Fat Necron Posted April 7, 2018 Share Posted April 7, 2018 (edited) Jus Naufragii Here's an interesting group of pirates. I read the group a little awhile ago but life sorta spun me off track.Anyway, there's a few intriguing tidbits I feel inclined to explore a bit more thoroughly.The emphasis on looting leaves me to ponder what their psyche must be like. We all know Astarte's were initially created for shock and awe, surgical strikes and bringing the galaxy to its knee's. What we have here, from what I gather, is brigands whom abandoned all pretenses of glory and former purpose. Personally it feels like they've shed the shackles of Imperial servitude to seek another path, one that isn't dedicated to a cycle of death.Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I'm theory crafting with homebrews so attempt to humor me.I've been reading about the sub-sectors around the Cluster and the Deep is especially hostile. Human expansion into that particular region is quite the chore leaving some worlds barren of colonies. These same worlds might be tempting refuges for all sorts of renegade ilk. Granted, many don't return from their trek there but here we have the Naufragii surviving, potentially even thriving... Rather interesting.So I'm reading more and I come across this:* Jus Naufragii attack Coral's Veil and seize numerous ocean harvesters and foodstuffs.Maybe there's a bit more than piracy transpiring here. I'm lead to believe their guise as a collection of orphaned Astarte's pillaging and looting is a rouse. Again, reading too much into this but I'm theorizing there's a little empire being built under the clusters nose. The coordination listed in their simultaneous attacks on multiple planets lends further credence to this theory. You'd need some powerful equipment to organize inter planetary attacks with that amount of precision. Organization like that comes from established civilization, bases of operation, atropathic chiors, ect ect. Here we have these presumed pirates launching these strikes with practiced precision.I'm gonna cut myself short there. I want to go on and on theory crafting but I'm afraid Machine God will swing on in and shut me down completely. HeheTagaroth's Dark MechanicumOkay, so as I was reading this I was kinda indifferent during the first half. It was overall good but nothing stood out... Until that Eagles of Glory fiasco. Excellent use of Chaos manipulation there. That scheming prick sent off high-profile equipment infected with Chaos and, a decade or so later, we've got the Eagles committing fratricide on an unheard scale. A company, no non-sense, murdered each other to a man to hold a flag... Emperor Be Damned, I read that three times just to soak it in.The flesh is weak, seek stronger flesh... I get it and don't at the same time. Daemons are utterly alien creatures who don't conform to our universal laws of motion, gravity, physics and so on and so forth. So a quest to breed/create beings of stronger or similar flesh is trickier than Tagaroth and his predecessor originally thought. The obvious solution is the machine but I'm guessing you're already aware. I'm not exactly sure where this leads as later information states he's cruising around in a mean ole Daemon ship.Did he find stronger flesh by fusing daemons with people and machines or is he attempting to create something else entirely?So setting that aside, I'm a fan of the story you've put together, as a whole. An adapt following in his mentors footsteps is a nice addition and adds layers instead of being 'Evil cyborg monster'. There's genuine character here. Tagaroth is honoring his mentors work by continuing and expanding upon it. Whether he liked the mad man or not is left to debate but we can clearly see a inkling of appreciation here. Personally, I'm of the opinion the Inquisition robbed Tagaroth of opportunity and a perceived friend, mentor, whatever have you.I don't know, tragedy and betrayal seems to breed Chaos in 40K. So while it's a budding troupe (Could be wrong) I do think it'd make for some compelling stories. I mean come on, he's riding around in a nasty Daemon ship that probably, literately speaking, gobbles up frigates in a few bites. Something must've snapped in that noggin' of his go from top dog on Guletor to this guy. I'm not complaining, in fact, I'm rooting for him and look forward to reading more about his Dark Mechanicum in the future.Now I must go so have good day everyone! Edited April 7, 2018 by Fat Necron Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5050101 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 7, 2018 Share Posted April 7, 2018 (edited) @Fat Necron Jus Naufragii Here's an interesting group of pirates. I read the group a little awhile ago but life sorta spun me off track. Anyway, there's a few intriguing tidbits I feel inclined to explore a bit more thoroughly. The emphasis on looting leaves me to ponder what their psyche must be like. We all know Astarte's were initially created for shock and awe, surgical strikes and bringing the galaxy to its knee's. What we have here, from what I gather, is brigands whom abandoned all pretenses of glory and former purpose. Personally it feels like they've shed the shackles of Imperial servitude to seek another path, one that isn't dedicated to a cycle of death. Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I'm theory crafting with homebrews so attempt to humor me. I've been reading about the sub-sectors around the Cluster and the Deep is especially hostile. Human expansion into that particular region is quite the chore leaving some worlds barren of colonies. These same worlds might be tempting refuges for all sorts of renegade ilk. Granted, many don't return from their trek there but here we have the Naufragii surviving, potentially even thriving... Rather interesting. So I'm reading more and I come across this: * Jus Naufragii attack Coral's Veil and seize numerous ocean harvesters and foodstuffs. Maybe there's a bit more than piracy transpiring here. I'm lead to believe their guise as a collection of orphaned Astarte's pillaging and looting is a ruse. Again, reading too much into this but I'm theorizing there's a little empire being built under the clusters nose. The coordination listed in their simultaneous attacks on multiple planets lends further credence to this theory. You'd need some powerful equipment to organize inter planetary attacks with that amount of precision. Organization like that comes from established civilization, bases of operation, astropathic choirs, etc, etc. Here we have these presumed pirates launching these strikes with practiced precision. I'm gonna cut myself short there. I want to go on and on theory crafting but I'm afraid Machine God will swing on in and shut me down completely. Hehe @Fat Necron - Thank you for the critique, my only critiques are the cowardly pedants way as seen above. I'm glad that my idea's have caught someones attention, I was just trying to make a nasty lot of Pirates with an edge. Thinking cross the Iron Hands with the Reavers from Firefly etc. Battlefield looting is a one of the traits that the Son's of Medusa are famed for with extensive use of Maletek Exorcism's on captured war material. Thriving in The Deep - well I did mention that they had a large fleet didn't I? Maybe I was thinking of this quote by a sanctioned psyker "There are older and fouler things than orks in in the deep places of the galaxy." I have idea's now and then... Edit: Typo. Edited April 10, 2018 by Machine God Fat Necron 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5050170 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted April 8, 2018 Share Posted April 8, 2018 The EnlightenedRenegade-White Scars Geneseed-Current Number 300 Marines+Xenos Auxiliaries in equal numbers-Declared Excommunicatus for Tech-Heresy and Xenos Fraternization When Abaddon's machinations tore open the galaxy in the Great Rift, the Iron Light chapter ignored hundreds of distress calls, waging their own war on the chaos cults of Entrankis Hive, one they felt duty bound to complete. By the time they arrived anywhere near to the front, Cadia was nothing more than chunks and dust floating through the dark, and even the brightness of their ships offered no hope to the corpses strewn through space. They swore to never fail such a call again, even if it meant their chapter's destruction on multiple fronts.From warzone to warzone they hunted the allies of the black legion, and in so doing thought they had earned many friends. But the Imperial Bureaucracy has a long, if imperfect, memory, and the failure to report when first called had not been forgotten. In time, the Iron Light were forced to call for aid, their relentless crusade far outpacing their recruitment rate, and facing Black Legion forces themselves, rather than pretenders and hangers on. And not one Imperial soul responded.For two weeks, the Iron Light fell back from stronghold to stronghold, so recently reclaimed on the Fortress Planet Geltha from worshipers of Khorne who had made planetfall only months previously. Finally, aid came, but it did not come from humanity.Sleek vessels, sharp as a knife and bearing the dancing and graceful warriors of the Ynnari descended upon the Legion from behind, right as Khan Draethan ordered what remained of his chapter to die on their feet, to consign as many of the warriors of Chaos to a well deserved annihilation as they could. The webway based pincer, from enemies entirely unexpected, caught the Legion forces entirely without a proper defense. The planet, doomed by chaos rituals, still ran with their lifeblood. Damned to oblivion, but unearned by the enemy.Vidcaptures of Iron Light and Aeldari forces fighting side by side were projected by the vindicative dying Chaos Lord, every Imperial Planet within range knowing what the chapter had stooped to for hollow victory.Khan Draethan was thus faced with a choice, return to the waiting guns of once allies, who had rejected all attempts at penance and all calls for assistance, or take the offered hand of Farseer Uru in a new fellowship, one dedicated to the hunting of the enemy who had caused all the suffering his chapter had seen through the last decades. He put aside his sword, and not for the last time.By the time they reached the Liber Cluster, driven from every haven of humanity by xenophobia or the forces of the Great Enemy, the chapter had become something else entirely. A new name, the Enlightened, new allies, aeldari yes, but orks with grudges against Nurgle and Khorne and perhaps others also in smaller numbers, and a new method of battle, seen by the forces of humanity as a hideous abomination of tech-heresy and xenophilia. Khan Draethan has abandoned all oaths to the Imperium, renegade through and through, in the hopes that he can continue to maintain the most unstable of alliances in order to seek the destruction of chaos, even as those who he would protect call for his extermination. Machine God and Fat Necron 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5050390 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Necron Posted April 9, 2018 Share Posted April 9, 2018 Machine God No problem, thanks for getting back to me. Excuse my pedants, I thoroughly enjoy theory crafting and, possibly, sight little tidbits hidden throughout the text. I've played a lot of Dark Souls and Bloodborne and spent a lot of time lore hunting. So I like to believe there's something to be discovered with homebrews, as well... Then again, I could just as easily be wrong.While we're on the topic of battlefield looting, my interest was suddenly peeked. You said Gene-Seed looting was a specialty- does that imply they have a higher number of Apothocarians than normal? Just curiosity.The neat fact they had behind or around Ork Waagh!'s was interesting. Personally, I'd rather that go unexplained and we just enjoy the mystique of it. You said there are fouler things living in the deep; so I'm inclined to believe the Naufragii have adapted a number of innovating techniques to avoid, destroy or otherwise elude these dangers. One of these ways is lurking along the borders of a Waaagh!. Last question, I promise: Do the Naufragii Astarte's modify/repair/improve their own armor or is that a task for menials?Tenegee Interesting. Most Renegade depend on Imperial allies and industry to support their exploits and yet here we have the exact opposite.Somethings I'm iffy on but like you said, this is a very stressed alliance between The Enlightened and Orks; and I'm to assume they're Freebooterz, of a sorts.From my reckoning Orks just want to fight tough opponents... Nurgle and Khorne worshipers are tough nuts to crack. A few potential holes here being Orks aren't wholly dependable BUUUUUT! I'm assuming The Enlightened just point them in roughly the direction of the enemy. Again, issues most certainly arise with spores infecting ships, infighting stretching beyond Orkoid borders but those are minor detail. What I'm most fascinated by, and look forward to, Draethan's diplomacy with these Orks. How does he keep them (loosely) in line, does he mimic their cockny (Spelling?) accents and speech, using their slang and turns of phrase. Does the Khan often fight their presumed Warboss and best him repeatedly to assert himself over the Orks?The Ynnari alliance is another fascinating aspect. From what I know, and could be wrong, Ynnari are Aeldari from all branches; from the depths of Commoragh and the magnificent Craftworlds. I'd wager Corsairs are joining them, as well.Anyway, this tenuous alliance raises a few more questions: Do the Enlightened use Aeldari technology?Despite fans stating how awesome Astarte's arms and armor are, Aeldari technology is most definitively superior in every regard. I'd honestly encourage exploring this chance opportunity to innovative the arms and armaments of Draethan and friends. Poke around the Dark Eldar and Eldar codexes and see what you can come up with. I'd be more than happy to drop a plethora of idea's and suggestions to further expand on the idea... If you're down, that is.Unfortunately, as much as I'd love to explore the Xeno's alliance, life calls me once more. Thanks for humoring me and look forward to your replies! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5051344 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 9, 2018 Share Posted April 9, 2018 (edited) EDIT: Couldn't find a Primaris painter (my search-fu fails me) but hopefully this regular marine is enough to give you the idea of how these guys look. Little bit on the short side, but here's a fun idea: -= Warshields =- http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@iaj2F_hr3uf.hCmX3@@@@@@@hYjgH@.@@hvs7rhvs7r@@@____@@@@@__@_____@@@@@.._____________.iakk7&[Pictured above: A typical Battle-Brother of the Warshields Chapter]* GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR) - Ultramarines (via the Lords Inviolate)* FOUNDING - Ultima* CHAPTER MASTER - None - Ruled by a council of Captains* HOME WORLD/BASE OF OPERATIONS - Athameda (Death World, primitive and warlike population)* OBSERVED STRATEGIC TENDENCIES - Adaptive, use of feints and misdirection both commonplace* BATTLE CRY - “Honour and Strength!”The first confirmed successor of a Liberite Chapter, the Warshields descend from the lineage of the Lords Inviolate.Like their forebears, the Warshields are fierce warriors, shrewd tacticians and devoted defenders of the Liber Cluster, adept at playing to the strengths and shoring up the weaknesses of any allies standing with them.Unlike the Lords Inviolate, the Warshields are poor statesmen, a crude cudgel compared to the refinement of their ancestors. Stern and outspoken in equal measure, the Warshields find the personalities of many Chapters mystifying and are often not shy about voicing their concerns. As such, occasions where the Warshields have, unwittingly or otherwise, offended or insulted their brother Chapters are regrettably commonplace.Despite that shortcoming, the Warshields are unshakably loyal to the Cluster and its' defence, and have steadfastly battled against the rising xeno and heretic threats emerging across the Cluster. In battle the Warshields are exemplary combatants, their tactics constantly evolving and interweaving even as the battle rages, the better to thwart and counteract the machinations of their foes.The Warshields took the feral world of Athameda in the Sindhi Subsector for their own, the innumerable skirmishing tribes proving to provide an excellent source of recruits. In contrast to their ancestors, the Warshields have shown little interest in pacifying or developing their world or it's people, seemingly prizing the warrior spirit and hunter's instincts of the natives.Despite a comparatively short residence in the Cluster, the Warshields have fought in many notable engagements - Defeating the Daemon engines of Tagaroth the Awakened at the battle of Guldhamis, fighting several battles in the Genocide War against the xeno species called the Zyjiari, and fighting with the Eldar at the battle of Kilmorth's Gate. Edited April 9, 2018 by Ace Debonair Conn Eremon, Machine God and Doctor Perils 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5051557 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 (edited) Please excuse the double post!I was too occupied with the Warshields to read everything else properly - shame on me! The flesh is weak, seek stronger flesh... I get it and don't at the same time. Daemons are utterly alien creatures who don't conform to our universal laws of motion, gravity, physics and so on and so forth. So a quest to breed/create beings of stronger or similar flesh is trickier than Tagaroth and his predecessor originally thought. Right. As mentioned, Morthar, Tagaroth's mentor, had the vision of using the strengths of both flesh and machine to create perfect vessels of the Omnissiah's will.If you're wondering 'what strengths could flesh have over machine?' then what Morthar means is stuff like the ability to show reverence, or heal from wounds independently, without maintenance.As for how that reaches "why not daemons?" Well, honestly, he's a Techpriest, and an insane one. If you were able to thoroughly and logically understand his mindset that would be a little worrying. The obvious solution is the machine but I'm guessing you're already aware. I'm not exactly sure where this leads as later information states he's cruising around in a mean ole Daemon ship. It leads (hopefully) to having a guy who can supply our Chaos Warbands (and renegades, perhaps) with some really freakin' crazy gear. Your Singala Cadre might be interested in having Tagaroth... augment... their daemonic servants when the fighting gets really intense, for example.The Corsairs are certainly going to be packing a whole bunch of daemon weapons and nightmarish daemon engines, although in all likelihood they'll save them for fighting against particularly tough targets. Did he find stronger flesh by fusing daemons with people and machines or is he attempting to create something else entirely? Yes. Personally, I'm of the opinion the Inquisition robbed Tagaroth of opportunity and a perceived friend, mentor, whatever have you. Technically the Mechanicus did that, rather than the Inquisition.But more technically still, Tagaroth himself did that.Whether or not he knew what would happen, or if that action did anything to his sanity, or if techpriests can even feel regret, we may never know. I mean come on, he's riding around in a nasty Daemon ship that probably, literately speaking, gobbles up frigates in a few bites. ...Up until now his ship didn't have a nightmarish, gaping maw, lined with jagged metal, twisted fangs, and here and there the pieces of it's last meal caught between them or lodged into the unearthly flesh of this hideous mouth.Up until now.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=The Enlightened:Oh boy, that is something unexpected. I both want to know more about how the Chapter is organised - who is really giving the orders there - and at the same time really don't think we should examine that too closely, to preserve some of the mystique.Also, following on Fat Necron's points, I've now got the words "wraithbone power armour" bouncing around in my head and am wondering just how different the Enlightened would be to typical Space Marines.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Jus NaufragiiI like these guys. They're very unorthodox and clearly calculating. They really give off a "just what are we dealing with here?" vibe.I am left wondering what their views on Chaos are, if only because I think they'd get along famously with the Corsairs of Azahan unless they actively oppose the presence of the Dark Gods.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=General note:Keep 'em coming lads, the Liber Cluster needs some fresh faces and new blood!Speaking of which, I'm a little surprised at how few Chaos forces have been thrown into the hat. It's Chaos, virtually any concept works! Tzeentchian Mad Scientists (like a cross between Leonardo Da Vinci and Hieronymus Bosch), or a decadently wealthy Slaaneshi warband who live by the mantra "everybody has a price" and delight in corrupting others into doing their work for them.... It occurs that between those two ideas and my previous pitch of "Khornate Dark Brotherhood" and "Nurgle Biker Gang" I've covered all the Gods there. What are the odds I'd be allowed to submit those four concepts as the ultimate Community Build-Some-Chaos challenge? EDIT: Failing that, of course, those ideas are all there for anyone who wants to use them... Edited April 10, 2018 by Ace Debonair Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5051956 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Necron Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 One day I will figure out how to do sectional quoting but until that day, a wall of text must suffice.Before I reply I wanted to share this little gem Teetengee wrote years ago: Battle For Cenicika: PrayerI've always been a fan of first person writing done well. I tip my hat to you, good sir!Ace Debonair, See, I don't know about other people but I personally like it when a in depth question is brushed off for Rule of cool, don't argue just enjoy. My instinctive response is to nod, agree and enjoy the mayhem that's to ensue.On a more serious note- you're not wrong. Tech-Priest think very alien to the average human. This isn't to say they're not human, however, they've purged many human concepts. Compassion and morality are considered anathema to them as both those run contrary to the quest for knowledge. It's my belief that this eternal quest leads them on paths of mind shattering proportions where human perceptions eventually become a blur... Err, a little off track but you get my gist. I'm just gonna apply the thought to Tagaroth and sprinkle some Rule of Cool on top. HeheOh trust me, my chaps are not pressed for daemons weapons. It's a little funny cause as I've been writing bits and pieces here and there, I've come up with a neat little story involving your Corsairs.The idea is the Singala Cadre are a direct response to your Corsairs. Essentially their activities were wholly religious, the Singalan Marines portraying stewards protecting the faithful. All that comes null and void when the Corsairs roll up on the Cluster. You see, the Black Legion are pretty infamous. The Daemon Realm of Singala is quite the hub for all things psychotic and daemon related. So if the Corsairs manage to seize the Cluster for themselves it stands to reason they do the same to Singala, gifting both to Abaddon-don for favor. I'm actually revamping the entire Saikos Maxum war. Chopped off the swallowing city ending and going for a more tactical approach. I've read your swan song battle with the Seiriki Lions against the Reclamation two, going on three times now. It's a fantastic rendering of the grandiose battles happening throughout 40K on the daily.But back on topic!My apologizes there, I'm so use to wagging my finger at the Inquisition whenever Chaos ensues. It is just so easy to pin the blame on them.Honestly, heresy within the Imperium is such a broad term. Tagaroth might've been innocently researching new hair spray to keep those pesky daemons out of a nobles powdered wigs. His mentor was off to a great start until things got out of hand, maybe he'll fair better; a damn shame a rival tech-priest gets a bit too jealous. That rival calls up the Mechanicus cops, embellishes an elaborate story with a sprinkle of truth and Tagaroth gets a letter a week later stating he's a traitor... And that poor noble will never find the solution to ridding his favorite wigs of pesky Nurglings and Blood Letters. Hehe, a little silly but worth it!Ooo, imagine that nasty Daemon ship chomping into an Apocalypse class ship and its fangs inject oodles of Dark Mechanicum gribbles. Now there's a bleak situation... But hey, food for thought. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5052169 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 (edited) Speaking of the Corsairs...-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Captain Vorstaan marched along the corridor towards Lord Alaxin's chamber, mentally composing his report.The Corsairs had, against all the odds, arrived in the Liber Cluster - the fabled 'sanctuary against Chaos'. Vorstaan sneered involuntarily. As though any place was ever truly safe from the scrutiny of the Gods, and the power of those who championed them.If Tagaroth's words could be trusted - and Vorstaan needed no encouragement at all to distrust a creature like Tagaroth - then this Liber Cluster was an... intriguing place.There were considerable defences to overcome, of course. Some worlds were like fortresses, hardened by time and the fire of war. Vorstaan could respect that. Others, though... soft, weak. Prime targets, fat with plunder and flaunting thier opulence with scant regard for what might take notice...As Vorstaan neared the doors to the King's Room, they ground back, the screech of ancient steel almost as deafening as the clanking of the innumerable ancient gears that powered them.No matter how often Vorstaan - or any of the Captains - visited Lord Alaxin's sanctuary, they still found it unnerving. The Corsair King was, by reputation, one of the strongest warriors in the Eye of Terror. Vorstaan had served long enough to know that most of the legends told about Alaxin were true, or at least close enough to give a true sense of the Chaos Lord's power.Alaxin himself was standing away from his throne, leaning on a table and studying a large data-slate intently. He stood with his back to Vorstaan, but the Captain knew well enough to kneel before speaking. The clank of Vorstaan's armour as he knelt a respectable distance away from the Corsair King was followed by a thunderous silence. After a long moment, Vorstaan spoke, his harsh, grating voice tempered by hard-learned respect."My lord."Alaxin half-turned, glancing over his shoulder before returning his gaze to the data-slates. Vorstaan waited a respectful few moments before speaking again."The ships are mustered, my Lord. The men are ready for war."Silence."The beasts strain against their chains, as though they can sense their prey is near. The Warpsmiths are waiting on your word, my Lord."Alaxin remained focused on the data-slate showing the map of the Liber Cluster. It was understandable. If the Corsairs of Azahan were to make their mark on the Cluster - to claim it as their own and regain their former glory in the eyes of the Gods - they would need to pick their first targets with care."The sacrifices to the Gods are complete," Vorstaan continued, "The signs indicate the Gods favour us."The Corsair King nodded, almost imperceptibly, perhaps as though reaching a decision, or perhaps in thanks to the Dark Gods. For the first time Vorstaan noticed one of Alaxin's hands lay upon the hilt of Lurian, one of Alaxin's ancient daemon weapons, and Vorstaan wondered what secrets the fabled axe was whispering to it's master."The Captains stand ready to serve you, as always."Alaxin straightened up, and spoke for the first time. Where Vorstaan's voice was harsh and rough, Alaxin's voice was as smooth and as deadly as cold steel."Good. We must be patient for only a little longer."The only thing that remained, Vorstaan knew, was the matter of where to strike first. The Corsairs had the element of surprise, and the followers of the Corpse-God would have no defence at all against the first strike. Aneisdora. Caledon. Libitum. Grennarch. Space Marines, everywhere. Fractious, according to Tagaroth. Any one of those worlds, or dozens of others, would make excellent targets. The doors behind Vorstaan opened again, and he turned to see two more of the Captains - Gilgotor and Jorath - march in, imperiously."Hail, Lord." They chorused, nodding acknowledgement at Vorstaan. Alaxin remained silent and indifferent, poring over the map once more."The men grow restless," Jorath said, breaking the silence. "They are keen to-" Alaxin held up a hand, silencing the Captain immediately."You wonder why I hesitate. Why I have not declared our target, why I have not begun the attack on these weak worlds." The Corsair King pondered aloud. Vorstaan gave his brother Captain a warning glare. Jorath bowed his head minutely, and fell silent."My Lord," Gilgotor added, recklessly, in Vorstaan's opinion, "Back in the Eye, Lord Kargorr woul-""Kargorr? Kargorr was soft!" Alaxin's hand crashed down onto the table with a booming thud. "Weak! Like Morxad, and Zheren, and the others before them - weak, contemptible fools, concerned only with their own luxury and boasting!" Alaxin turned to face Vorstaan and the others at last, his voice rising in volume as he spoke, until it boomed like crashing thunder. "They were content to sit by and bark their orders from afar! They treated us like lapdogs, no better than we were under the Corpse-God's rule! They begged and fawned and cajoled for the favour of the Dark Gods, and resented Abbadon because he had the will to reach out and take power! They brought shame to all of us! And when the Despoiler offered us a chance at glory, their obsession with their own standing almost doomed us all! When they died for their petty weakness, I took matters in hand! I brought us here! The journey was hard, yes, but neccessary! I led us here, away from the politics of the Eye, away from the endless delusions fostered by fools!"Alaxin strode around the table, gesturing at the map of the Liber Cluster upon it."I remember the Heresy! Aye, and I remember the days that followed, when the Corsairs of Azahan were ascendant - we were the terror of the voids, the merciless dealers of death. Even the Despoiler spoke of us with respect!" Alaxin turned, regarding a black banner emblazoned with the Eye of Horus. "Glory and power were ours, because we had the will to take it. And Kargorr - like the others, squandered it. He took power and glory from us all," The Corsair King continued. "But under the veneer of weakness that has lain upon us, I could see we were still strong! Strength - true strength - never fades. Glory never dies, my brothers. Not truly." Alaxin's anger subsided, and for a moment he looked as ancient and worn as time itself. But as soon as it had winked out, the fire within returned - not raging, this time, but smouldering, quietly building in intensity. "The Gods only ever offer strength. Like the Depoiler, we just need the will to take it. But first, we need their attention, and that means choosing the right time and place to strike. So do not speak to me of what Kargorr would have done. He was a failure. We cannot let his kind be our legacy. At the end of days, that cannot be how the galaxy will remember the Corsairs of Azahan."Vorstaan and the others stared in awe at the Corsair King. Alaxin's fury was a rare, but terrible thing to behold. Shifting uncomfortably, Vorstaan spoke the question that was weighing on his mind."Do you really plan to give these worlds to the Despoiler?" Vorstaan asked, hesitantly. "Only...""Only these worlds could serve us, their wealth and power claimed for our own." Alaxin chuckled, roughly. His laughter was far more unsettling than his anger had been. "That with these worlds under our heels we might rise up and show the Despoiler that the true chosen of the Gods answer to the name 'Corsairs'? That we might one day return to the Eye, and Azahan, our strength and hatred forged and tempered in this crucible, to enslave and conquer those that dared, dared to demand respect and obedience from us?"Alaxin turned and regarded the wall behind him, glaring intensely at the Eye of Horus banner before turning his gaze, ruefully, to his Captains once more."No. Not yet. We have enough enemies to contend with here even without the Despoiler's wrath. We must play the part assigned to us... For now."Vorstaan remembered something Alaxin had said to him, back in the Eye, over a thousand years ago. 'Only a weak man believes his shackles are unbreakable', he'd said, in the aftermath of a skirmish with a rival warband. Vorstaan was suddenly painfully aware that Alaxin might have been planning this entire conquest for centuries, if not longer. What thoughts echoed in that twisted mind, Vorstaan could only begin to guess at.But one thing was for certain, Vorstaan realised, as he watched Alaxin turn back to the map, dismissing his Captains with a wave of his hand. No matter where this path led, the Corsairs of Azahan would follow it to the very end. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EDIT: Typo and also I misused a word. Oops! Edited April 13, 2018 by Ace Debonair WG101 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5052436 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beren Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Is it at all reasonable to have a chaos chapter that was a Traitor legion detachment that was tasked with hunting down hostile Blackshields during the Heresy, and has attempted to continue this task over the centuries to the present day and ending up in the Liber Cluster whilst following rumors pertaining to the Blackened Fist? Or is that too far fetched? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5052457 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Haven't been able to respond too much but my thoughts on the Enlightened.1. Xenos Tech. Yes, very much yes. They might even have *borrowed* some Tautech before making the jump to Liber cluster, if they came by Ultramar region. But that's up to someone else than me for sure.2. Who rules? Who knows? Maybe it varies? Maybe everyone thinks they do?3. Freebooterz. Yep, that's the idea. My thought would be that a space marine willing to krump 'eads and beat the boyz back in line would work to keep them more or less on track between enemies, as the main reason Orks don't get along with the imperium is that Kill all Xenos rule, rather than a specific hatred. I imagine at least some Orks would be totally willing to work with big stompy space marines who are willing to work with them.As an aside, I was thinking they would be White Scars geneseed originally, because we don't have enough White Scars renegade forces. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5052479 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Mabinos will awaken! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5052535 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WG101 Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 @AceDebonair really good story probably should get to writing my own part for the cluster soon Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5052555 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Is it at all reasonable to have a chaos chapter that was a Traitor legion detachment that was tasked with hunting down hostile Blackshields during the Heresy, and has attempted to continue this task over the centuries to the present day and ending up in the Liber Cluster whilst following rumors pertaining to the Blackened Fist? Or is that too far fetched? The concept is fine, so I'd say go for it. The questions I've mainly got are: Which Legion are they from, and how are they different from the typical warbands of that Legion? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5053187 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beren Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Making this up as I go along but I'm thinking either the Sons of Horus or Alpha Legion would be most likely to be dedicated enough to maintain their objective for this long. I'm verging towards Alpha Legion due to chasing rumors and raiding databases for information. In terms of differences they would be less focused on the complex and long term stratagems usually utilised by their kin, and instead focus on brief insertions to gather rumors, extract data or confirm the target. They would then do everything possible to mask their approach and attempt to ensure that they know the location of all the separate groups of their target warband before moving in for the kill. If possible they attempt to eliminate them piece by piece whilst attributing their attacks to other causes. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5053237 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 14, 2018 Share Posted April 14, 2018 Sounds good. Obviously something is going to have to happen to divert them from their primary target, but we've got a whole Cluster of somethings for you to pick from, so that should be ok. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5055594 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beren Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 The Abyssal Stalkers (Pretend the horns aren't there) Gene Seed:Alpha Legion Founding: The Horus Heresy Chapter Master: Unknown Strength: Estimated to be around 700 with significant fleet and auxillary forces. Base of Operations:Fleet Based Observed Strategic Tendencies: Defeat in detail, Shock Attacks, Data Warfare Battlecry: The hunt has ended. To Lord Inquisitor Halright I have concluded my investigation into Inquisitor Balrick's untimely end in the data-crypts on Hash. Cause of death was a singular bolt round to the head. Given that the Inquisitor was not carrying any bolter weapons at the time it can be concluded that this was not a suicide, despite him apparently being the only individual within the sealed vaults at a time. As to his purpose there, you will be aware that being somewhat puritanical in nature the Inquisitor had advocated the total elimination of any Astartes Chapter suspected of being descended from Traitor Legions or otherwise suspect origins during the Heresy. Desire the absurdity of his objective, access to his ships records indicate that Balrick had indeed identified several Chapters descended or split from the so called Blackshield forces. These were all destroyed prior to his identifications. While this is hardly surprising given the extent of time that has passed since the Heresy, one of my Logister Adepts has discovered something that the late Inquisitor himself may have missed. Placed in chronological order, these destructions follow a 'path'. Add several Chaos Reaver groups of ancient origins that were discovered destroyed or simply ceased operating and the path solidifies further. The only party determined to be present at multiple occasions was an Alpha Legion warband termed the Eternal Hunters, supposedly a hunter killer force dating back to the Heresy as well. Given that they can only be proven present at only 3 instances the link is somewhat flimsy, but I do not believe that the supposed sighting of a ship bearing Alpha Legion sigils near Hash is a coincidence. My suspicions regarding the connections of the Abyssal Stalkers have been reinforced by within Balrick’s records. Tangentially to his aim, the late Inquisitors records contained information pertaining not only to Heresy Blackshield forces but those that hunted them. Amongst these were large numbers of the Alpha Legion. In particular one such Harrow adopted a red Serpent as their emblem during the scouring and continued in its mission despite the nearing Loyalist forces. They were forced to flee only at the last moment. While I once again admit that this is a tenuous connection and that I have no clear picture of what could motivate even an Astartes force to follow the same orders and stalk the same prey for a millennium, it is my sincere conviction that these are indeed the same Harrows. I suspect that majority of their warriors from the Heresy still persist in within sarcophagi for them to have maintained their focus for this long. Appended are what I believe to have been their most recent targets. The Divine Alignment: Traitors, turned 400 years ago. Their fleet was found destroyed over Tallexes. The Blood Taken: Traitor Reavers, operating out of the Nillex nebula for an unspecified amount of time. All raids ceased 12 years ago. There has been no contact since. The Scythes Resurgent: Loyalist Chapter whose forces were separated in response to a Tyranid attack and several Chaos incursions. During this time their fortress monastery was destroyed and their planet devastated by chem weapons and mass bombardment. After several ill fortuned campaigns and two detachments vanishing outright the Chapter was declared extinct. The Abyssal Stalkers had been seen targeting several worlds in the throes of Genestealer Cults in the neighboring region. On a final note, a chaos warband called the Blackened Fists has openly boasted about being descended from former Loyalist survivors of Istvaan V. They were last reported to have been heading for the region of space known as the Liber Cluster. If I am correct, the Stalkers will follow. Inquisitor Jatall Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5055925 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 16, 2018 Share Posted April 16, 2018 Very nice. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5056218 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jape Posted April 19, 2018 Share Posted April 19, 2018 (edited) Oathkeepers http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hFZ83_iakk7.hIAEG@@@@_._h81dX.hozqS@@i8khi_@@@@@@@@@@@._._@@@_.@@@_.hozqShozqS@@@_._@@.@@@@hozqSh81dX&grid=TRUE Chapter Icon idea Gene Seed: Salamanders Founding: Ultima Chapter Master: Yohannes Afriki Strength: ~800Base of Operations: Salas Observed Strategic Tendencies: Rapid Response, DefenceBattlecry: Through Fire and Fury Name It is believed the chapter’s name was given by the Salamanders’ chapter-master Tu’Shan. During the Heliox Campaign, as battered Imperial forces retreated across the River Schlek, then Captain Yohannes Afriki led eighty Unnumbered Sons to hold Bridge 226 against hordes of Khorne fanatics to cover the withdrawal. After five days and half their number dead and many others wounded, Guard and Salamander forces relieved them pushing back across the river. Tu’Shan commended their Captain for his tactical skill and doggedness, Afriki having lost an arm in the fighting yet continued to lead the defence. When asked by the leader of his progenitors how he had held against such great odds, Afriki humbly replied, “We swore to hold the bridge and so we did”. Tu’Shan dubbed him Oathkeeper, the honour no doubt crucial in Afriki being given command of his own chapter. World The Oathkeepers were one of many chapters founded from veterans of the Unnumbered Sons. In the aftermath of the Indomitus Crusade they were sent to the Liber Cluster and given the world of Salas to make their home. An oceanic world dotted by numerous archipelagos, its primitive island nations battle continuously on land and sea. These wars are powered by slaves, whether as oarsmen of the great galleys or as the elite soldiers of Salasi kings, raised from birth to fight, known commonly as amari. The dominance of slavery in nearly all sections of Salasi society and culture has created serious tensions between the natives and their new overlords. Chapter-Master Yohannes Afriki had been blooded battling Dark Eldar slavers in the Pnoxus Sector and held a deep loathing of the practice, seeing it as xeno and beneath humanity. Many of his battle-brothers concurred but efforts to curb the practice soon presented problems. On the Isle of Xoth, the amari on being declared free committed suicide en masse, their king gloating bitterly to Afriki that his “sons” had pledged only to leave him in death. Other slave populations proved less submissive and news that the sky-giants intended to remove their chains quickly spread, triggering riot and revolution across the globe. Perhaps not truly grasping the power of the Astartes, dozens of island states formed an alliance to resist abolition. Tiring of diplomacy, Afriki led his First Company to make an example of Faraad, the largest and by far wealthiest of Salas’ island kingdoms, her slave markets unparalleled. Descending from the sky the Oathkeepers slaughtered thousands. While the citizen militias were brushed aside, the amari defended their king’s palace to the last, many armed with ancient autoguns. The Sack of Faraad caused many islands to submit but even now there was word of slave-armies readying themselves to resist. Afriki knew well he could scourge the entire planet with a fraction of his forces, however he had no wish to rule by terror, while the needs of recruitment and the Oathkeepers’ duties beyond Salas meant he needed to resolve the issue quickly. Gathering the major kings and consuls, Afriki proclaimed slavery could remain but the slave trade was ended and thousands who had risen up were to be given lands of their own. The Oathkeepers would have first pick of young amari recruits and collect a ‘tithe’ of 10% of each kingdom’s slave population once a generation to become serfs and workers at the chapter’s new headquarters on the Zul-Bha-Shir archipelago, or simply transported to the “free kingdoms”. This would prove the main source of recruitment for the sicari, the new planetary defence forces. The Salasi submitted but to this day Oathkeeper and sicari patrols discover slavers operating on the open oceans, their captains being returned to their home cities to be executed and their bodies displayed in public squares. _____ Will add more regarding the Oathkeepers regarding tactics, notable members etc. just wanted to type this up. Quite like the idea of a homeworld whose population aren't actually that keen on their ubermensch overlords and the 'newness' of the Ultima Founding offers plenty of room for growing pains. Edited April 21, 2018 by Jape Machine God and WG101 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5060027 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 19, 2018 Share Posted April 19, 2018 Sounds good. Definitely an interesting Chapter! Remember the point isn't to type up the whole thing yourself though, so you don't need to go back and write all the usual IA sections out. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5060539 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jape Posted April 21, 2018 Share Posted April 21, 2018 Sounds good. Definitely an interesting Chapter! Remember the point isn't to type up the whole thing yourself though, so you don't need to go back and write all the usual IA sections out. Yes understood. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5061840 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Necron Posted April 21, 2018 Share Posted April 21, 2018 Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to do a bit of collaboration with me.I had this nifty idea for a campaign called The Tempest Quarantine.To sum it up, a small Imperial Crusade is hastily mustered together in response to the Singala Cadre. The military objective is securing a foothold on a few choice worlds and establishing bases. These bases would be rapid response posts against future incursions.Black Ships have been restricted access to a handful of star systems, most notably ones where Black Ships reported breaches or outright disappear.The idea is isolating planets with suspected Convergence rifts and those either influenced/threatened by the Singala Cadre.Companies from various Astartes in or around the Sub-Sector Centralis would be a good kick off. However, I'm more pressed for Regiments.I've got oodles of idea's for different Regiments for the Imperium and Chaos Lost and Damned but I'm unsure if we're allowed to begin adding them. If we are, I'll begin writing immediately. Another aspect I wanted to touch upon is an emphasis on Renegades. I had the idea the during this campaign we'd have small engagements with Renegades. Grave Walkers preforming covert missions in contested zones, ambushing currently engaged Astartes, harvesting gene-seed, just being a perpetual thorn in the side.We could introduce the Oneiroi who just screw everyone over. Singala forces toiling day and night to erect the monolithic temples of worship and forge are decimated days before completion. Bombs go off and everything goes crumbling down. The Imperium have the same issues on their end.I've been wanting to write more Warhammer 40K material with other people, learn from their example. I figured a campaign like this might be a good exercise. We don't just have to write conflicts, we could also write about mass evacuations going array, governors scheming or small pockets of hope peeking through the darkness.If anyone is down for joining this little adventure, let me know and I'll get to writing some random information. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5062051 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beren Posted April 21, 2018 Share Posted April 21, 2018 (edited) Do you know anything about the Only War RPG? It's core rulebook and a couple of the supplements had a fairly detailed system for creating IG regiments. Also, is this crusade occurring in the Liber Cluster? Edited April 21, 2018 by Beren Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5062118 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 25, 2018 Share Posted April 25, 2018 Bit quiet in here, so let's have some more worlds for the Cluster! I haven't settled on *where* these worlds should be, so they'll fit in basically any subsector as and/or when we need them to. --Mulonda--A high-temperature world with long years and only two notable seasons. The local words for these seasons translate loosely into High Gothic as "nothing to drink" and "the siege of water", being dry and wet seasons respectively. Lack of water in the dry seasons drive some ferocious wildlife into killing frenzies, where they hunt and kill other creatures solely to drink the moisture from them.Mulonda was noted as potentially suitable for Space Marine recruitment prior to the arrival of the Indomnitus Crusade by Inquisitor Hadel, but was ultimately passed over for a potential homeworld due to the rather limited size of the human population.--Ostrael--A world currently under investigation by the Inquisition, Ostrael has become home to a deviant cult, worshipping a false version of the Emperor as a malign deity that rewards those who oppress other humans. Currently no evidence exists to suggest the influence of Chaos behind this cult, although the investigating Inquisitors are all too aware of the potential threat, and are prepared to condemn the world to ruin if required.Even in better times Ostrael has been a battleground for the Imperium - the Lords Inviolate and the Adepta Sororitas of the Order of Terra's Light fought a long, stalemated battle against the Orks of Waaagh Briktoof on Ostrael's western continent. Previous to that a corsair crew tried to destroy the city of Mosei with explosives and were fought back by two squads of Black Judges.--The Undaunt--The ruins of a truly gigantic battleship, in orbit around the dead world of Ziaha. The ship's nameplate is partially destroyed, and the only parts of which are legible are the words 'The Undaunt-'. Most of the weapons are still intact, if not reliably functional, but the ship's engines are little more than junk, and what remains looks as though some spacefaring creature had taken huge bites out of the ship itself.In spite of this, The Undaunt remains crewed by a small but plucky and loyal population, and regularly attracts runaways from other worlds seeking a new life, away from their pasts. The ship boasts a remarkably well-maintained shrine to The Emperor, a whole level given over to agricultural pursuits, and even a taskforce of Adeptus Arbites to help ferret out criminals and otherwise keep the peace.There are some who suspect the non-standard design of The Undaunt may mean the ship is not Imperial in origin, but whatever the truth of such things, the ship is certainly part of the Imperium's holdings now.--Kersai--Kersai was once unsuitable for human life, but was terraformed by the Tech-adepts of Guletor a few dozen years before their decline into heresy. At one time it was thought Tagaroth the Awakened, heretical master of Guletor, had returned to Kersai to claim something hidden in the planet's oceans, but there seems to be no sign of anything buried under the waves.In more recent times the people of Kersai have proven to be thoroughly devout, actively shaping their lives around worship of The Emperor. Though Kersai has no regiments of its own, it is not uncommon to find devout Kersadi serving in regiments across the sub-sector.--Cado--Cado was, until recently, a busy agri-world with a thriving cotton industry supplementing its' major export of preserved animal meats. However, in the last couple of years, Cado has come under numerous attacks from raiders, targetting the spaceports, kidnapping civilians and looting enormous amounts of food.Reports vary on who, exactly, is responsible for the raiding. Some say towering men in power armour, others that elusive and wily xeno creatures spearheaded the raids. Either way, the reports are disturbing, and the frequency of these raids is only increasing.--Quinxang--A world of high ambition, the people of Quinxang are ferociously patriotic and wish to see their world become known as the crown jewel of the Liber Cluster. Though their technology is of a fairly primitive level, the Quinx throw a lot of manpower into building vast, incredible structures, straddling the line between works of art and fortified emplacements.Quinxang's ambition draws a lot of attention from enemies of the Imperium. Subversives such as Scarlight and Penumbra have targeted the world on multiple occasions, and recently various interpretations of the Emperor's Tarot point to something fouler still fixing its' gaze upon Quinxang...--Nikushi--Those who travel the many worlds of the Liber Cluster often joke that the deadliest thing on Nikushi is the weather. Those who have actually survived one of the boiling, acidic, month-long fog-storms that occasionally wrack the planet and are capable of melting through even the hardiest constructions after mere hours, are much less inclined to joke about it.Much of the human population of Nikushi survives in large underground warrens, built around carefully constructed resevoirs of fresh water and a thriving mining industry. The planet's only Spaceport, the Starpath, is protected by a specially-reinforced void shield generator, manufactured on Saneslau itself. The people of Nikushi have an affinity for technology, and it is far from unheard of for them to make pilgrimages to the Forge Worlds across the subsector. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There's still time for more Chapters/Renegades/Warbands if anyone's got any funky new ideas they want to throw into the mix. Now's your chance - seize the day and all that! 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Machine God Posted April 26, 2018 Share Posted April 26, 2018 (edited) The Followers of Mabinos ++Code: Vermillion Rho Epsilon++To High Inquisitor Redpath, Ordo's Hereticus & Malleus. I trust this missive report finds you well in these turbulent times. My findings that I will impart here are to do with an emergent threat. A Chaos Warband purportedly said to be led by the re-animated corpse of the Warmaster Wilym Mabinos. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 03.M42 - Subsector Centralis. Excerpt from Disciple Tosk, Ordo's Astra & Malleus. Initial reports of sector-wide Navigator malaise and ship collisions attributed to the appearance of the Clans of Medusa Orbittal Phenomena in Subsector Englica. It is my belief that that these Navigators were not affected by the Orbittal Phenomena but by the Tempest as even though the Orbittal Phenomena had been close to the core when it appeared it's malaise doesn't last more than a month, let alone seven. I believe it was to do with the Tempest and all of the strange slogans that had appeared, hidden away speaking of the Warmaster's return. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10.M42 - Talbande. Script from Domina Illura Sebastian - Order of the Vengeful Flame, to her Ordo Hereticus Overseer. My Lord, I write to informing you of the purging of Heresy. Today all of the main churches of Talbande broke from doctrinal speeches to orate quite obscenely about the activities of Saint Mabinos. The preachers oration infected the pilgrims and only the ordained actions of my sisterhood saved this world. With holy flame and bolter His Law has been maintained once more! Please send us better preacher's and more promethium. 17.M42 – Terminus Crux. Missive from High Sister Thorina to Domina Sebastina. Another case of Heresy involving the readings of Saint Mabinos akin to the troubles on Talbande several years ago. It is with mournful heart that I must inform you that although the uprising was purged and cleansed, Battle Sister Aqui has taken a Vow of Repentia. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24.M42 - Engagement in The Lion’s Den. The Lords Inviolate reportedly attacked a group of Renegades nosing around the asteroidal remains of The Lion’s Den. The Renegades controlled four ancient destroyers, three of which were boarded and destroyed however the fourth escaped. No communications were uttered by the renegades apart from “He will return!” The renegades were not captured alive and sold their lives well. The captured specimens were examined by Chapter Apothecaries. Findings were a mix of mutations common to the warp and heretical writings common to both Nurgle and Slaanesh. Reports were passed on to Ordo Malleus/Astartes representatives. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 38.M42 – The Mining of Helfen. Findings of Magi Locutum Vilf Sternhammer, Aleph-Null Directorate and Ordo Mechanicum. A full report has been placed within your personal data-caches in the Noosphere. In 31.M42 reports were received from representatives of the Ordo Astra that persons unknown had started a Forge upon the planet of Helfen. Infiltration Skitarii that have since been recycled brought back the following information. Representatives of the Seneslau Mechanicus had constructed a viable Forge Complex within the swamps of Helfen to mine the abundant promethium found there. Further diggings found that the Seneslau operating there were sleeper agents of the Hyparxian Cult and that the order to begin mining had been found on an ancient work request from antiquity signed by the Warmaster Mabinos. The order cited the need for all promethium to be stockpiled for the coming of the Primaris. Also a strange notation was found – Wake the Yellow King [Nothing known on Yellow King.] ++++++++++++++++++++++ 45.M42 – Velmghart Report of Inquisitor Radgast, Ordo Hereticus. Inaddition to the psychic shriek from the Tempest Commissar’s in the Velmgharter Mercenaries had to put down a rebellion. Velmgharter use of ‘Shackled Psyker-Tech' was hijacked by the shriek causing the soldiers to run amok killing anyone nearby. Fortunately the event happened only on Velmghart within the Mega-Corp’s training grounds and not within a more public place. A chance examination of an intact dead mercenary uncovered a whole doctrinal wafer located within the cadaver’s brain. Tech-Priest examination revealed the following quote: “Bow down, rejoice, repent and revel. Follow us, follow him. Reborn by the graces of Nurgle and Slaanesh, the Still-Living Saint Mabinos has returned to free us all!” +++++++++++++++++++++ The Followers of Mabinos Warband of Nurgle and Slaanesh. Founding: Unknown. Chapter Master: (Presumed) Wilym Mabinos – Daemon Prince. Strength: 3000 Significant Fleet and Auxillaries including Darghoul and Loxatl Mercenaries. Base of operations: The Tempest. Battle Cry: "Follow Us, follow Him!" Chapter Badge: An orb framed with a golden M around its edges and a starship flying across its face. +++++++++++++++++++++ My Lord, we all felt the psychic shriek that emanated from the Tempest. What also came out of the Tempest was a Space Hulk bearing the Mark of Mabinos. Observances of this Space Hulk have noted that it contains among other craft the prow and ventral guns of the Talionis Rex. +++++++++++++++++++++ Ave Imperatur! Inquistor Dreyfuus, Ordo Hereticus & Malleus. Edited April 10, 2024 by Machine God Increase font size Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5065282 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 26, 2018 Share Posted April 26, 2018 Nice. We're starting to gather quite the horde of heretics here. Good to see some devoted worshippers of the Dark Gods joining the ranks! As for the colours, the one thing I'd advise is making the eyes a different colour from the helmet, (unless that's a deliberate choice on your part) using the eyes for a spot colour can really make the scheme pop. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345172-the-liber-cluster-ii/page/9/#findComment-5065458 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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