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Greenz'z Chaotic WIP


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Hi all,

So I thought it time I get another WIP thread going, this one for a project I started a few months ago. This was supposed to be a break from my Angels of Absolution, but its since turned into a full blown distraction. Im currently calling this my Slaanesh thread, as for now itll be solely for my Slaanesh traitor guard and Emperors Children warband. Well see how long it is before my plastic ADD kicks in, then maybe some Apostles of Contagion and/ or Word Bearers might appear.

So starting off is the main part of my project, my Soulflayers (formerly known as my dark mech inspired, Slaaneshi themed traitor guard). The thought behind these guys is they're former guardsmen who excelled at ambush tactics and guerrilla warfare. Now, as Slaanesh worshippers, their sole obsession is causing absolute fear and terror in their enemies and prey, ambushing their victims and sporting all manner of flayed skins, skulls and other grisly trophies. Some time ago, they made a bargain with a dark heretek. In exchange for slaves and test subjects, the Soulflayers would in turn be the hereteks finest creations and receive bionics to further their deepest cravings. This army is based off the IG codex, partially because of the lackluster FW rules, and partially because the IG book has so much more flavour. This will NOT be a boobs Slaanesh army, Im going for something lot darker and sinister here.

+ + +


First up is my first unit of Hunters (guardsmen). The backbone of the army, these renegades have various sensory implants to further their base needs. Some bear optical bionics, which record their victims as they hit the peak of terror. These implants allow the Hunter to replay and enhance these recordings, allowing the user to focus frame by frame that moment of hopelessness in the victims eyes, or as the blood fades from their face upon realizing their fate, even the minute quiver of the lips as they begin to plead. However, its not long before the Hunter grows bored of their recordings and seek new material.

Other Hunters have chem-inhalers grafted to their bodies. These devices capture the "Essence" of the victim at the peak of terror. As the victim reaches the height of fear, the device draws in the pheromones given off by the victim, mixes this with the pheromone of the bearer, and then distills this concoction into Essence; a drug custom made per victim, solely for that Hunter.


This is a WIP of my sentinel. I took this pic a few days ago. Since then Ive repositioned the left arm. I was originally going for a preparing to pounce pose. But the shoulder is too close to the leg, and it looked like a lame dog... not what I intended. So its been bent to more match the right arm.


And here are my first 2 noise marines, also very WIP. Im debating redoing the trim. Im not 100% sold on the hard edges, its doesnt feel Slaaneshi enough to me. I might go back and make smoother edges.

Thanks for looking, I hope my ramblings made sense! C&C is always welcome

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Love the Sentinels mate.

I might use some ideas from them for my Vostroyan.

using large servitor like engines for sentinels looks great

Thanks Enginseer. Yea, the Kataphron kit is just jammed full of awesome bits, and is perfect for any sort of mech conversion

nice start, would love some closeups of you're huntsmen

Thanks Iron Bar, here are some close ups of a few of them


Unit champion.

He has a bolter grafted to his arm. The chainsword isnt actually that big in the flesh, I guess the camera kept zooming in on it.






Calyptra and Pearson73: Thank you for your honest and frank thoughts on these conversions. You two definitely echo my concerns here. I’m really loving the fluff and the future conversions I have planned, but when I look at these guys I still largely see Dark Eldar. I’m having a very hard time coming up with a cohesive army visually, at least with the product that GW has to offer. And with limited funds, I’m hesitant to start pulling in 3rd party bits.

I may have to put the Slaanesh guard on hold for now, at least until GW decides to finally put out a dark mech line. Maybe for now I’ll go back to my original plan of Nurgle guard (I really, really, really like traitor guard haha), and I’ll definitely carry on with the chaos marine projects.

I have a unit of the Neophytes, they were the start of my Nurgle dark mech army (yes, there’s a trend there ;) ). It’s a sweet kit, and I love the models, but they don’t scream Slaanesh to me. Far too rugged looking, but thats why I chose them for Nurgle. The Kalabanites have the lithe look that I wanted, plus all the blades, chains, hooks etc. But again, they’re a very distinctive army and it’s near impossible to get away from that. Maybe tonight when I get home I’ll brush the dust off that unit and see if I can draw inspiration from them. Again, thanks Pearson, I really appreciate the idea bouncing

I don't necessarily have a problem with the miniatures or the fluff by themselves but they don't go together all that well, IMO.


Like other have said, my brain reads Traitor Guard but it sees Kabalites.


It's less work to change fluff. There's a million reasons why Eldar might have become enraptured/enslaved by or have even willingly joined up with a Slaaneshi Demagogue.


Sure, they're the great enemy and everything, but look at the world around you and tell me that turkeys don't vote for christmas.


And since they are such beautiful miniatures that you have gone to such obvious effort to personalise and customise, I think anybody who had a problem with you running them as counts-as Guard would be being extremely unreasonable.


Alternatively, you could probably change their look quite a lot just by switching in obviously human heads. The Escher heads would probably work pretty well. There's only six different hairstyles but you're clearly not afraid of getting stuck in with GS.

@Chaplain: you know what, you might be on to something there. I’ve been avoiding Necromunda like it’s the plague, simply because I don’t need yet another distraction. But those new Van Saar models might just be the key. Between them, Escher and the neophyte cult models, I might be able to kit bash/ GS what’s in my head. Thank you


@Res Ipsa: It’s not so much that people would protest playing against me, it’s more finding a visual concept that I’m happy with. I don’t think a simple head swap would do it. The aesthetic of the armour alone would still break that bubble. Like you said, I want to be able to look at them and know they’re traitor guard, not eldar. And thank you, I got quite the chuckle out of the turkey comment!

I want to reiterate that your sculpting work is lovely. Also, part of this hobby is that you get to build your toys any way you like.


Changing the sillouhettes of the models would help, as would altering the more distinctive elements of the Kabalite warsuits, such as the shoulders, the vents on the back, the drug dispenser on the chest, or the spooled chain on the hip for hooking onto the sides of Raiders and Venoms.


They're also clearly holding splinter rifles and have extra splinter ammo on their belts.


So if I were attacking these models with a dremel and green stuff, that's where I'd aim.


As an aside, given the lore on how the warsuits work, a human probably wouldn't be able to wear one, even if they were able to fit in a 7 foot tall, rail thin alien's form fitting body armor. Of course, you can also disregard the lore and do whatever you like.


Personally, if I were converting a regiment of deranged, Slaaneshi Guardsmen, I think I might use Fantasy Empire models. They get used a lot for INQ28 conversions, but I think they'd also make good servants of She Who Thirsts for one reason: codpieces.

@Calyptra: Thank you for the comment, it’s not often you see someone come back and elaborate like that. I’m pretty ignorant to DE, so a lot of the big elements are lost on me, such as the chain and hook for hanging onto raiders. I liked it for more torturous reasons. I did GS ammo clips to the bottom of the rifles, though in hindsight that didn’t come through in the pics. But you’re right, they’re too Dark Eldar-y. The time needed to get 80+ lasguns, and remove all those little bits and such... too much for a horde army.


Last night I sat down and really looked at the GSC neophytes and new Van Saar models, and I think I’m going to move forward with them. I’ve got some ideas bouncing around about flayed skins, and changing those GSC symbols into hooks. Thanks everyone for the awesome input, it’s greatly appreciated!


I’ve gotten more work done on the noise marines. I’ll throw those pics up this weekend.

Looking forward to seeing your take on the noise marines, with regards to the traitor guard, I think smattering Dark Eldar components will definitely add to the Slaanesh vibe, it's certainly something I add (all the little flensing knives, wicked bayonets, etc).

Noise marines are coming on well, I think the speaker/mouth works really well and am intrigued to watch the serpentine theme develop.

I'm with Pearson on this. I wouldn't worry about the speaker, it looks good. The only thing I'd recommend doing would be to possibly add a lower 'lip'/jaw to the speaker to make it more obvious.


And/or adding fangs to it, because snake :lol:


And I'm guessing the serpent/snake theme is because you got the idea from how it's implied in AoS that snakes are gonna be Slaanesh's new thing, what with Morathi and all the other snake-ladies?

Looking good Greenz! Your Noise Marines are coming along nicely. You say your not too happy with the speaker on one of their chests, but I think it's looking really good. The reptilian face is definitely noticeable, and it looks like flayed skin thats been draped over the speaker. It's a pretty cool effect.


I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do next.

@Pearson73: thanks! Haha I’m intrigued with the serpentine theme as well. I don’t want to go overboard, but I want it to be noticable throughout


@Gederas: Thank you! I think what was driving me nuts was the mouth looked like it was missing dentures. I made the bottom jaw bigger today, and made the teeth more pronounced. I’m much happier now!

And the snake/ reptilian theme has, to my knowledge, always been a Slaanesh theme. The Fiends, steeds, daemonic mounts, there even used to be a fantasy champ who had the body of a snake. Plus the EC’s corruption begins with the extermination of the Laer, and Daemon Prince Fulgrim is half snake. I’ve just decided to run with it!


@Res Ispa: You nailed it with the Laer ;)


@SystemSyn: Thank you! Yea I’m much happier with the chest face now, thanks. Up next is figuring out what exactly I’m doing with the sonic weapons. Im currently looking at necron weapons with an organic feel. I’ll post some WIP pics shortly.


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