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A Chapter Ancient is slightly better overall, since the BS of units shooting again is resolved at BS 2+ in stead of 3+ for most of our units, meaning more overcharged hits will kill more stuff. The extra attack is only useful if you get charged, the wound pretty much means you're already in trouble. When compared to the regular Company Ancient, I'll agree. I'd recommend always finding room for the Chapter Ancient though! It's comperable to a Standard of Emperor Ascendant in terms of output, for 22 points more.

Not sure I understand this, you mean the Chapter Ancient banner lets add +1 to shooting? That's crazy. Is it a specific Dark Angel banner? I understand you have 3, one for Deathwing, one for Ravenwing and one for Greenwing.


damn you cross dressers with your disciplined firing. I still want to send my Grey Hunters back to the Fang sometimes due to their less than average (for marines) shooting sometimes, with almost no way to improve the shots without a Lord/captain nearby.


As for Hellblasters, expensive though they maybe, but decently costed otherwise their spam would be even worse. If your opponent wastes a lascannon at range at the Hellblaster, he is not shooting at your other tanks and long range weapons. And a hellblaster CAN survive a death wound if the other guy rolls a 1 for damage, unlike a regular joe marine.


Perhaps its too early to call them cheese, but in most marine armies in my meta, if anyone brings primaris at all, it'll be, in order of priority,


1) Hellblasters

2) Inceptors assault bolters variety for dakka

3) Primaris Ancient

4) Primaris lieutenant

5) Inceptors plasma

6) Repulsor

7) Aggressors

8) Intercessors

The Chapter Ancient has a Sacred Standard as an additional rule, over the Company Ancient and Primaris Ancient. It adds a flat BS2+, so even Servitors would be deadly at that point!
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Yeah, it's an upgrade to the company ancient, I just don't see a lot of people fielding chapter ancient? Might be me missing it.


But servitors with PC's on the overcharge would be fun. Killing themselves then to hit on 2+ if the ymkae a 4+ roll.

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