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How come Librarian Turmiel isn’t in the 8th Codex?


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He's never been a named character with special stats or additional powers, the only named/special Librarian for the DA since 2nd Edition when I started playing has been the Grand Master of Librarians, Ezekiel. I don't think there was anything specifically special about the Turmiel character, he didn't have any unique powers and wasn't ever really described as special, and during 6th and 7th, most people saw that model as a plastic stand-in for the metal/Finecast Ezekiel piece.


You can use the model as any Librarian in a Dark Angels force, and if you want to call him Turmiel, you could, a lot of people end up naming their models.

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His rules could be found in the dark vengeance 8th ed rules sheet that stores were passing out, but apart from that he has always been just a representation of a normal Librarian, which is why he isnt in the codex

Interesting, I never even saw a store passing those out, but looking at what I could find online, other than not being able to distinguish the Power Level for him, the "Librarian Turmiel" data sheet is functionally worse than the Librarian data sheet in the DA 'Dex, he has the same stat line as the Librarian entry, lacks a bolt pistol or any pistol options, and can only manifest one power each turn, instead of two. He'd have to be like PL 5-6, maybe 7, I'm guessing, and I don't think that he was given any specific points value, was he? If not, he wouldn't be able to be used in the assumed majority of Matched Play games (maybe if you talked to your opponent about it and used a different army building mechanism).

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His rules could be found in the dark vengeance 8th ed rules sheet that stores were passing out, but apart from that he has always been just a representation of a normal Librarian, which is why he isnt in the codex

Interesting, I never even saw a store passing those out, but looking at what I could find online, other than not being able to distinguish the Power Level for him, the "Librarian Turmiel" data sheet is functionally worse than the Librarian data sheet in the DA 'Despair, he has the same stat line as the Librarian entry, lacks a bolt pistol or any pistol options, and can only manifest one power each turn, instead of two. He'd have to be like PL 5, maybe 6, I'm guessing, and I don't think that he was given any specific points value, was he? If not, he wouldn't be able to be used in the assumed majority of Matched Play games (maybe if you talked to your opponent about it and used a different army building mechanism).

Cheers for clearing this up peeps. I thought cos he was a named character as he’s on the back of the box he might be a bit of a bad ass but if he’s not then sod it!

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I hope that Balthazar becomes a special named character. C.Z. Dunn has been writing his story through the last edition, from his time as a newly-promoted Deathwing Terminator in "Pandorax" to a Deathwing Sergeant in "Ascension of Balthazar" to Company Master in "Dark Vengeance."  After all, Blood Angels Captain Tycho and Ghazkhull both started out as just the names given to the Space Marine and Ork commanders in a 2nd Edition battle report in White Dwarf, and now look where they are.

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You might actually contact GW customer service and see if they have any of the Dark Vengeance update booklets left and if they could send you one. I know that some stores had them so when people bought that box after 8th came out they would have the new rules for it. I believe GW did the same thing on the web until they sold out of their stock of the box.


But it’s worth a try. The rules aren’t anything different than the main rule books though and I believe that Turmiel is just a regular Librarian, but it’s fun to have a copy.

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You might actually contact GW customer service and see if they have any of the Dark Vengeance update booklets left and if they could send you one. I know that some stores had them so when people bought that box after 8th came out they would have the new rules for it. I believe GW did the same thing on the web until they sold out of their stock of the box.


But it’s worth a try. The rules aren’t anything different than the main rule books though and I believe that Turmiel is just a regular Librarian, but it’s fun to have a copy.


I got the update sheet from DV and as someone has pointed out before Turmiel is worse than a normal liberian. For whatever reason he can only manifest one psychic power each turn. 

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