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Looking for BA as allies advice


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Hello gentlefolk of the Blood angels, I’m looking for some advice on adding some choppy chop to die in front of my Dark angels.

I’m looking to add roughly 600-700 pts of jump pack guys for causing trouble in the front lines or just being a counter to deep striking melee attacks.

Looking at DC SG and/or VV and what HQs would be best.

Any ideas are welcome as long as they are good :p

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My DC with jump packs have been really working well for me. I run a 10-man squad with 3 power swords 2 power fists (Thunder hammers are better, I just have the old models). Comes to about 250 points. I then add Lemartes to lead them for another 129 points. He is a real force-multiplier for the DC, rerolling charges is great, especially if you combine with Descent of Angels for a 94% chance of making the charge out of reserves. Lastly our CC Scouts are very cheap and punch well above their weight. Their infiltration ability is useful to either get close to the enemy to apply some pressure on Turn 1 or to screen your more valuable units. I like to put a Power Sword on the Serg to leverage Red Thirst which comes to a modest 59 points for a 5-man squad.


That comes to 440-ish points for a Patrol detachment.


Captain Smash is a fantastic buy and comes in at 114 points for the basic build or 129 if you add a Storm Shield. I run him with the Angel's Wing Relic jump pack to reroll and negate overwatch, Death Visions of Sanguinius for Black Rage and a 6+++ and Artisan of War to make his Thunder Hammer 4D. In my last game, he one-shotted a Blood Thirster with the Warlord Trait that gave it a 4++ and 6+++. Truly he lived up to the example of Sanguinius in that battle (OK he died and it took 5CPs to pull it off but it was worth it to stop a Lord of War tearing through the rest of my army).


Mephiston is another extremely powerful HQ, as is the Librarian Dreadnought. I don't tend to run both in the same army though as they both need to use "Wings of Sanguinius" to be effective and you can only cast it once per turn in matched play.


Sanguinary Guard are very cool and very thematic but I haven't tried them yet in 8th. I gather that they need to be fielded in largish squads to be effective and really need to be near your Warlord. Also to some extent, they overlap with Dark Angels plasma for killing elite MEQs and monsters. I would only DC and SG in 2000 points or above. If running less, I would just pick one or the other.


Scouts Bikers are another unit that do very for Blood Angels, as are Inceptors although I am not sure you really need them to be BA rather than DA.


Blood Angel tactical squads tend to leave me cold. I prefer to fill my Troops slots with Scouts or Intercessors, both of whom get more value from Red Thirst. Scouts are more flexible and cheaper than Tacs while Intercessors are tougher. A squad in cover can be surprisingly tough to budge.


Hopefully this gives you some food for thought. You can easily run a Patrol, Vanguard or even Battalion at 700-ish points with plenty of BA signature units.

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You cannot go wrong with Death Company. Lemmy and 10 + 2*5 DC with Jump packs come in at 529 pts, and you get another command point form that vanguard detachment. So there is plenty of room for thunder hammers and power swords. You might even add Captain Smash in there. Relic Jump Pack and/or relic hammer are great for the captain, unfortunately as far as I can tell you cannot take BA relics unless your warlord is BA (not sure if you are OK with that).  Spending the command point on Deathvisions of Sanguinius is a good idea though.

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To bring the points down and still bring a Vanguard detachment, You could field 1 competent (10+ bodies) DC unit (+Lemartes as HQ) and 2 MSU cheap Company Veterans squads (with Storm bolters?), who could then hang around your characters and absorb wounds. while dishing out some pot shots.

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The warlord has nothing to do with relics, you just need a BA detachment to use them.

The rulebook does not agree with you:


If your army is led by a BLOOD ANGELS Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following items to a BLOOD ANGELS


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The warlord has nothing to do with relics, you just need a BA detachment to use them.

The rulebook does not agree with you:


If your army is led by a BLOOD ANGELS Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following items to a BLOOD ANGELS




The DG FAQ agrees with him tho:

Q: If my army is led by a Chaos Space Marines Warlord, and

I have a Detachment of Death Guard, can I use the Gifts of

Decay Death Guard Stratagem to include a Relic on a Death

Guard Character?

A: Yes. The only requirement to have access to

Stratagems is that you have a Detachment of the

appropriate Faction. If you have a Death Guard

Detachment, you have access to their Stratagems.

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FAQ cannot change rules, only explain them. Errata are for rules changes. Even if they could, there are two reasons why the FAQ does not apply:

1. The FAQ applies to DG not BA. There is no such answer for BA.

2. It is unclear whether the first relic can be classified as an "extra relic".

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FAQ cannot change rules, only explain them. Errata are for rules changes. Even if they could, there are two reasons why the FAQ does not apply:

1. The FAQ applies to DG not BA. There is no such answer for BA.

2. It is unclear whether the first relic can be classified as an "extra relic".


I agree with your general definition.

However since it's a FAQ and not an Errata it explains and doesn't change anything which means it also applies to other armies since they have the exact same wording.

You can fight against it as much as you want but it's commonly accepted that you can take relics from other detachments than your warlord as well. Just take a look at the AM CP miner for the probably most common example.

Edited by sfPanzer
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The way I would see it, you get a free Relic from your Warlord's faction.


However you gain access to the stratagems of all the factions for which you have a detachment. So you gain access to the 1CP/3CP stratagem to buy extra relics from that faction.

I agree.

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Be advised, that Blood Angels are already CP-hungry even without the additional relic(s) stratagem.

EDIT: For DC, commonly used stratagems are:
Forlorn Fury - when they start on the board,
Descent of Angels - when are brought through reinforcments move,
Upon Wings of Fire - to relocate to other place on the board in case the live that long,

Edited by Majkhel
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I agree about BAs being a CP-hungry army. For characters commonly used stratagems include the ones listed above and also:


Red Rampage: Who doesn't love an extra D3 attacks whatever nasty wargear your character is packing?

Only in Death does Duty End: You killed Captain Smash? OK, on the way down he hits you for another load of attacks (including Red Rampage/Quickening if you used them earlier in the combat).

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I think there is an important question to ask: you need them to die and soak up attacks in front or to be a super strike unit?


There is great potential to banner of sacrifice to bring a good wall of infantry to soak up charges and attacks. Try it with Primaris Marines, Reivers are not exactly JP but they can deep strike and are hard to kill. Intercessor works well on foot too. Don’t forget the JP banner (both sanguinary and index company ancient can be JP)


As mentioned above for a punch in the face unit tere is a lot of choices and I’d say Mephiston or a librarian dreadnought are awesome allies: they punch hard and don’t require warlord traits or relics if you want to keep them Dark Angels.


The JP hammer captain is also an obvious choice but to use it to its full potential you need warlord trait and/or relics.

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Hello gentlefolk of the Blood angels, I’m looking for some advice on adding some choppy chop to die in front of my Dark angels.

I’m looking to add roughly 600-700 pts of jump pack guys for causing trouble in the front lines or just being a counter to deep striking melee attacks.

Looking at DC SG and/or VV and what HQs would be best.

Any ideas are welcome as long as they are good :tongue.:

Would it be possible to know what you intend to run with your DA's and what stratagems and CP spend you are looking at?

As others have noted we drink CP's like blood.............

Also, it would help to avoid potential overlap in points sinks.

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Supreme Command Detachment:

Captain Smash


Libby dread.


I love allying this with guard because you can hide these characters among tons of infantry and wreck things that try to assault your gunline.

See, this is why I to know more about what the OP wants to do. If you want to use assault as a reactive second strike, it's a different response to using them as a hammer blow in T1.

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Hello gentlefolk of the Blood angels, I’m looking for some advice on adding some choppy chop to die in front of my Dark angels.

I’m looking to add roughly 600-700 pts of jump pack guys for causing trouble in the front lines or just being a counter to deep striking melee attacks.

Looking at DC SG and/or VV and what HQs would be best.

Any ideas are welcome as long as they are good :tongue.:

Would it be possible to know what you intend to run with your DA's and what stratagems and CP spend you are looking at?

As others have noted we drink CP's like blood.............

Also, it would help to avoid potential overlap in points sinks.

My local standard points is 1750 atmand the plan atm is

3xdevs with LC


1xplas inceptor 4-6man (using weapons of the dark age)

Master with jp (to give rerolls to inceptors)

Another HQ to give a battalion


Screen the devs with the scouts ideally sitting on back field objectives etc

The inceptor squad dropping down to target the bigs guys etc


So I’m looking for strong combat hitters to either alpha strike or counter attack with ect

I’ve been having flying hive tyrant issues so something that can hold up to them would be helpful

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If you add in Blood Angels (or generally any reserves) you want your Scouts to occupy the middle of the board to secure your own reserves some space to arrive against your opponents reserves and/or infiltrators. If you want something to sit back and screen your Devastators you probably need more Scouts or something else.

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Wouldn't hellblasters with plasma incinerators be better for WotDA stratagem?

Also if getting Deep struck yourself is an issue, I think you might want to look at ways to control the board better with denial.

I’ve had better luck with the inceptor squad in terms of damage output getting the hellblasters into position can be harder.


The idea I’m going to try next game is


Ba battalion


Captain smash


10 man dc mix of weapons

3xcc scouts (extended screening and hanging out in midfield)


Da battalion


Master w/jp

LT (probably sitting between 2 dev units)


3xscouts bolter

5man inceptor squad plasma

3xdev mix LC/ML

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