Wargamer Posted March 13, 2018 Share Posted March 13, 2018 (edited) Introduction: What's this about? The "Dark Chapters" idea was born of a discussion awhile back concerning Primaris and the 'need' for them. It was argued that because long-time Marine players already own everything the Codex would ever have, GW needed to shake things up and bring a totally new type of Marine out or we'd just carry on using the box sets we got back in 2nd Edition. This is an attempt to prove that argument wrong. My goal is to create a series of new units that fit the lore of the Astartes and allow for new models / conversion ranges to come forth and tempt people's money. The overall theme of the project is the Imperium Nihilus - the Dark Imperium. So before we go any further, we need to answer an important question or two... What is a Dark Chapter? The Imperium would have us believe that the threat of the Cicatrix Maledictum is, if not over, at least contained. This is far from the truth. Across the galaxy wars are waging between the forces of Man and the agents of Chaos or xenos threats that have taken advantage of this turbulent era. Some Chapters have emerged relatively unscathed, or received heavy reinforcement from the Indomitus Crusade. Yet for every Chapter supported, another stands alone. These are the Dark Chapters - Astartes forces who still lie beyond reach of reinforcement, or who have forsaken the doctrine of the Codex to pursue a new form of war. Some are not truly Chapters at all, but shattered fragments of dozens of Marine forces who have been forced together by he tides of war. Dark Chapters are defined by two elements; their lack of Primaris and other new technology, and the desperation with which they employ old or untested systems. In this age of madness there is no time to concern oneself with the long-term dangers of the tools employed. Astartes go to war armed with weapons whose energies slowly decay their flesh, or brandishing xenos weaponry, or clad in unstable new variants of war plate. Many will die from their own tools of war, yet the loss is acceptable, even necessary. Do not believe in tales of Primarchs and their new vision for the stars. Such hopes have no place in the Dark Imperium. Army Composition A Dark Chapter uses Codex: Space Marines, modified as follows: Units with the Keyword "Primarch", "Primaris", "Redemptor Dreadnought" or "Repulsor" are not part of the army list. Chapter specific relics (such as the Axe of Medusa) are not part of the army list. All units in this army list gain the "Astartes Nihilus" Faction Keyword. A note on allies: This list is intended to function as a stand-alone force, representing Chapters that are cut off and isolated. While these forces will frequently fight alongside other Chapters, Astra Militarum and other allies, this is best represented by a pre-arranged scenario and not a pick-up game. To reflect this, unless your opponent expressly permits otherwise, all units in your army must have the Astartes Nihilus Faction Keyword. You are expressly forbidden from fielding multiple detachments in your army unless all detachments consist solely of units with the Astartes Nihilus Faction Keyword. New Units of the Dark Imperium The following units are added to the Astartes Nihilus unit roster. [TROOPS] BOARDING SQUAD - POWER 5 The Astartes have used boarding squads since the days of the Horus Heresy, although their use is typically limited outside of specific circumstances. Most Chapters prefer to use Terminators to lead their assaults into Hulks and other confined places, but the Dark Imperium has forced many Chapters to deploy forces to the field they might otherwise hold in reserve. Boarding Squads are such a force, sacrificing the typical speed and flexibility of the Astartes for the endurance their shields provide. These troops will hold the line at vital points, secure bunkers or advance steadily into enemy guns, relying on shield, armour and faith to carry the day. Boarding Squads use the Tactical Squad statline. Unit Size: 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 4 Space Marines. May include up to 5 additional Space Marines (Power +5). Equipment: Each model is armed with a boltgun, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and a boarding shield. Options: The Space Marine Sergeant may replace their boltgun and/or bolt pistol with an item from the Sergeant Equipment list. Any model may replace their boltgun with a chainsword. For every five models in the unit, one model may replace their boltgun for a storm bolter, flamer, meltagun, grav-gun or lascutter. Abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads. Faction Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Astartes Nihilus, <Chapter>. Keywords: Infantry, Boarding Squad. [TROOPS] TACTICAL SQUAD: Dark Chapter Tactical Squads use all the rules and options of the Tactical Squad listed in Codex: Space Marines, with the following alterations: If the army has the Faction Keyword The Outcasts the Tactical Squad gains the following options: The entire squad may replace all bolters with mortalis carbines. Instead of choosing a weapon from the Heavy weapons list, you may instead equip one model with a mortalis cannon. If the army has the Faction Keyword The Voidborn the Tactical Squad gains the following options: The entire squad may be equipped with Mk IX Maledictum Armour.If the army has the Faction Keyword The Shattered the Tactical Squad gains the following options: Instead of purchasing items from the Sergeant Equipment List, the sergeant may replace his bolter or bolt pistol with a Phase Blade. Instead of choosing a weapon from the Heavy weapons list, you may instead equip one model with a Hrud fusil. [ELITES] VOIDWAR VETERAN SQUAD - POWER 9 Wars are fought across ten thousand battlefields where no mortal belongs. From airless moons to the skins of starships, from irradiated deserts to lands blighted by the Plague God, the Astartes must do battle in regions that are often as deadly as the weapons of their foes. It is in these environments the Voidwar Veterans excel. Clad in void-hardened Maledictum Armour and armed with a variety of fearsome weapons, these champions take to the field of battle with grim resolve, seeking to crush the enemy no matter where they hide. Unlike most veteran Marines, whose armour is a baroque relic of a bygone age, these soldiers are identified by the wounds they carry - hastily-made repairs, heraldry burned away by corrosive battlegrounds and suits patched together from the armour of the dead. Voidwar Veteran Squads use the Sternguard Veterans statline. Unit Size: 1 Space Marine Veteran Sergeant and 4 Veteran Space Marines. May include up to 5 additional Space Marines (Power +9). Equipment: Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, chainsword frag grenades, krak grenades. Voidwar Veteran Squads wear Mk IX Maledictum Power Armour. Options: The Veteran Sergeant may replace their bolt pistol and chainsword with items from the Sergeant Equipment list. Any model may replace their chainsword with a storm shield. Alternatively, they may replace their chainsword with a boltgun or weapon from the Melee weapons, Pistols, Combi-weapons or Special Weapons lists. Any model not equipped with a storm shield may purchase a combat shield or a boarding shield. Any model may take a refractor field. For every five models in the unit, one model may take one of the following: blind grenades plasma grenades, a single rad grenade, a single stasis grenade, vengeance grenades. Abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Void Hardened. Faction Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Astartes Nihilus, <Chapter>. Keywords: Infantry, Mk IX Maledictum, Voidwar Veteran Squad. [ELITES] NIHILUS TERMINATOR SQUAD - POWER 4 Throughout the Imperium's history, many variants of Terminator Armour have been developed and deployed. From the ancient Saturnine to the modern Indomitus and numerous other variants besides, the Astartes have many potential suits to employ into the extremes of battle. Yet the newest, and least glorious is the Nihilus Pattern. Not a true pattern in and of itself, the Nihilus represents dozens of suits that all fill the same general role; a heavy battle platform that can storm into the fray with guns and energy weapons. Often built from a suit of Terminator armour that cannot be properly restored, the Nihilus will be augmented with bulky external power systems and on-board weapons that can vary from long-range guns to powerful combat weapons. The use of these suits is a clear sign of desperation, as pushing their systems too hard can result in serious injury or death for the wearer. Nihilus Terminators use the Space Marine Cataphractii Terminator statline, with one additional wound. Unit Size: 1 Nihilus Terminator. May include up to four additional Nihilus Terminators (Power +4 Per Model). Equipment: A Nihilus Terminator is equipped with two storm bolters and a Nihilus lasblaster. Options: Any Nihilus Terminator may replace one or both storm bolters with any of the following: heavy bolter, heavy flamer, twin mortalis carbine, power axe, power maul, power sword, power fist, thunder hammer. Any Nihilus Terminator may replace their nihilus lasblaster any of the following: lascutter, heavy bolter, heavy flamer, Hrud fusil, mortalis cannon, multi-melta. Any Nihilus Terminator may take a Refractor Field. Abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Decimator Protocols, Void Hardened. Ponderous Advance: This unit must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Power Surge: At the start of the Movement Phase, you may elect to channel additional power into the Nihilus' motor systems. If you do so, roll 1D6 for each Nihilus Terminator in the unit - on a roll of 1 the unit suffers a Mortal Wound. For the remainder of the turn, the unit loses the Ponderous Advance rule and increases its movement to 6". Faction Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Astartes Nihilus, <Chapter>. Keywords: Infantry, Terminator, Nihulus Terminator Squad. [HEAVY SUPPORT] XENOTECH FUSILIERS - POWER 8 That so many Chapters are willing to employ xenotech weapons should be a sign of how dire the Imperium's fortunes have become. While normally such practices would be heretical, when forced to choose between heresy and failure, the Astartes choose heresy. Xenotech Fusiliers employ a variety of weapons designed for long-ranged warfare. The weapons they use are some of the most potent tools ever used against mankind, often using potent toxins, mystical technologies or even warp-tech to defeat the enemy. Xenotech Fusiliers are chosen from former Deathwatch operatives whenever possible, and the Chaplains are ever vigilant for any sign of corruption that may stem from contact with these tainted devices. Xenotech Fusiliers use the Tactical Marines statline. Unit Size: 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 4 Space Marines. May include up to 5 additional Space Marines (Power +6). Equipment: Each model is armed with a Hrud fusil, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades. Options: The Veteran Sergeant may replace their bolt pistol and/or fusil with an item from the Sergeant Equipment list. Any model may replace their Hrud fusil with a Demiurg scourer or Xenarch death-arc. Abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads. Faction Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Astartes Nihilus, <Chapter>. Keywords: Infantry, Xenotech, Xenotech Fusiliers. [HEAVY SUPPORT] KROMLECH PATTERN PREDATOR The Forgeworld of Kromlech was restored to the Imperium just a few short decades before the Great Rift tore the galaxy asunder. Their long isolation had resulted in new and unsanctioned developments that the Cult Mechanicus forbade from use, but in the Dark Imperium the holy edits of the Mechanicus are a luxury few can afford. Kromlech Pattern Predators are an increasingly common sight on the battlefields of the Imperium, often sporting weapons whose inner workings are scarcely understood by the brave souls who operate them. Kromlech Pattern Predators use all the rules for the Predator listed in Codex: Space Marines, with the following alterations: The model may replace its Predator autocannon with a flamestorm cannon, melta cannon, mortalis annihilation beam, twin assault cannon, twin lascannon, twin heavy plasma cannon. Instead of heavy bolters or lascannons, the model may take two heavy flamers, two mortalis cannons or two multi-meltas. The Kromlech Pattern Predator has the "Torsion Bar Suspension" ability. Torsion Bar Suspension: This model does not suffer penalties for moving and firing with its turret mounted weapon. Turret mounted weapons are the Predator autocannon or any weapon that replaces the Predator autocannon. The Dark Armoury Boarding Shield: A Boarding Shield is one of the most deceptively simple forms of defence available to the Astartes. It is little more than a colossal slab of adamantium and ceramite composites, typically with vision slits or optical units built in and a recess to hold a projectile weapon. Even for an Astartes this is a heavy tool of war to carry, but it allows them to march through enemy fire undaunted, knowing that most weapons will exhaust their stopping power against the shield long before striking their battle plate. A model equipped with a Boarding Shield increases their Toughness by 1, but reduces their movement by 1". Grenades: The Imperium has spent ten thousand years perfecting the art of war, and in that time there were weapons that they shunned. Some for being inefficient, others for being too costly to produce. Others were abandoned because they were simply too terrible to consider, even for the Imperium. In this desperate age, such blighted weapons are returned to the field of battle to blight the stars again. Blind grenades: At the start of the fight phase, this model may nominate a single enemy unit within 1" of the model. That model suffers a -1 to hit modifier until the end of the Fight Phase. Plasma grenades: Range:6" Type:Grenade D6 S:4 AP:-1 D:1 Abilities: - Rad grenade: At the start of the fight phase, this model may nominate a single enemy unit within 1" of the model. All attacks directed against that unit gain a +1 modifier to all To Wound rolls until the end of the fight phase. Rad Grenades are One Use Only. Stasis grenade: This grenade may be used in the shooting phase instead of firing another weapon or using another grenade. Nominate an enemy unit within 6" and roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the model armed with the Stasis Grenade suffers a Mortal Wound. On a roll of 2 or 3, the target unit suffers a Mortal Wound. On a roll of 4-5 the target unit suffers two Mortal Wounds. On a roll of 6, the target unit suffers three Mortal Wounds. Stasis Grenades are One Use Only. Vengeance grenades: Range:6" Type:Grenade 1 S:6 AP:-2 D:D3 Abilities: Enemy units do not receive the benefits of cover against attacks made with this weapon. Lascutter: Designed for industrial use, the lascutter is a common tool across the Imperium and quite easily weaponised. Although it must be kept steady to operate at maximum effect, it is truly devastating when properly employed. Range: 24" Type: Heavy 1 S: 9 AP: -3 D: 2D3 Abilirties: - Nihilus Lasblaster: These energy weapons are fitted atop suits of Nihilus Terminator Armour and slaved to the user's auto-senses. He need only look at the target and blink-click to erase it in a storm of lasfire. Range: 24" Type: Assault 6 S: 3 AP: 0 D: 1 Abilities: - Mortalis Weaponry: Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Mortalis weapons are most certainly that. Often employing unstable power elements that bleed deadly radiation or are prone to exploding, Mortalis weapons are used because the grave risks to the user are deemed acceptable in exchange for their phenomenal killing power. Mortalis carbine - Range: 18" Type: Rapid Fire 1 S: 4 AP: 0 D: 1 Abilities: Death-scour, Outcast weaponry. Twin Mortalis carbine - Range: 18" Type: Rapid Fire 2 S: 4 AP: 0 D: 1 Abilities: Death-scour, Outcast weaponry. Mortalis cannon - Range: 36" Type: Heavy 3 S: 4 AP: -1 D: 1 Abilities: Death-scour, Outcast weaponry. Mortalis annihilation beam - Range: 54" Type: Heavy 1 S: 9 AP: -3 D: D3 Abilities: Fatal surge, Outcast weaponry Death-scour: If this weapon inflicts one or more wounds on a target unit (after saves, but before any rolls to negate wounds) you may choose to resolve another round of shooting with this weapon. If you choose to do this, roll 1D6 for each weapon using Death-scour: on a roll of 1, the firing unit immediately suffers a number of Mortal Wounds equal to the listed value. If no value is listed, a single Mortal Wound is inflicted instead. Fatal surge: If this weapon successfully hits the target, after the attack is resolved you may immediately resolve a second attack. This follow-up attack hits on a 2+. You may continue to make additional attacks in this manner until you either miss or have resolved six attacks total. If a weapon fails to hit with a follow-up attack made using Fatal Surge, the unit suffers a number of Mortal Wounds equal to the number of attacks made with the weapon this phase. Outcast weaponry: A unit containing one or more models armed with Mortalis weaponry gains the Outcast Keyword. Mk IX Maledictum Armour: Mk IX is not a new armour variant but, like the Mk V 'Heresy' pattern before it, it is a catch-all term for the various new styles of armour created in the long war. Mk IX Power Armour typically focuses on maximising protection at the expense of agility, but they are truly formidable suits because of it. Maledictum Armour is most commonly reinforced to ensure no possible breach of the suit's pressure seal, either due to its occupants fighting in open vacuum, or on worlds whose atmosphere is now irrevocably tainted and anathema to human life. Models in Mk IX Maledictum Armour gain the Void Hardened ability. Void Hardened: When a unit with the Void Hardened ability is targeted by an attack with a random number of attacks, the attacker rolls one extra die and discards the highest die (ie: a Heavy 2D3 weapon would roll 3 die, discarding the highest). Voidwar: A unit containing one or more models equipped with Mk IX Maledictum Armour gains the Voidwar Keyword. Xenotech weapons: The weapons of Xenotech squads are varied and potent, each possessing a unique means to kill. The Hrud fusil uses warp-charged ammunition that exists slightly out of phase with reality. As well as being devastating to living targets, the rounds themselves seem drawn towards certain energies... The Xenarch Death-Arc is a potent energy weapon, the nature of which has long baffled the Adeptus Mechanicus. Chapters who have faced these xenos and lived may well employ their terrifying weapons themselves, reducing entire squads of enemies to twitching, blistered corpses. Finally, the Demiurg Scourer is a curious weapon that could never have been invented by the hands of Man. When fired, an ill-understood process transforms the solid-round into a cloud of monomolecular shrapnel. Curiously, this weapon seems particularly effective against the Orkoid races. Hrud Fusil: Range: 36" Type: Heavy 1 S: 6 AP: -3 D: 2 Abilities: re-roll failed To Hit rolls against targets with an invulnerable save. Xenarch Death-Arc: Range: 24" Type: Heavy 3 S: 6 AP: 0 D: 1 Abilities: Each time a Xenarch Death-Arc inflicts damage upon a unit (after saves, but before any rolls to negate wounds), make another attack with the weapon at -1 Strength (S 5). If this attack also inflicts damage, make another attack at a further -1 Strength (S 4), and so on until the weapon is reduced to Strength 0 or fails to inflict damage. Demiurg Scourer: Range: 36" Type: Heavy 2D3 S: 5 AP: -1 D: 1 Abilities: Before firing, add up the total wounds of all models in the target unit and the total wounds of all models in the firing unit. If the target unit has more total wounds, the Demiurg Scourer's type becomes Heavy 3D3. Phase Blade: Range: Melee Type: Melee S: user AP: -3 D: 1 Abilities: Invulnerable saves may not be taken against wounds inflicted with this weapon. Xenotech: Any unit containing one or more models armed with Xenotech weaponry gains the Xenotech Keyword. Dark Chapters Cost List Units: Boarding Marines: 13 points. Voidwar Veterans: 16 points. Weapons: Grenade - Plasma: 1 point Grenade - Vengeance: 4 points. Grenade - Stasis: 10 points. Lascutter: 20 points. Twin heavy plasma cannon: 25 points. Equipment: Boarding Shield: 3 points (15 points for characters). Grenade - Blind: 20 points. Grenade - Rad: 15 points. Mk IX Maledictum Armour: 3 points (15 points for characters). Refractor Field: 4 points. Edited March 14, 2018 by Wargamer Commissar Molotov, Pearson73 and Seukonnen 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345205-astartes-nihilus-the-dark-chapters-wip-feedback-welcome/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted March 13, 2018 Share Posted March 13, 2018 I like the ideas discussed in the introduction, the units sound good too, can't beat breachers with forbidden weaponry. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345205-astartes-nihilus-the-dark-chapters-wip-feedback-welcome/#findComment-5030966 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wargamer Posted March 13, 2018 Author Share Posted March 13, 2018 New units and associated toys added - the Nihilus Terminators, the Dark Chapter Tactical Squad, and the Xenotech Fusiliers. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345205-astartes-nihilus-the-dark-chapters-wip-feedback-welcome/#findComment-5031036 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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