for the Chapter were held every five years in various cities, and the freed Khimayans proved to produce worthy Space Marines in short order, keen to stand alongside those who had saved their world from the brutal oppression it had suffered. The Khimayan population came to call the Chapter "Ta'bon a Khimaya" or "Liberators of Khimaya" in High Gothic, and the name has become increasingly used both within and without the Chapter. The jagged symbols of the various slave-brands, once painfully tattooed onto slaves to denote ownership, have now become badges of honour on Khimaya - many citizens - and the Chapter's newer recruits - bear such brands as a reminder of both their planet's sordid past, and the sort of corruption they strive against. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= … OK, so I got kinda carried away with this and got pretty darn close to that 500 word limit. Hopefully it's ok! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted June 18, 2018 Share Posted June 18, 2018 So far so good, brothers! ^_^ I'll chime in with some C&C next time I get chance. My turn, with the Golem Fists/ Liberators: or rather, the Liberators of Khimaya :D -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= Homeworld =- The world of Khimaya, in Subsector Arrenthal, has long been one of the Liber Cluster's most prosperous - and disreuptable- hive worlds. Once a famously industrious world, over the centuries prior to the Indomitus Crusade Khimaya slid into decadence and corruption. The noble caste, made up of the most successful and powerful merchants, landowners and industrialists, grew in power and influence, enslaving billions of 'low-born' for use in the factories and their armies. Slaves were sent, in droves and under supervision of armed caretakers, to capture ferocious wild animals out on the savannahs and in the jungles, so the nobles could have exotic pets. Slaves were also made to launch raids and wage war on other nobles, in eternal conflict for resources and power. When a war broke out over whether or not Khimaya should secede from the Imperium, the Golem Fists were first to intervene. What they saw was vast bloodshed as poorly-equipped slave armies fought and died in the millions across a dozen battlegrounds as the nobles bickered. Seeing themselves as the most dutiful servants of humanity and The Emperor, the Golem Fists fought down their initial disquiet over the sight and interceded on behalf of those who remained loyal to the Emperor. Their arrival routed the would-be secessionist armies, all without firing a shot - the sheer size and resilience of the Primaris marines was simply beyond anything the terrified slave army could muster. Their panicked flight left the leaders of the rebellion alone, and easily executed. When the loyalist nobles fell to bickering over who could claim the land and slaves of their former rivals, however, the Golem Fists were sickened by their attitudes - none of the noble-born had shown even the slightest remorse over the needless bloodshed or massive loss of life. Chapter Master Starseeker and his Captains held a brief council, then interrupted the bickering of the nobles. The Golem Fists would claim Khimaya as a homeworld, and never again would slavery be tolerated - all men are equal before The Emperor. The Noble caste were stripped of their lands, titles and ownerships, their slaves set free and the gates of the hive cities opened to all of humanity. The next decade saw the Golem Fists tear down slave pens, break chains, and establish new cities, outside the hives, where every man could live amongst equals. Recruitment trials for the Chapter were held every five years in various cities, and the freed Khimayans proved to produce worthy Space Marines in short order, keen to stand alongside those who had saved their world from the brutal oppression it had suffered. The Khimayan population came to call the Chapter "Ta'bon a Khimaya" or "Liberators of Khimaya" in High Gothic, and the name has become increasingly used both within and without the Chapter. The jagged symbols of the various slave-brands, once painfully tattooed onto slaves to denote ownership, have now become badges of honour on Khimaya - many citizens - and the Chapter's newer recruits - bear such brands as a reminder of both their planet's sordid past, and the sort of corruption they strive against. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= … OK, so I got kinda carried away with this and got pretty darn close to that 500 word limit. Hopefully it's ok! :sweat: Oh yes this is good I'm still working on the final touches to my short story Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 WHO SUMMONS ME? Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 WHO SUMMONS ME? *Rolls dice* *Consults the Emperor's Tarot* The Angels Exultant conjure and abjure thee to write up a section about them before July 1st*, brother, if you're up for the challenge. If so, give the say-so and I'll add you and the Angels to the list above. The time limit can be extended a bit if needs by, I'm not totally unreasonable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 The Angel Exultant hmm? *Interesting.* Is there a set topic for this section or am I free to write about anything I will? Any minimum word count I should be aware of, etc? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 The Angel Exultant hmm? *Interesting.* Is there a set topic for this section or am I free to write about anything I will? Any minimum word count I should be aware of, etc? 200-500 words, homeworld|recruitment, beliefs, combat doctrine, organization Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 The Angel Exultant hmm? *Interesting.* Is there a set topic for this section or am I free to write about anything I will? Any minimum word count I should be aware of, etc?200-500 words, homeworld|recruitment, beliefs, combat doctrine, organization Teetengee nailed it. What say you, brother? Up for the challenge? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 So let it be written, so let it be done, I accept the challenge. Remind me, who was it that created the Angels Exultant? I'd prefer to be able to consult with them on this task. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 20, 2018 Share Posted June 20, 2018 Teetengee created the Angels Exultant, if my memory serves me correctly. I've added you to the list of challengers - best of luck, brother! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted June 22, 2018 Share Posted June 22, 2018 (edited) Here we go first draft done please provide constructive criticism and tips on where I should improve on this. also sorry it took so long had school stuff to do The Imperial Guide to Salas The world of Salas is the newly acquired Homeworld of the Oathkeepers Primaris Marine chapter its oceans cover more than 80% of the surface area whilst the land is solely islands of varying sizes. The Oathkeepers chapter Fortress-Monastery is still under construction on a large island with an abandoned city now used to train Neophytes and house members of the chapter that watch over the training of their Recruits and await their monastery to be finally completed. the Oathkeepers have yet to have an established chapter tradition for recruitment but all new recruits take an oath to the chapter and to the Emperor upon completion of the first stage augmentation. Naval Warfare is the most common form of warfare between the small petty kingdoms that hold most of the land. The industry of Salas is almost entirely based around slavery and with the recent arrival of the Oathkeepers the Slave trade was banned leaving an economic rift that is yet to be filled by the people of the planet. A local legend of the southern Islands speak of a gigantic monster that preys on ships who sail within an unmapped island chain near the southern pole of the planet, all imperial expeditions to find out if this legend was true have not yet returned as this report on the planet is written. Edited June 29, 2018 by WG101 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 26, 2018 Share Posted June 26, 2018 (edited) WG101: that's 189 words - only eleven short of the minimum!Perhaps add a sentence or two about the Oathkeeper's recruitment trials - the tests they put potential recruits through? Edited June 26, 2018 by Ace Debonair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted June 28, 2018 Share Posted June 28, 2018 (edited) The Corsairs of Azahan Recruitment The Corsairs of Azahan recruit from a myriad of sources common to most Astartes. Most usually Slave Stock taken from raiding Worlds and Merchant Convoys, also defeated foes that they have beaten in the Long War. Coming to the Liber Cluster hasn’t changed any of their ways, it has given them new purpose. Recruits face the usual process of implantation, drugs and psycho-conditioning that is common to all legions. What sets them apart from others is the alleged freedom’s that initiates are promised upon achieving Space Marine status, equal status amongst the crew and share of booty seized. The Warband looks after its own and everyone is accountable to the Captain. The Warband over the years of its existence has come to value all that it seizes. Renegade Astartes that pledge allegiance are welcomed into the fold after going through the ‘breaking process.’ An easy process of reverse psycho-condtioning and massed initiation into the Chapter-Cult by the High Chaplain. The process for graduating for these ‘Pressed’ Renegades and also for the odd captured live ‘Thin-Blood’ of the Corpse-God is to be Keel-Hauled by the High Chaplain. Deep within the bowels of the flagship is a vast pool. This pool is part of the coolant systems for the ships plasma reactors. Within this irradiated sea is a likeness of a naval vessel built by the High Chaplain from his fevered dreams. All Astartes that are Keel-Hauled have their Power Packs removed. The pressed renegades are chained to a conveyer system and dragged into the Holy Water. They are either in the case of the ‘Pressed’ dragged into and out of the water run underneath the ships keel, a number of times dictated by the whims of the High Chaplain or on in the case of ‘Thin-Bloods’ held under the keel. The High Chaplain routinely and roughly breaks all sus-an coma’s of dunked ‘Thin-Bloods.’ There is no sleeping on his watch. It may take years or even centuries, but everyone breaks one way or another. Edit: Added spacing. Edited June 28, 2018 by Machine God Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 28, 2018 Share Posted June 28, 2018 Oh yeah, that'll do nicely. I like that the Corsairs still have Chaplains rather than Dark Apostles - there's a chance that's even a hold-over from their earliest days, back in the Heresy era. Also the addition of a slightly crazed but brilliant High Chaplain character gives me all sorts of wild ideas. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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