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Thoughts on our new Mini Knights?

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As someone who has a fledling knight house that is Imperial aligned rather than Mechanicus specifically I would really like to see more 'knightly' armigers. Wasn't there a rumor that there's a more multipart kit coming that'll have more options? Or just random speculation? Forgebane options are bit too limited for my liking at the moment though i love the concept

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It's confirmed there are more Armiger varieties coming. Not to mention potential points changes for them.


I'm pretty sure for one loads of rumour sources have said it, as well as Pete Foley on the Adepticon stream. Then the sprues them selves have the weapons, armour plates and a head on marked "B" and there is no "A" sprue to be found.

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It's confirmed there are more Armiger varieties coming. Not to mention potential points changes for them.


I'm pretty sure for one loads of rumour sources have said it, as well as Pete Foley on the Adepticon stream. Then the sprues them selves have the weapons, armour plates and a head on marked "B" and there is no "A" sprue to be found.


The possibility is that GW didn't include the entire sprue in the Forgebane kit. Its kind of a scummy thing to do but isnt without precident.

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I'm eager to test them out. I've never had a knight army before but I managed to pick 5 of these up; though I may not use them all.


I'm wanting to get the new big knight as a centrepiece when it comes out. Got my first one done minus transfers:



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I love them. Fun to build and paint, good fluff, and the models look good - especially next to Ironstrider engines and Knights. After testing them on the tabletop, I've concluded that they are, in their current state, "almost ok" in a semi-competitive setting. Which is a bit disappointing. We have enough "tax" units as is.

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So i played the new Mini Knights today

They made 0 Damage the whole game and then they both got one shooted in a single Turn by 2 Riptedes and there drones.

So what to say abaut him?

Yeak he is just a waste one points.

My Dunecrawler made double the damage for half the points.

The Knight can't do anything that a other(and mostly cheaper) unit can't do better.

I really hope he gets a big price drop and better options.

The Melta main gun is a bad joke nothing more

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Helio and Jam those are very nicely painted. I really like the edge highlights Jam. Great job. Of course Helio your army is fantastic.


I'd love to get a pack of ironstriders but they are so expensive. I wonder if they'd be good for magnets.

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Played mine today (Knights Errant and Paladin supported by four Armigers) against an IG tank army, which meant that the thermal spear was the right gun for the job. The speed of the Armigers seems to be their greatest asset, and I think that's why the points are so high. Moving forward fast with two pairs of two put pressure on my opponent and drew fire away from the other two Knights.

Damage-wise, they put out about as much as I expected - not a whole lot, but enough to pull their weight if they were a bit cheaper.

I'd like to see the Chain-Cleaver get the stats of the Dreadnought Chainfist - an extra pip of AP and Damage - and I'm hoping for some sort of cheap bolt/Gatling/flame weapon to replace the Thermal with.

(other highlights of the game included a Turn 1 Errant Thermal Cannon shot that turned my opponent's Leman Russ Warlord into a molten puddle, and the Paladin putting a few wounds on a Baneblade before charging and flipping it with the Thunderstrike Gauntlet. Both will be honored with appropriate paint/decals once I get to that stage in modeling them.)

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Finished painting the first. The secon will get an eradication beamer instead of melta, and torsion gun on top, to get a bit of optical variety.




Maybe I'll include them in a fun list, once the other components are built. Deep striking CC robos, more chicken walkers, and a cerastus or two to just drown the opponent in big stuff. Not sure if it's useful, but should be fun.

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Well, I tried two of them today, accompanying an Atropos, supported on the flanks by deep striking vanguard and advancing dragoons. Opponent had the usual IG parking lot with meatshield, Cadia, lots of CP and regaining them all the time. Game didn't go beyond round 2 because the store was closing, but once you get into the parking lot, the possibilities are limited.


They didn't exactly perform stellar - took down a damaged sentinel in CC, half-killed a leman russ, failed to hit or wound anything with all of their melta shots. Only being S8 (unlike lascannons or neutron lasers) means they should rather target squishier vehicles, not anything T8. They would have been totally obliterated by the gunline...which instead failed to kill the atropos in one turn. 2000p worth of firepower, orders and half a dozen CP didn't get around the ionic flare shield, as it was boosted to a 3++, meaning the atropos survived with 4W. This at least kept the armigers in pristine condition to range ahead and punch vehicles. Deep striking vanguard was instrumental in deleting chaff units, dragoons soaked up overwatch and locked up other nearby units.



They might be useful, if you have at least one bigger, more urgent, and far more resilient target to draw fire. Otherwise, they die rather quickly, as the game next table showed. DE skimmer spam, killed 2 armigers and still had leftover lances.

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My game with two Armigers and Atrapos felt the same, barring admittedly lucky rolls. Atrapos soaked so much firepower. I'm considering a Styrix instead for points and more shots while retaining the same toughness with the Ionic+Rotate Ion Shields stratagem.


I really can't wait for the new codex

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