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Next Knight for my new Knight army.

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A crusader, if you want some heavy lifting for the force.


Crusader, warden, 2 Armigers will put you to roughly 1400 points basic, so some room for upgrades in a 1500 point force


If you haven't already, I'd definitely look at the magnetising of the weapons, to give you more variety

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Warhound Titan ;)


But seriously, I agree with everyone else. Crusader definitely.


If you plan on getting more afterwards, I would recommend an Errant or another Warden. Your Armigers will already be pretty decent anti-tank (as long as they live), Crusader will simply put out loads of firepower, and your Warden is already decent anti-infantry. So depending on your local meta, Errant or Warden (after your Crusader) will be a good idea.

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If you want a full Knight Army, I love having a Gallant. I know they get a lot of crap but having that thing barrelling down the enemy lines soaks up a lot of firepower that could destroy an Armiger or neuter a Knight's shooting pretty quick. I have played with one a few times, at first just to save points but still get two knights down, but it worked so I kept it up. My usual list right now is a Gallant, a Crusader, deep striking Lucius robots and a ton of infantry to block enemy deep strike. Add Onagers with whatever points you have left. This weekend the gallant got to blast Celestine in the face with a crushed LR husk, which finally took her down. It was glorious.
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As far as healing them goes, it tends not to make much difference. I had an enginseer with the Lucius flare relic as warlord with necromechanic so he could do an emergency jump to heal the gallant a little but a few wounds over the course of a game isn't much. To get the most out of a knight you have to play pretty aggressively so a lot of firepower will be coming in on them and they outpace the priests on top of that. I really think just leaving it D3 wounds would help.
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I could switch out your lists robits for the Armigers. At 2k I could do a Crusader, Gallant, three Armigers and my Warden. Thats for full knights. At 2k right now is my Warden, two armigers, and 6 dawneagle custodes captains. Edited by HCMistborn
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As far as healing them goes, it tends not to make much difference. I had an enginseer with the Lucius flare relic as warlord with necromechanic so he could do an emergency jump to heal the gallant a little but a few wounds over the course of a game isn't much. To get the most out of a knight you have to play pretty aggressively so a lot of firepower will be coming in on them and they outpace the priests on top of that. I really think just leaving it D3 wounds would help.

I'm thinking about getting some extra knights after the Armigers but it would be a while before I could go full knight codex so the support force would be admech. I keep wondering why admech only heals questor 1 wound, like would d3 wounds really be all that powerful? Sure with necromechanic, tech-adept and probably autocadeceus of arkhan land you could then potentially get 8 wounds in one turn. But that would require a hefty amount of luck and other investments in the form of traits and stratagems.

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Maybe I will pick up the new big knight. I hope the solo codex helps pure Knight armies, maybe it will get help in objective capturing, like how they helped Custodes.


Edit: Just got a blue primed Crusader for 100$ on ebay.


Nice ebay poaching my man, good stuff.

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