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DIY fluff help

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I need you guys to help me out with a bit of fluff for a Chaos warband.


Basically the idea is that a squad of iron hands turned traitor (for whatever reason) and having spent some time in the eye of terror have managed to build a sizeable warband.


But how can I explain a squad of 10 iron hands expanding into a full warband numbering near a thousand?

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Well that's kinda easy. They just have to keep killing the leaders of other warbands and leading the slowly increasing number of followers from victory to victory. Strength is everything and as long as you're strong they'll follow you. Show some weakness they'll do the same as you did and try to kill you to become the new leader.



However, this part:

Basically the idea is that a squad of iron hands turned traitor (for whatever reason)

you should flesh out for sure. The reason why a squad turns traitor and does whatever it does is a big thing for your warbands fluff.

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Who knows maybe with the help of the dark gods they made one marine into several and replaced the missing bits with metal. The flesh is weak after all.

Stealing their progenitors' geneseed would be another option. The X does have to give tithes periodically.

Thirdly they might not all be connected genetically but recruited other renegades and traitors.

BTW, what is a sizeable warband? Company size, chapter size or larger?

Edited by Quixus
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They could sign up with an existing warband and, through perfidy/machination/weakness of the existing leadership/all of the above, they could take over.


They could occupy a relatively feral world and become gods to the population, building an army first of Cultists and then striking out and conquering/assimilating other warbands.


Or they could have joined up with Abaddon and worked their way up to leadership of one of his warbands.

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There's also the possibility of taking something of the Imperium's with them to Chaos and either benefiting or getting paid handsomely for it. For example:


- An apothecary defected with the traitor warband, taking a large quantity of geneseed with them as well as the skills to implant it, allowing them to create new space marines out of cultists.


- The warband traded its ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus for an alliance with the Dark Mechanicus, managing to smuggle precious technology (perhaps even an STC) to the Dark Mechanicus, and being paid handsomely for this technology in war machines, which they leveraged to great effect in expanding the warband through conquest. (Alternatively, they offer it to Abaddon and in exchange he has Bile expand their forces dramatically, as Skaorn suggested.)

Edited by Kite Senet
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Their love of the machine turned them fanatical, and eventually heretical in the eyes of the Imperium and Mechanicus. Thus, they fled to the Eye that their lust for machina malifica could flourish. More and more they tampered with the dark side of technology, until a new breed of ai was born from their flesh and metal hands.


These Adeptus Astartes Androidus became the masterpiece of this war band - fully functional Chaos Space Marines created in perfection with the beauty of metal. In word and action, each was indistinguishable from their mortal kin. But in appearance they hid no secrets when outside of their ceramite plating.


But the Chaos Gods are never ones to let such an interesting occurrence pass without their touch.


Soon these Machine Marines found flesh and sinew growing along their metal bones. Oil merged with blood. The androids crafted were mutating with warp touch, becoming imperfect cyborgs like their creators. In time, the men and the machines were one in the same. And for it, the war band grew and grew.


...this is the fun my brain has when commuting to work. Enjoy.

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It doesn’t have to be that they turn traitor, they could just see the imperium as weakness made with flesh and to fight they have distanced themselves from that

You could have them meet up with Mechanicus in the eye, some iron warrior fanatics thrown in that are easily more machine than flesh and they don’t follow the big four anyway

Fast forward a few thousand years in the eye and anything is possible

Could even be a company that went into the eye to pursue the emperors children and were corrupted

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