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Dark Angels make the last 8 at Adepticon


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As it says in the title Jason Sparks made the last 8 at Adepticon with his Ravenwing list.


From Bell of lost souls


The list is described as 8 Dark Talons, dark shroud, Sammael, a Talon master and some Assassins.


I know it’s the kind of spam list you expect to see at the top of the big tournaments but I always like to see Dark Angels doing well.

Edited by JJD
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What do you guys mean by Spam lists?

They are lists that mostly use a specific unit that is deemed very strong in a codex. In this case, the list is using a lot of Dark Talons and very little else, adding just some HQ slots as units that have auras that can reroll hits and wounds on those Dark Talons, making them even stronger.

Edited by Helycon
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Spamming means repeating something over and over again in this case Dark Talons.


It is commonly used to refer to Spam e-mails. This is when the same e-mail is sent to numerous people usually unsolicited.


It originates from a Monty Python sketch


Edited by JJD
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It’s also a type of heavily processed tinned ham that can be sliced and Fried as part of a cooked breakfast often served with fried eggs (At least in England anyway)For context to the clip.
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Im guessing...


Sam, Talon Master, 8 Dark talon, darksroud and 2 culexus is almost 2000 points. Sneaky as the culexus are hard to kill to force a boots on the ground rule.


Deploy the HQs and darktalon behind cover with a circle of dark talons, the dark talons are all -2 to hit and the only target if he went second, with 24 hurricane bolter shots and a rift canon on overwatch rereolling hits and wounds of 1 and can disengage if they survive combat (can only be charged with units with fly)


First turn, the rear dark talons can ride with Sam, talonmaster and dark shroud so some are still -2 to hit and rereolling everything in the opponent's face. The frontal ones fly over units and drop stasis bombs with the deepest one using speed of the raven for the 4++


Culexus shut down psykers that could target charachters. Dark talons go after anti air, autobit weapons and snipers first.


I wouldn't be opposed to a 3 or 4 max units of the same type, excluding troops.

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Im guessing...


Sam, Talon Master, 8 Dark talon, darksroud and 2 culexus is almost 2000 points. Sneaky as the culexus are hard to kill to force a boots on the ground rule.


Deploy the HQs and darktalon behind cover with a circle of dark talons, the dark talons are all -2 to hit and the only target if he went second, with 24 hurricane bolter shots and a rift canon on overwatch rereolling hits and wounds of 1 and can disengage if they survive combat (can only be charged with units with fly)


First turn, the rear dark talons can ride with Sam, talonmaster and dark shroud so some are still -2 to hit and rereolling everything in the opponent's face. The frontal ones fly over units and drop stasis bombs with the deepest one using speed of the raven for the 4++


Culexus shut down psykers that could target charachters. Dark talons go after anti air, autobit weapons and snipers first.


I wouldn't be opposed to a 3 or 4 max units of the same type, excluding troops.

Sounds pretty logical, yeah.


I wouldn't be opposed to simply limit units to a maximum, save for troops. It's actually something I was thinking about earlier when I read the list. A similar discussion is going on in the GK sub-forum, with Grand Masters in Nemesis Dreadknight armour.


Imposing a limit makes it so that at least that other units in the codex get out to play next to the best units in a codex. This is just boring.

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Just read the deatjguars/chaos list that beat him.


Not a lot that could hurt the DA list but a ton of hard to kill bodies.


Assume he just put stuff on objectives and the dark talons couldn't kill enough in time and lost on points.

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The DA list that came 13th is very similar to mine (more Hellblasters instead of the BA characters) so gives me hope for the next two tournaments I am attending over the next few weeks.

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I am not really familiar with BA in 8 what do they add to the list over say DA Libs or more Hellblasters.

Chapter Tactic that adds 1 to wound rolls, have a couple of strats for easy charge, psychic powers that do the same and add attacks to model (quickening), Mephiston is strength 10 in cc. Lemartes adds an attack and rerolls hits and charges.


There's probably some others things going on, but just a mobile super smashy assault unit. And the rest of the army is mostly about deepstriking Death Company blobs or Sanguinary Guard. Way nastier mobile combat options than DA.

Edited by MaxB
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It's kind of easy to identify some things as spam, like 8 dark talons.  OTOH, it's hard to know where the line is unless you're well over it. 


Some things, like cultists, people start complaining when they see two units in your list, even though it's troops.  And the proposal to limit non-troops units to 3-4 copies?  Seems generally okay, but there are exceptions on both sides of that proposal.  Opponents cried and moaned when I dropped three crusaders on the table.  Apparently, if you take just one, you're a fool, because pretty much any list can kill that quickly, but two is cheese, because the second one is likely to kill something before it dies, and three, why, one of them might actually survive the game, we can't have that!  On the other end, it's not unthinkable that troops choices might be just as susceptible to falling into the "spam" category.  I remember a time when GK paladins had everyone foaming at the mouth, and they were troops...

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I was pretty happy to see that the 13th place list was built on the Azzy Gunline, although not quite the way I run it.  A bit miffed to see the splash of space vampires, though.  I guess DTs are the cat's meow, two of the three DA lists making the final 16 featured them.  I only own one, and It rocked a necron player's world a few months ago, but I'm just not that thrilled with them.  Not seeing anyone run deathwing in a competitive list, but it's working fine for me.  I pair the Azzy Gunline with 20 termies, maybe it's the "go big or go home" principle at work?  I'm violating the imperative to be highly mobile in 8th, but I guess 1130 points of elite and buffed deepstrikers and 20 years of experience might be covering a multitude of sub-optimal choices :happy.:

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I was pretty happy to see that the 13th place list was built on the Azzy Gunline, although not quite the way I run it. A bit miffed to see the splash of space vampires, though. I guess DTs are the cat's meow, two of the three DA lists making the final 16 featured them. I only own one, and It rocked a necron player's world a few months ago, but I'm just not that thrilled with them. Not seeing anyone run deathwing in a competitive list, but it's working fine for me. I pair the Azzy Gunline with 20 termies, maybe it's the "go big or go home" principle at work? I'm violating the imperative to be highly mobile in 8th, but I guess 1130 points of elite and buffed deepstrikers and 20 years of experience might be covering a multitude of sub-optimal choices ^_^

I guess the moral of the story is if you are bringing dark talons bring more than one and make the most of the HQ buffs.


Though 8 is maybe over doing it for most games.

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