ezekill Posted March 23, 2018 Share Posted March 23, 2018 (edited) Hi my Name is Darren I've just started playing 40k at my local club..... slowly learning the rules and how to play. I chose Dark Angels mainly Primaris Filth I know no shame lol Anyway I have no idea how to best use the units I have and what to add to my Army so if list what I have so far if you guys Could give me some Advice 10man squad incessors 10man squad hellblasters 5Assault 5Heavy 2x5man squad of Reviers 3man plasma inceptors 3man firestorm gauntlets Aggressors Redemptor dread 2x deathwing knights (my personal favorite) Land raider crusader Belial Ezekiel Company master And a inquisitor chaplain from the dark vengeance my friend gave me I personally like the deathwing stuff maybe build that side up more I think that due to my inexperience I'm not using the units I have to there best.. Although in Monday's game my Deathwing knights took down my opponent warlord in the last turn of the game and gave me the win!! Edited March 23, 2018 by ezekill Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted March 23, 2018 Share Posted March 23, 2018 There’s plenty of good advice around here Brother, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the Rock! ezekill 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5039252 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJD Posted March 24, 2018 Share Posted March 24, 2018 (edited) I don’t have any Primaris in my army yet so my advise come to you 3rd hand. I know people have had success with Hellblasters along side Azrael for re-role hits and 4+ invulnerable save and a lieutenant for re-role wounds. This works well with weapons of the dark age. Azrael and the Lt can also be run with devisators for a similar effect. Others prefer a 6 man squad of plasma inceptors along with a jump pack captain and Lt. Others have had success with Dark talons and black knights run with a dark shroud for -1 to hit and Sammael and a talon master for re-roles. It all about synergising your HQs and command points. People with more experience maybe able to offer more complete advice but I hope I’ve given you ideas. Edited March 24, 2018 by JJD ezekill 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5039524 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Company Master Holden Posted March 24, 2018 Share Posted March 24, 2018 Looks like you have a solid base to start from! As JDD said, Dark Angel Hellbasters are really good. I rarely leave the house without at least a squad of 5. When I really feel like going Hellbaster heavy, I'll pack nine of them into an anti-tank Repulsor with a Lt. so they get wound re-rolls of 1 and, if they sat still the previous turn, re-rolls of 1 to hit through Grim Resolve. I would also recommend picking up Ravenwing Black Knights to partner with some Plasma Inceptors and Jump Pack master for some high-flying shenanigans. I like to race ~2 Black Knights units up the board and then drop my Jump Pack Master and Plasma Inceptors near them to annihilate priority targets and get those re-rolls of one. ezekill 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5039644 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJD Posted March 24, 2018 Share Posted March 24, 2018 (edited) If you want to stay primaris but don’t want to miss out on the HQ buffs there are recent threads covering Primaris Azreal counts as and ideas for putting a primaris marine on a Custodes jet bike to count as a talon master. Links below for inspiration. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344103-talon-master-custodes-jetbike/?do=findComment&comment=5004341 http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344103-talon-master-custodes-jetbike/?do=findComment&comment=5004341 Edited March 24, 2018 by JJD ezekill 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5039721 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ezekill Posted March 24, 2018 Author Share Posted March 24, 2018 Thank guys I plan to Add Azreal to my Army for the Rerolls. i have yet to build my second squad of DW knights should i? Or maybe i shoud build the other options in the box Terminator squad or the Command squad instead?? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5039750 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helycon Posted March 24, 2018 Share Posted March 24, 2018 Deathwing arr fantastic units in terms of looks and fluff, but not too strong in the game at the moment, so do take note of that. They are slow, making you utilise deep strike or transports to get them where they need to be. While Deathwing Knights are unmatched in melee by pretty much any unit save Custodes, they need to make that charge. If they don't, chances are they will do very little for an expensive unit. Deathwing Terminators have the option to shoot still, and shoot twice with a stratagem, making them easier to gain their points back. They die relatively easy with the two damage weapons in the game though. One failed save kills a terminator. The ancient and apothecary aren't amazing either. The chapter ancient is great, the DW version doesn't stack up, unless with Knights. The apothecary is useless, since he doesn't have his powerfist to actually hurt anything. A Ravenwing apothecary is much more useful: quicker and can still shoot his plasma talons and being just as bad in melee (no hammer). If you just love Deathwing, by all means, go ahead! Just keep in mind that they aren't the best units. Company Master Holden and ezekill 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5039769 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Company Master Holden Posted March 24, 2018 Share Posted March 24, 2018 Deathwing arr fantastic units in terms of looks and fluff, but not too strong in the game at the moment, so do take note of that. They are slow, making you utilise deep strike or transports to get them where they need to be. While Deathwing Knights are unmatched in melee by pretty much any unit save Custodes, they need to make that charge. If they don't, chances are they will do very little for an expensive unit. Deathwing Terminators have the option to shoot still, and shoot twice with a stratagem, making them easier to gain their points back. They die relatively easy with the two damage weapons in the game though. One failed save kills a terminator. The ancient and apothecary aren't amazing either. The chapter ancient is great, the DW version doesn't stack up, unless with Knights. The apothecary is useless, since he doesn't have his powerfist to actually hurt anything. A Ravenwing apothecary is much more useful: quicker and can still shoot his plasma talons and being just as bad in melee (no hammer). If you just love Deathwing, by all means, go ahead! Just keep in mind that they aren't the best units. You hit it on the head. I remember one of my first posts on this website was a Deathwing list with Landraider Crusaders. I tried that list and it didn't go so well, but that was something we all predicted on that thread if I remember correctly. If you play an all Deathwing army it is for the fun of it, not to be super competitive. I will say that the Stormraven gunship has made Deathwing a little more viable, at least in my experience. I played a game against a Khorne bezerker list and I happened to go first. I was able to drop Asmodai and five Deathwing Knights right in front of his Spartan Assault tank and I was able to scrap the tank and kill almost all of the 20 'zerkers inside before the Stormraven was taken down by massed fire from a Leviathan with a storm cannon array and an auto cannon pred. My Knights finally died after being drowned in attacks. But then again it was a huge points sink, but it was a fun alpha strike to play with. Also, the warlord trait Master of Maneuver allows all units within 6" of your warlord with this trait to reroll failed charge rolls, which helps with the reliability of the charge following a deepstrike. I like to drop a termi-librarian warlord with this trait with Righteous Repugance and Aversion equipped to have rerollable charges and the possibility to reroll all failed hit rolls and wound rolls in melee in addition to forcing your opponent to taking a -1 on hit rolls until next psychic phase. Now of course this is another big points sink and is very circumstantial, but it is fun when it goes off. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5039777 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ezekill Posted March 25, 2018 Author Share Posted March 25, 2018 Thanks i will bear in mind about how slow DW are i think i will stick with my original plan and go 2nd Squad of knights... The guy running the torny at my local club taught me how Deep stike works last game and using it won me the match as i took my opponents Warlord for extra points.. Our game we both had an objective each and were tasked with holding our own and taking our opponents objective so i deployed my 2Squads of hellblasters infront of my objective in cover. And my incessor squad on my objective backed up by the company master my warlord and my redemptor dread.. I thought it would be good to basically tank my objective to make it hard as possible for him to take it. I made an error with the hellblasters as i should of put them on the objective and the incessors forward i think.. Anyway i won the roll and decided to let my opponent go first this cost my both squads of hellblasters as he rushed me with 4grot tanks a grot megatank a gorkanought and a morkanoght and 4killacans !! But my plan worked because he moved everything forward of his objective i then deepstrike my knights behind his army either side of his objective one squad charged his horde of grots and basically massacred them lol and the other squad killed his worlord that left his bubble gun thing on the obj with two squads of knights bareing down on it.. If we had time for another round i could of took his objective as well.. This is why i like DW and the Deepstrike option Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5040025 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helycon Posted March 25, 2018 Share Posted March 25, 2018 (edited) Bear in mind: if you fail the charge with DWK, most units can just walk away with their maximum move and make charging even harder next turn. 9" charges are great when they work, suck when they don't. You need to box in your opponent for it to work. Grey Knight armies do it to get in rafpifire range and kill the screens of small folks that guard the big killing things. Your opponent should do the same for DWK, except they can't shoot. Two units is fine in a bigger game, but at 2000 points, it's a quarter of your army that has the risk of doing very little. Swamping them with cheap bodies will keep them away from the things you want them to hit. I would only ever run one unit at that point, and make sure they had a transport to move around. Deepstriking then is high risk. Edited March 25, 2018 by Helycon ezekill 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5040029 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kasper_Hawser Posted March 25, 2018 Share Posted March 25, 2018 (edited) Bear in mind: if you fail the charge with DWK, most units can just walk away with their maximum move and make charging even harder next turn. 9" charges are great when they work, suck when they don't. You need to box in your opponent for it to work. Grey Knight armies do it to get in rafpifire range and kill the screens of small folks that guard the big killing things. Your opponent should do the same for DWK, except they can't shoot. Two units is fine in a bigger game, but at 2000 points, it's a quarter of your army that has the risk of doing very little. Swamping them with cheap bodies will keep them away from the things you want them to hit. I would only ever run one unit at that point, and make sure they had a transport to move around. Deepstriking then is high risk. Assuming he doesn't shoot the DWK or other DW off, they can also work to drive the enemy or flush him out of position for the DA gunline to deal with. remember, Hellblasters have a hell of a range. 30" is a lot when it comes to rapid fire weapons. Darren does seem to have a solid list, only lacking in transports for late game mobility. To this end, although it would add to his cost, he needs Ravenwing of some variety. OOH I know what he needs that would supplement his Primaris beautifully: the dark shroud and Talonmaster! yep, just get those two and his somewhat mobile gunline will have a good chance of reaching their firing range/kill zones. Won't even need the usual bikes. Talonmasters reroll ones to wound and are characters so can't be targetted. Meanwhile the Dark shroud provides -1 to hit to units, including his valuable Redemptor dread. Hope this helps and hope you don't mind advice from a Space wolf. Edited March 25, 2018 by Kasper_Hawser ezekill 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345522-new-dark-angel-player/#findComment-5040178 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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