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Chaos Space Marines troops - loadout?


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Hi all,


how are you equipping your CSM for 8th edition? Is it worth the extra points to bring plasma guns and combi plasma in squads or are more bodies better? What are you finding effective with CSM? I would like to make use of real CSM if I can this edition rather than cultists because it's Heretic Astartes not Heretic Cultists that got me interested in CSM in the first place.


What about things like Power Fists and Claws?


replacing bolters with chainswords for a cheaper cc squad? I know these will not stand up to real cc units but with Alpha legion infiltrate rules you can get into peoples screen units and do some damage?



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I've tested chainswords with IoE against Imperials, and works decently to clear chaff. It's no Cultist bomb, but fine for casual games in a Rhino. I've tried 2x plasma, combi-plasma champion, and combi-plasma Rhino. It's an ok casual choice, but obviously not as good as 5 plasma guns and a combi-plasma in a unit of Chosen. 

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I've had luck this edition with 2 Chaos Marine configurations:


-10 CSM, 2 lascannons, sometimes an Icon of Vengeance, Mark of Slaanesh: a solid, durable firebase unit that does what Havocs cannot (pay your troop tax and be super obsec). This unit doesn't really need any support to be effective, although the occasional Endless Cacaphony or Veterans of the Long War is nice if I can spare the points.


-10 CSM in a Rhino, no flamers or 2 flamers, Mark of Khorne, champ with fist, Icon of Wrath. it is a solid melee unit, but it really needs the support of a nearby sorc and/or lord and other fast melee units.


I've found I prefer my Rhino-mounted plasma or melta squads to be Havocs or Chosen because 4 (and a combi) special weapons is far superior to the CSM's 2 + combi.


I've also found 5 trooper CSM squads with a lascannon are a bit lacking in damage and staying power.


That's just in my games though, your meta might be different.

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Tbh, 1x plasma gun and 1x combi-plasma on the champion x2 in a Rhino is the most effective way of getting plasma to the CSMs. More dakka and less prone to Battleshock. 


I've tried running CSMs with 2x meltagun, and boy is that bad. 


I'd still prefer Terminators for Plasma tho. Easier to deliver and more efficient for unit-buffs like the double shooting Stratagem, VotLW and Prescience.

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I tend to run 5 man squads with Missile Launchers to fill Troop slots in a Brigade not taken up by Cultists. They're cheap backfield support that is good at holding down rear objectives.


Certain Legions (Iron Warriors, Black Legion, Word Bearers) can get away with piling buffs on a single 20 man squad (Warp Time, Delightful Agonies, Let the Galaxy Burn, Vets, Iron Within-Iron Without etc.) and using it to contest important mid-table objectives.


I wouldn't recommend anyone else try that too much, though.


In my Warp Ghosts I run 2x5 (Flamer, Combi-Flamer and Power Sword in each) in a Land Raider and 1x10 in a Dreadclaw with a similar loadout. Helps take advantage of the Renegade Legion trait while giving me a decent amount of CP.


My Black Legion will have one Plas/Plas/Combi-Plas squad solely to receive Let the Galaxy Burn and lay down fire while advancing.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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Tbh, 1x plasma gun and 1x combi-plasma on the champion x2 in a Rhino is the most effective way of getting plasma to the CSMs. More dakka and less prone to Battleshock. 


I've tried running CSMs with 2x meltagun, and boy is that bad. 


I'd still prefer Terminators for Plasma tho. Easier to deliver and more efficient for unit-buffs like the double shooting Stratagem, VotLW and Prescience.


Oh, totally agree - I'm just trying to find the best CSM loadout. 

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Tbh, 1x plasma gun and 1x combi-plasma on the champion x2 in a Rhino is the most effective way of getting plasma to the CSMs. More dakka and less prone to Battleshock. 


I've tried running CSMs with 2x meltagun, and boy is that bad. 


I'd still prefer Terminators for Plasma tho. Easier to deliver and more efficient for unit-buffs like the double shooting Stratagem, VotLW and Prescience.



Guess what, you can have both. ;)

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Tbh, 1x plasma gun and 1x combi-plasma on the champion x2 in a Rhino is the most effective way of getting plasma to the CSMs. More dakka and less prone to Battleshock. 


I've tried running CSMs with 2x meltagun, and boy is that bad. 


I'd still prefer Terminators for Plasma tho. Easier to deliver and more efficient for unit-buffs like the double shooting Stratagem, VotLW and Prescience.



Guess what, you can have both. :wink:



Or...you use them for something you don't already have plenty in your list. ;)

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I'm a fan of bolters. I'm running 20 man squads with two meltaguns (though I think I'd dropping these in favor of more bolters) a combi-bolter on the sgt and 17 bolters. I run Black Legion though and can spend 2cp to give the unit +1 to wound and reroll all failed wound rolls. In double tap range with Prescience... it is brutal. People overlook the ability to just force wounds through failed saved. Using this on cultists is similarly effective I.E. Cultist bomb but you are using different stratagems. 


Working on a Black Legion list right now that runs 60 CSM in three squads with some heavy support to help them with vehicles. Still thinking about how I can try and squeeze in three 5-man Chosen units and a way to deliver them to priority targets but I think their cost puts me well over the 2k budget. The CSMs alone end up at 918 with the melta loadout and 816 without the melta guns in the CSM squads. Something to look into at least. I like things in 3s. Maybe dropping the CSM squads to 15 man squads, but I dunno. The whole point of running Black Legion is to highlight the bolter and CSM squads. I'll have to think it over.

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I've been running three squads in a Battalion detachment. A champ, 4 bolter marines, and one toting a lascannon. They deploy in cover and either near or on an objective. They provide fire support with extra bodies to throw in front of the lacannon gunner to keep him alive.


So far they have worked well for me and have been a big boost in getting more CP for my army unlike my usualy Vanguard detachment throwing elite choices everywhere.

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