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Have a few questions about starting up a Knight Army.

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I've been in the hobby for about two years. Towards the end of last year life got busy and I got disinterested in 40k because I got burned out. Recently my friends and I have been ramping up for a Mordheim campaign and I'm stoked because I need 10 guys and that's it.


I currently play Raven Guard (started in 7th) but hate being locked into canned history/lore. Their sneaky sneak style is what drew me to them. I also hate that I need 40/50 models to play them how I want to play them.


Then I started about the Knights Renegade box I own. Two knights on sprue waiting to be brought into service. Then Forgebane drops and there are baby knights in there. The idea of running four to five knights is really appealing. It gives me low model count with something that I've always loved. From the first time my friend introduced me to 40k I was in love with knights.


So here's my questions:


1 - Most games around me are 1500-2000 points. Would two Imperial Knights and two Armiger Warglaives fill that out or would I need another model?


2 - On that note would I even be able to play lower point games? From what I recall knights are pretty point heavy so small games might be out... is this right or wrong?


3 - Would I be viewed as 'that guy'? I want to have fun, not looking to beat face. My understanding is knights struggle because of their low model count and they obsec for mission based games. Basically you table your opponent or lose.


4 - Would I just need the knight codex? Not sure if the Armiger Warglaives entries would be in there.

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So knights have a reputation they don't deserve. People might think you're "that guy" even though they do struggle without support. My group hated my knights for a long time (I play 2 alongside my AdMech) but they've realized that they really aren't that big of a deal. I used to warn people ahead of time but by now they're used to it. They are fun to play, but get used to playing for a few minutes with very long breaks between.
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Sometimes. I always bring neutron Onagers though because they're too good not to. Last game was a crusader, gallant, 4 kastelans (deep strike with Lucius) and then rangers to fill it out. It was against an imperial soup, he had grey knights to gate stuff so rangers just took up board space while the gallant ran forward. Everything :cuss the robots since they were in his face, by the time they went down the gallant was in his lines. Gallant finally went down and took everything nearby with him, leaving only a wounded Celestine who had already burned her rez on the table against all my Onagers and the crusader. The gallant worked out very well, tbh. I only brought it because I didn't have points for guns, but I'll use it again.
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Ah so you’ve had some mileage with a TPD and bots as opposed to Cawl? I love the Lucius solar flare. I only have one knight but would love an excuse to get more. Maybe 2 big knights and throw in an armiger to round it off for a 3 command point bonus
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Note that saying a Knight army is low model count is a bit disingenuous; yes, literally speaking there are fewer models, but from a painting perspective there's just as much model to paint in a knight then there is in a large unit of smaller troops. True, with a knight you can use different techniques that may speed/ease the process, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's going to be a lighter painting workload to get them ready for the table. Now, if you're not worried about paint at all please ignore my ramblings, the knight kit is an excellent build and if you're not doing anything elaborate it can be put together pretty quickly.

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I have built and painted 7 knights and always needed about one weekend for one of them (including washing and cutting from sprue). But! I have invested in a good airbrush, oil colors and varnish for weathering and used a simple color scheme (house makabius, instructions found at battlebunnies). And I used to work about 36+ hours a weekend. (with an unhealthy amount of beer ;))


So, with an easy colorscheme you will be able to put a huge, good looking force on the table within 2 to 3 month of long weekends.


But playing with them is a really different thing. As already told, you will have to wait quite a large amount of time, because the rest of your side (always used them in large Apoc games) needs also time to move, shoot etc...


I also had the situation (in 7.edi) that some players wanted to refuse to play against them, but since the boons for masses in 8. Edi this ain't no problem any more.


So, long short story... If you want an impressive force within a quite planable time, knights can work very well (airbrush recommended) and they, As a full army are (at least in my place) a rare sight to play against.

Not the no-brainer army and against an used contrahent difficult to play, but unique and fun nontheless. So go for it!


(sorry for my english,it is not my main language)

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Thanks for the input. I'm not worried about painting. I love painting and modeling. I consider myself a hobbyist first and gamer second. Painting helps me to relax. I've got an airbrush on the way for painting.


I hadn't thought about the wait time during play. One of my biggest issues with 40k is the I Go You Go aspect... it seems like that would be amplified with a knight army... something to really consider before I go down this road...

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