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The fractured warband name?

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You could also split your warband in two or more groups like the Dark Angels Deathwing/Ravenwing or something. An undivided warband with specific units assigned to specific gods maybe. Or doing the same thing but not god specific but rather a split based on your selfwritten fluff.

Let those groups compete with eachother but still work towards the same goal. So they're fractured but still whole in terms of an army.

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Their was a horrific gene flaw discovered by their chapter. The implant designed to strengthen and ossify their bones actually weakened them. Increasingly more and more at the mercy of shattered, broken, amd fractured bones they were deemed too weak to survive as a chapter. To save what little honor was left they embarked on a crusade into the Eye. But once inside, hope for their condition was found in the darkest places...
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Some of them ate their eggs from the big end, and some from the little end.


Words like fractured in this context always make me think of events like the Istvaans and Skalathrax; brother v. brother.


Maybe half the Chapter went Slaanesh (or Khorne) and the other half went Nurgle (or Tzeentch) and they fought each other.

Edited by Res Ipsa Loquitur
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You could go for a psychological angle with them. They could be obsessed with breaking their opponents that they run elaborate psychological warfare schemes that might be worthy of a Batman villian. Individually they might be the equivalent of a slasher movie villain to an insane doctor doing their own terrible version of the Milligram Experiment. Like the Joker though, they are prone to practicing on each other, leaving them all more batty than usual chaos.
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Their was a horrific gene flaw discovered by their chapter. The implant designed to strengthen and ossify their bones actually weakened them. Increasingly more and more at the mercy of shattered, broken, amd fractured bones they were deemed too weak to survive as a chapter. To save what little honor was left they embarked on a crusade into the Eye. But once inside, hope for their condition was found in the darkest places...

That Eye of Terror Vitamin D is no joke.

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Just a curiosity thing rather than anything else... but names of chapters and war bands usually depict their theme and philosophy. So what could be the theme/philosophy behind the warband known as the fractured? How could they have got their name?




It could be a reference to South Park too, GW have after all done stuff like that quite a few times. :)

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